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Table of Contents

Released on: 2018/12/18

This is a major release, introducing new features such as Service Mesh and Stream Routing support, as well as a New Migrations framework. It also includes version 1.0.0 of the Plugin Development Kit. It contains a large number of other features and fixes, listed below. Also, all plugins included with Kong 1.0 are updated to use version 1.0 of the PDK.

As usual, major version upgrades require database migrations and changes to the Nginx configuration file (if you customized the default template). Please take a few minutes to read the 1.0 Upgrade Path for more details regarding breaking changes and migrations before planning to upgrade your Kong cluster.

Being a major version, all entities and concepts that were marked as deprecated in Kong 0.x are now removed in Kong 1.0. The deprecated features are retained in Kong 0.15, the final entry in the Kong 0.x series, which is being released simultaneously to Kong 1.0.


Kong 1.0 includes all breaking changes from 0.15, as well as the removal of deprecated concepts.

  • The required OpenResty version is still, but for a full feature set including stream routing and Service Mesh abilities with mutual TLS, Kong's openresty-patches must be applied (those patches are already bundled with our official distribution packages). Kong in HTTP(S) Gateway scenarios does not require these patches.
  • Service Mesh abilities require at least OpenSSL version 1.1.1. In our official distribution packages, OpenSSL has been bumped to 1.1.1a. #4005
  • ⚠️ The custom_plugins directive is removed (deprecated since 0.14.0, July 2018). Use plugins instead.
  • Modifications must be applied to the Nginx configuration. You are not affected by this change if you do not use a custom Nginx template. See the 1.0 Upgrade Path for a diff of changes to apply.
  • The default value for cassandra_lb_policy changed from RoundRobin to RequestRoundRobin. This helps reducing the amount of new connections being opened during a request when using the Cassandra strategy. #4004
  • ⚠️ The API entity and related concepts such as the /apis endpoint, are removed (deprecated since 0.13.0, March 2018). Use Routes and Services instead.
  • ⚠️ The old DAO implementation is removed, along with the old schema validation library (apis was the last entity using it). Use the new schema format instead in custom plugins. To ease the transition of plugins, the plugin loader in 1.0 includes a best-effort schema auto-translator, which should be sufficient for many plugins.
  • Timestamps now bear millisecond precision in their decimal part. #3660
  • The PDK function kong.request.get_body will now return nil, err, mime when the body is valid JSON but neither an object nor an array. #4063
  • ⚠️ The new migrations framework (detailed below) has a different usage (and subcommands) compared to its predecessor. #3802
Admin API
  • ⚠️ In the 0.14.x release, Upstreams, Targets, and Plugins were still implemented using the old DAO and Admin API. In 0.15.0 and 1.0.0, all core entities use the new kong.db DAO, and their endpoints have been upgraded to the new Admin API (see below for details). #3689 #3739 #3778

A summary of the changes introduced in the new Admin API:

  • Pagination has been included in all "multi-record" endpoints, and pagination control fields are different than in 0.14.x.
  • Filtering now happens via URL path changes (/consumers/x/plugins) instead of querystring fields (/plugins?consumer_id=x).
  • Array values can't be coerced from comma-separated strings anymore. They must now be "proper" JSON values on JSON requests, or use a new syntax on form-url-encoded or multipart requests.
  • Error messages have been been reworked from the ground up to be more consistent, precise and informative.
  • The PUT method has been reimplemented with idempotent behavior and has been added to some entities that didn't have it.

For more details about the new Admin API, please visit the official docs:

  • ⚠️ The galileo plugin has been removed (deprecated since 0.13.0). #3960
  • ⚠️ Some internal modules that were occasionally used by plugin authors before the introduction of the Plugin Development Kit (PDK) in 0.14.0 are now removed:
    • The module was removed. Use kong.ip from the PDK instead.
    • The module was removed. Use the various equivalent features from the PDK instead.
    • The module was removed. Please use kong.response.exit from the PDK instead. You might want to use kong.log.err to log internal server errors as well.
    • The kong.api.crud_helpers module was removed (deprecated since the introduction of the new DAO in 0.13.0). Use kong.api.endpoints instead if you need to customize the auto-generated endpoints.
  • All bundled plugins' schemas and custom entities have been updated to the new kong.db module, and their APIs have been updated to the new Admin API, which is described in the above section. #3766 #3774 #3778 #3839
  • ⚠️ All plugins migrations have been converted to the new migration framework. Custom plugins must use the new migration framework from 0.15 onwards.


🎆 Service Mesh and Stream Routes

Kong's Service Mesh support resulted in a number of additions to Kong's configuration, Admin API, and plugins that deserve their own section in this changelog.

  • Support for TCP & TLS Stream Routes via the new stream_listen config option. #4009
  • A new origins config property allows overriding hosts from Kong. #3679
  • A transparent suffix added to stream listeners allows for setting up a dynamic Service Mesh with iptables. #3884
  • Kong instances can now create a shared internal Certificate Authority, which is used for Service Mesh TLS traffic. #3906 #3861
  • Plugins get a new run_on field to control how they behave in a Service Mesh environment. #3930 #4066
  • There is a new phase called preread. This is where stream traffic routing is done.
  • A new dns_valid_ttl property can be set to forcefully override the TTL value of all resolved DNS records. #3730
  • A new pg_timeout property can be set to configure the timeout of PostgreSQL connections. #3808
  • upstream_keepalive can now be disabled when set to 0. Thanks @pryorda for the patch. #3716
  • The new transparent suffix also applies to the proxy_listen directive.
  • 🎆 New migrations framework. This new implementation supports no-downtime, Blue/Green migrations paths that will help sustain Kong 1.0's stability. It brings a considerable number of other improvements, such as new commands, better support for automation, improved CLI logging, and many more. Additionally, this new framework alleviates the old limitation around multiple nodes running concurrent migrations. See the related PR for a complete list of improvements. #3802
  • 🎆 Support for TLS 1.3. The support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 (bumped in our official distribution packages) not only enabled Service Mesh features, but also unlocks support for the latest version of the TLS protocol.
  • 🎆 Support for HTTPS in active healthchecks. #3815
  • 🎆 Improved router rebuilds resiliency by reducing database accesses in high concurrency scenarios. #3782
  • 🎆 Significant performance improvements in the core's plugins runloop. #3794
  • PDK improvements:
    • New kong.node module. #3826
    • New functions kong.response.get_path_with_query() and kong.request.get_start_time(). #3842
    • Getters and setters for Service, Route, Consumer, and Credential. #3916
    • kong.response.get_source() returns error on nginx-produced errors. #4006
    • kong.response.exit() can be used in the header_filter phase, but only without a body. #4039
  • Schema improvements:
    • New field validators: distinct, ne, is_regex, contains, gt.
    • Adding a new field which has a default value to a schema no longer requires a migration. #3756
Admin API
  • 🎆 Routes now have a name field (like Services). #3764
  • Multipart parsing support. #3776
  • Admin API errors expose the name of the current strategy. #3612
  • 🎆 aws-lambda: Support for Lambda Proxy Integration with the new is_proxy_integration property. Thanks @aloisbarreras for the patch! #3427.
  • http-log: Support for buffering logging messages in a configurable logging queue. #3604
  • Most plugins' logic has been rewritten with the PDK instead of using internal Kong functions or ngx_lua APIs.


  • Fix an issue which would insert an extra / in the upstream URL when the request path was longer than the configured Route's path attribute. #3780
  • Ensure better backwards-compatibility between the new DAO and existing core runloop code regarding null values. #3772 #3710
  • Ensure support for Datastax Enterprise 6.x. Thanks @gchristidis for the patch! #3873
  • Various issues with the PostgreSQL DAO strategy were addressed.
  • Various issues related to the new schema library bundled with the new DAO were addressed.
  • PDK improvements:
    • kong.request.get_path() and other functions now properly handle cases when $request_uri is nil. #3842
Admin API
  • Ensure the /certificates endpoints properly returns all SNIs configured on a given certificate. #3722
  • Ensure the upstreams/:upstream/targets/... endpoints returns an empty JSON array ([]) instead of an empty object ({}) when no targets exist. #4058
  • Improved inferring of arguments with application/x-www-form-urlencoded. #3770
  • Fix the handling of defaults values in some cases when using PATCH. #3910
  • cors:
    • Ensure Vary: Origin is set when config.credentials is enabled. Thanks @marckhouzam for the patch! #3765
    • Return HTTP 200 instead of 204 for preflight requests. Thanks @aslafy-z for the patch! #4029
    • Ensure request origins specified as flat strings are safely validated. #3872
  • acl: Minor performance improvements by ensuring proper caching of computed values. #4040
  • correlation-id: Prevent an error to be thrown when the access phase was skipped, such as on nginx-produced errors. #4006
  • aws-lambda: When the client uses HTTP/2, strip response headers that are disallowed by the protocols. #4032
  • rate-limiting & response-ratelimiting: Improve efficiency by avoiding unnecessary Redis SELECT operations. #3973

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Released on: 2018/12/18

This is the last release in the 0.x series, giving users one last chance to upgrade while still using some of the options and concepts that were marked as deprecated in Kong 0.x and were removed in Kong 1.0.

For a list of additions and fixes in Kong 0.15, see the 1.0.0 changelog. This release includes all new features included in 1.0 (Service Mesh, Stream Routes and New Migrations), but unlike Kong 1.0, it retains a lot of the deprecated functionality, like the API entity, around. Still, Kong 0.15 does have a number of breaking changes related to functionality that has changed since version 0.14 (see below).

If you are starting with Kong, we recommend you to use 1.0.0 instead of this release.

If you are already using Kong 0.14, our recommendation is to plan to move to 1.0 -- see the 1.0 Upgrade Path document for details. Upgrading to 0.15.0 is only recommended if you can't do away with the deprecated features but you need some fixes or new features right now.


  • The required OpenResty version is still, but for a full feature set including stream routing and Service Mesh abilities with mutual TLS, Kong's openresty-patches must be applied (those patches are already bundled with our official distribution packages). Kong in HTTP(S) Gateway scenarios does not require these patches.
  • Service Mesh abilities require at least OpenSSL version 1.1.1. In our official distribution packages, OpenSSL has been bumped to 1.1.1a. #4005
  • The default value for cassandra_lb_policy changed from RoundRobin to RequestRoundRobin. This helps reducing the amount of new connections being opened during a request when using the Cassandra strategy. #4004
  • Timestamps now bear millisecond precision in their decimal part. #3660
  • The PDK function kong.request.get_body will now return nil, err, mime when the body is valid JSON but neither an object nor an array. #4063
  • ⚠️ The new migrations framework (detailed in the 1.0.0 changelog) has a different usage (and subcommands) compared to its predecessor. #3802
Admin API
  • ⚠️ In the 0.14.x release, Upstreams, Targets, and Plugins were still implemented using the old DAO and Admin API. In 0.15.0 and 1.0.0, all core entities use the new kong.db DAO, and their endpoints have been upgraded to the new Admin API (see below for details). #3689 #3739 #3778

A summary of the changes introduced in the new Admin API:

  • Pagination has been included in all "multi-record" endpoints, and pagination control fields are different than in 0.14.x.
  • Filtering now happens via URL path changes (/consumers/x/plugins) instead of querystring fields (/plugins?consumer_id=x).
  • Array values can't be coherced from comma-separated strings. They must be "proper" JSON values on JSON requests, or use a new syntax on form-url-encoded or multipart requests.
  • Error messages have been been reworked from the ground up to be more consistent, precise and informative.
  • The PUT method has been reimplemented with idempotent behavior and has been added to some entities that didn't have it.

For more details about the new Admin API, please visit the official docs:

  • All bundled plugins' schemas and custom entities have been updated to the new kong.db module, and their APIs have been updated to the new Admin API, which is described in the above section. #3766 #3774 #3778 #3839
  • ⚠️ All plugins migrations have been converted to the new migration framework. Custom plugins must use the new migration framework from 0.15 onwards.


Kong 0.15.0 contains the same additions as 1.0.0. See the 1.0.0 changelog for a complete list.


Kong 0.15.0 contains the same fixes as 1.0.0. See the 1.0.0 changelog for a complete list.

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Released on: 2018/08/21


  • jwt: Support for tokens signed with HS384 and HS512. Thanks @kepkin for the patch. #3589
  • acl: Add a new hide_groups_header configuration option. If enabled, this option prevents the plugin from injecting the X-Consumer-Groups header into the upstream request. Thanks @jeremyjpj0916 for the patch! #3703


  • Prevent some plugins from breaking in subtle ways when manipulating some entities and their attributes. An example of such breaking behavior could be observed when Kong was wrongly injecting X-Consumer-Username: userdata: NULL in upstream requests headers, instead of not injecting this header at all. #3714
  • Fix an issue which, in some cases, prevented the use of Kong with Cassandra in environments where DNS load-balancing is in effect for contact points provided as hostnames (e.g. Kubernetes with cassandra_contact_points = cassandra). #3693
  • Fix an issue which prevented the use of UNIX domain sockets in some logging plugins, and custom plugins making use of such sockets. Thanks @rucciva for the patch. #3633
  • Avoid logging false-negative error messages related to worker events. #3692
  • Database connectivity errors are properly prefixed with the database name again (e.g. [postgres]). #3648
  • zipkin
  • basic-auth: Passwords with whitespaces are not trimmed anymore. Thanks @aloisbarreras for the patch. #3650
  • hmac-auth: Ensure backward compatibility for clients generating signatures without the request's querystring, as is the case for Kong versions prior to 0.14.0, which broke this behavior. Users of this plugin on previous versions of Kong can now safely upgrade to the 0.14 family. Thanks @mlehner616 for the patch! #3699
  • ldap-auth
    • Set the WWW-Authenticate header authentication scheme accordingly with the conf.header_type property, which allows browsers to show the authentication popup automatically. Thanks @francois-maillard for the patch. #3656
    • Invalid authentication attempts do not block subsequent valid attempts anymore. #3677

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0.14.0 - 2018/07/05

This release introduces the first version of the Plugin Development Kit: a Lua SDK, comprised of a set of functions to ease the development of custom plugins.

Additionally, it contains several major improvements consolidating Kong's feature set and flexibility, such as the support for PUT endpoints on the Admin API for idempotent workflows, the execution of plugins during Nginx-produced errors, and the injection of Nginx directives without having to rely on the custom Nginx configuration pattern!

Finally, new bundled plugins allow Kong to better integrate with Cloud Native environments, such as Zipkin and Prometheus.

As usual, major version upgrades require database migrations and changes to the Nginx configuration file (if you customized the default template). Please take a few minutes to read the 0.14 Upgrade Path for more details regarding breaking changes and migrations before planning to upgrade your Kong cluster.

Breaking Changes

  • ⚠️ The required OpenResty version has been bumped to If you are installing Kong from one of our distribution packages, you are not affected by this change. #3498
  • ⚠️ Support for PostgreSQL 9.4 (deprecated in 0.12.0) is now dropped. #3490
  • ⚠️ Support for Cassandra 2.1 (deprecated in 0.12.0) is now dropped. #3490
  • ⚠️ The server_tokens and latency_tokens configuration properties have been removed. Instead, a new headers configuration properties replaces them and allows for more granular settings of injected headers (e.g. Server, Via, X-Kong-*-Latency, etc...). #3300
  • ⚠️ New required lua_shared_dict entries must be added to the Nginx configuration. You are not affected by this change if you do not use a custom Nginx template. #3557
  • ⚠️ Other important modifications must be applied to the Nginx configuration. You are not affected by this change if you do not use a custom Nginx template. #3533
  • ⚠️ The Runscope plugin has been dropped, based on the EoL announcement made by Runscope about their Traffic Inspector product. #3495
Admin API
  • ⚠️ The SSL Certificates and SNI entities have moved to the new DAO implementation. As such, the /certificates and /snis endpoints have received notable usability improvements, but suffer from a few breaking changes. #3386
  • ⚠️ The Consumers entity has moved to the new DAO implementation. As such, the /consumers endpoint has received notable usability improvements, but suffers from a few breaking changes. #3437


  • The default value of db_cache_ttl is now 0 (disabled). Now that our level of confidence around the new caching mechanism introduced in 0.11.0 is high enough, we consider 0 (no TTL) to be an appropriate default for production environments, as it offers a smoother cache consumption behavior and reduces database pressure. #3492
  • 🎆 Serve stale data from the database cache when the datastore cannot be reached. Such stale items are "resurrected" for db_resurrect_ttl seconds (see configuration section). #3579
  • Reduce LRU churning in the database cache against some workloads. #3550


  • 🎆 Support for injecting Nginx directives via configuration properties (in the kong.conf file or via environment variables)! This new way of customizing the Nginx configuration should render obsolete the old way of maintaining a custom Nginx template in most cases! #3530
  • 🎆 Support for selectively disabling bundled plugins. A new plugins configuration property is introduced, and is used to specify which plugins should be loaded by the node. Custom plugins should now be specified in this new property, and the custom_plugins property is deprecated. If desired, Kong administrators can specify a minimal set of plugins to load (instead of the default, bundled plugins), and improve P99 latency thanks to the resulting decrease in database traffic. #3387
  • The new headers configuration property allows for specifying the injection of a new header: X-Kong-Upstream-Status. When enabled, Kong will inject this header containing the HTTP status code of the upstream response in the client response. This is particularly useful for clients to distinguish upstream statuses upon rewriting of the response by Kong. #3263
  • A new db_resurrect_ttl configuration property can be set to customize the amount of time stale data can be resurrected for when it cannot be refreshed. Defaults to 30 seconds. #3579
  • Two new Cassandra load balancing policies are available: RequestRoundRobin and RequestDCAwareRoundRobin. Both policies guarantee that the same peer will be reused across several queries during the lifetime of a request, thus guaranteeing no new connection will be opened against a peer during this request. #3545
  • 🎆 Execute plugins on Nginx-produced errors. Now, when Nginx produces a 4xx error (upon invalid requests) or 5xx (upon failure from the load balancer to connect to a Service), Kong will execute the response phases of its plugins (header_filter, body_filter, log). As such, Kong logging plugins are not blind to such Nginx-produced errors anymore, and will start properly reporting them. Plugins should be built defensively against cases where their rewrite or access phases were not executed. #3533
  • 🎆 Support for cookie-based load balancing! #3472
  • 🎆 Introduction of the Plugin Development Kit! A set of Lua functions and variables that will greatly ease and speed up the task of developing custom plugins. The Plugin Development Kit (PDK) allows the retrieval and manipulation of the request and response objects, as well as interacting with various core components (e.g. logging, load balancing, DAO, etc...) without having to rely on OpenResty functions, and with the guarantee of their forward-compatibility with future versions of Kong. #3556
  • 🎆 New bundled plugin: Zipkin! This plugin allows Kong to sample traces and report them to a running Zipkin instance. (See: #3434
  • 🎆 New bundled plugin: Prometheus! This plugin allows Kong to expose metrics in the Prometheus Exposition format. Available metrics include HTTP status codes, latencies histogram, bandwidth, and more... (See: #3547
  • 🎆 New bundled plugin: Azure Functions! This plugin can be used to invoke Microsoft Azure Functions, similarly to the already existing AWS Lambda and OpenWhisk plugins. (See: #3428
  • 🎆 New bundled plugin: Serverless Functions! Dynamically run Lua without having to write a full-fledged plugin. Lua code snippets can be uploaded via the Admin API and be executed during Kong's access phase. (See: #3551
  • jwt: Support for limiting the allowed expiration period of JWT tokens. A new config.maximum_expiration property can be set to indicate the maximum number of seconds the exp claim may be ahead in the future. Thanks @mvanholsteijn for the patch! #3331
  • aws-lambda: Add us-gov-west-1 to the list of allowed regions. #3529
Admin API
  • 🎆 Support for PUT in new endpoints (e.g. /services/{id or name}, /routes/{id}, /consumers/{id or username}), allowing the development of idempotent configuration workflows when scripting the Admin API. #3416
  • Support for PATCH and DELETE on the /services/{name}, /consumers/{username}, and /snis/{name} endpoints. #3416


  • Properly support IPv6 addresses in proxy_listen and admin_listen configuration properties. #3508
  • IPv6 nameservers with a scope are now ignored by the DNS resolver. #3478
  • SRV records without a port number now returns the default port instead of 0. #3478
  • Ensure DNS-based round robin load balancing starts at a randomized position to prevent all Nginx workers from starting with the same peer. #3478
  • Properly report timeouts in passive health checks. Previously, connection timeouts were counted as tcp_failures, and upstream timeouts were ignored. Health check users should ensure that their timeout settings reflect their intended behavior. #3539
  • Ensure active health check probe requests send the Host header. #3496
  • Overall, more reliable health checks healthiness counters behavior. #3496
  • Do not set Content-Type headers on HTTP 204 No Content responses. #3351
  • Ensure the PostgreSQL connector of the new DAO (used by Services, Routes, Consumers, and SSL certs/SNIs) is now fully re-entrant and properly behaves in busy workloads (e.g. scripting requests to the Admin API). #3423
  • Properly route HTTP/1.0 requests without a Host header when using the old deprecated "API" entity. #3438
  • Ensure that all Kong-produced errors respect the headers configuration setting (previously server_tokens) and do not include the Server header if not configured. #3511
  • Harden an existing Cassandra migration. #3532
  • Prevent the load balancer from needlessly rebuilding its state when creating Targets. #3477
  • Prevent some harmless error logs to be printed during startup when initialization takes more than a few seconds. #3443
  • hmac: Ensure that empty request bodies do not pass validation if there is no digest header. Thanks @mvanholsteijn for the patch! #3347
  • response-transformer: Prevent the plugin from throwing an error when its access handler did not get a chance to run (e.g. on short-circuited, unauthorized requests). #3524
  • aws-lambda: Ensure logging plugins subsequently run when this plugin terminates. #3512
  • request-termination: Ensure logging plugins subsequently run when this plugin terminates. #3513
Admin API
  • Requests to /healthy and /unhealthy endpoints for upstream health checks now properly propagate the new state to other nodes of a Kong cluster. #3464
  • Do not produce an HTTP 500 error when POST-ing to /services with an empty url argument. #3452
  • Ensure foreign keys are required when creating child entities (e.g. when creating a Route). Previously some rows could have an empty service_id field. #3548
  • Better type inference in new endpoints (e.g. /services, /routes, /consumers) when using application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. #3416

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0.13.1 - 2018/04/23

This release contains numerous bug fixes and a few convenience features. Notably, a best-effort/backwards-compatible approach is followed to resolve no memory errors caused by the fragmentation of shared memory between the core and plugins.


  • Cache misses are now stored in a separate shared memory zone from hits if such a zone is defined. This reduces cache turnover and can increase the cache hit ratio quite considerably. Users with a custom Nginx template are advised to define such a zone to benefit from this behavior: lua_shared_dict kong_db_cache_miss 12m;.
  • We now ensure that the Cassandra or PostgreSQL instance Kong is connecting to falls within the supported version range. Deprecated versions result in warning logs. As a reminder, Kong 0.13.x supports Cassandra 2.2+, and PostgreSQL 9.5+. Cassandra 2.1 and PostgreSQL 9.4 are supported, but deprecated. #3310
  • HTTP 494 errors thrown by Nginx are now caught by Kong and produce a native, Kong-friendly response. Thanks @ti-mo for the contribution! #3112
  • Report errors when compiling custom Nginx templates. #3294
Admin API
  • Friendlier behavior of Routes schema validation: PATCH requests can be made without specifying all three of methods, hosts, or paths if at least one of the three is specified in the body. #3364
  • jwt: Support for identity providers using JWKS by ensuring the config.key_claim_name values is looked for in the token header. Thanks @brycehemme for the contribution! #3313
  • basic-auth: Allow specifying empty passwords. Thanks @zhouzhuojie and @perryao for the contributions! #3243


  • Numerous users have reported no memory errors which were caused by circumstantial memory fragmentation. Such errors, while still possible if plugin authors are not careful, should now mostly be addressed. #3311

    If you are using a custom Nginx template, be sure to define the following shared memory zones to benefit from these fixes:

    lua_shared_dict kong_db_cache_miss 12m;
    lua_shared_dict kong_rate_limiting_counters 12m;
  • Redirect Nginx's stdout and stderr output to kong start when nginx_daemon is enabled (such as when using the Kong Docker image). This also prevents growing log files when Nginx redirects logs to /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr but nginx_daemon is disabled. #3297
Admin API
  • Set a Service's port to 443 when the url convenience parameter uses the https:// scheme. #3358
  • Ensure PATCH requests do not return an error when un-setting foreign key fields with JSON null. #3355
  • Ensure the /plugin/schema/:name endpoint does not corrupt plugins' schemas. #3348
  • Properly URL-decode path segments of plugins endpoints accepting spaces (e.g. /consumers/<consumer>/basic-auth/John%20Doe/). #3250
  • Properly serialize boolean filtering values when using Cassandra. #3362
  • rate-limiting/response-rate-limiting:
    • If defined in the Nginx configuration, will use a dedicated lua_shared_dict instead of using the kong_cache shared memory zone. This prevents memory fragmentation issues resulting in no memory errors observed by numerous users. Users with a custom Nginx template are advised to define such a zone to benefit from this fix: lua_shared_dict kong_rate_limiting_counters 12m;. #3311
    • When using the Redis strategy, ensure the correct Redis database is selected. This issue could occur when several request and response rate-limiting were configured using different Redis databases. Thanks @mengskysama for the patch! #3293
  • key-auth: Respect request MIME type when re-encoding the request body if both config.key_in_body and config.hide_credentials are enabled. Thanks @p0pr0ck5 for the patch! #3213
  • oauth2: Return HTTP 400 on invalid scope type. Thanks @Gman98ish for the patch! #3206
  • ldap-auth: Ensure the plugin does not throw errors when configured as a global plugin. #3354
  • hmac-auth: Verify signature against non-normalized ($request_uri) request line (instead of $uri). #3339
  • aws-lambda: Fix a typo in upstream headers sent to the function. We now properly send the X-Amz-Log-Type header. #3398

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0.13.0 - 2018/03/22

This release introduces two new core entities that will improve the way you configure Kong: Routes & Services. Those entities replace the "API" entity and simplify the setup of non-naive use-cases by providing better separation of concerns and allowing for plugins to be applied to specific endpoints.

As usual, major version upgrades require database migrations and changes to the Nginx configuration file (if you customized the default template). Please take a few minutes to read the 0.13 Upgrade Path for more details regarding breaking changes and migrations before planning to upgrade your Kong cluster.

Breaking Changes

  • ⚠️ The proxy_listen and admin_listen configuration values have a new syntax. This syntax is more aligned with that of NGINX and is more powerful while also simpler. As a result, the following configuration values have been removed because superfluous: ssl, admin_ssl, http2, admin_http2, proxy_listen_ssl, and admin_listen_ssl. #3147
  • ⚠️ galileo: As part of the Galileo deprecation path, the galileo plugin is not enabled by default anymore, although still bundled with 0.13. Users are advised to stop using the plugin, but for the time being can keep enabling it by adding it to the custom_plugin configuration value. #3233
  • ⚠️ rate-limiting (Cassandra): The default migration for including Routes and Services in plugins will remove and re-create the Cassandra rate-limiting counters table. This means that users that were rate-limited because of excessive API consumption will be able to consume the API until they reach their limit again. There is no such data deletion in PosgreSQL. def201f


  • Note to Docker users: The latest tag on Docker Hub now points to the alpine image instead of CentOS. This also applies to the 0.13.0 tag.
  • The OpenResty version shipped with our default packages has been bumped to The 0.13.0 release should still be compatible with the OpenResty 1.11.2.x series for the time being.
  • Bumped lua-resty-dns-client to 2.0.0. #3220
  • Bumped lua-resty-http to 0.12. #3196
  • Bumped lua-multipart to 0.5.5. #3318
  • Bumped lua-resty-healthcheck to 0.4.0. #3321


  • 🎆 Support for control-plane and data-plane modes. The new syntax of proxy_listen and admin_listen supports off, which disables either one of those interfaces. It is now simpler than ever to make a Kong node "Proxy only" (data-plane) or "Admin only" (control-plane). #3147
  • 🎆 This release introduces two new entities: Routes and Services. Those entities will provide a better separation of concerns than the "API" entity offers. Routes will define rules for matching a client's request (e.g., method, host, path...), and Services will represent upstream services (or backends) that Kong should proxy those requests to. Plugins can also be added to both Routes and Services, enabling use-cases to apply plugins more granularly (e.g., per endpoint). Following this addition, the API entity and related Admin API endpoints are now deprecated. This release is backwards-compatible with the previous model and all of your currently defined APIs and matching rules are still supported, although we advise users to migrate to Routes and Services as soon as possible. #3224
Admin API
  • 🎆 New endpoints: /routes and /services to interact with the new core entities. More specific endpoints are also available such as /services/{service id or name}/routes, /services/{service id or name}/plugins, and /routes/{route id}/plugins. #3224
  • 🎆 Our new endpoints (listed above) provide much better responses with regards to producing responses for incomplete entities, errors, etc... In the future, existing endpoints will gradually be moved to using this new Admin API content producer. #3224
  • 🎆 Improved argument parsing in form-urlencoded requests to the new endpoints as well. Kong now expects the following syntaxes for representing arrays: hosts[][], hosts[1][2], which avoid comma-separated arrays and related issues that can arise. In the future, existing endpoints will gradually be moved to using this new Admin API content parser. #3224
  • jwt: ngx.ctx.authenticated_jwt_token is available for other plugins to use. #2988
  • statsd: The fields host, port and metrics are no longer marked as "required", since they have a default value. #3209


  • Fix an issue causing nodes in a cluster to use the default health checks configuration when the user configured them from another node (event propagated via the cluster). #3319
  • Increase the default load balancer wheel size from 100 to 10.000. This allows for a better distribution of the load between Targets in general. #3296
Admin API
  • Fix several issues with application/multipart MIME type parsing of payloads. #3318
  • Fix several issues with the parsing of health checks configuration values. #3306 #3321

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0.12.3 - 2018/03/12


  • Suppress a memory leak in the core introduced in 0.12.2. Thanks @mengskysama for the report. #3278

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0.12.2 - 2018/02/28


  • Load balancers now log DNS errors to facilitate debugging. #3177
  • Reports now can include custom immutable values. #3180
  • The kong migrations reset command has a new --yes flag. This flag makes the command run non-interactively, and ensures no confirmation prompt will occur. #3189
Admin API
  • A new endpoint /upstreams/:upstream_id/health will return the health of the specified upstream. #3232
  • The / endpoint in the Admin API now exposes the node_id field. #3234


  • HTTP/1.0 requests without a Host header are routed instead of being rejected. HTTP/1.1 requests without a Host are considered invalid and will still be rejected. Thanks to @rainiest for the patch! #3216
  • Fix the load balancer initialization when some Targets would contain hostnames. #3187
  • Fix incomplete handling of errors when initializing DAO objects. 637532e
  • Remove bogus errors in the logs provoked by healthcheckers between the time they are unregistered and the time they are garbage-collected (#3207) and when receiving an HTTP status not tracked by healthy or unhealthy lists (c8eb5ae).
  • Fix soft errors not being handled correctly inside the Kong cache. #3150
  • Better handling of already existing Cassandra keyspaces in migrations. #3203. Thanks to @pamiel for the patch!
Admin API
  • Ensure GET /certificates/{uuid} does not return HTTP 500 when the given identifier does not exist. Thanks to @vdesjardins for the patch! #3148

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0.12.1 - 2018/01/18

This release addresses a few issues encountered with 0.12.0, including one which would prevent upgrading from a previous version. The 0.12 Upgrade Path is still relevant for upgrading existing clusters to 0.12.1.


  • Fix a migration between previous Kong versions and 0.12.0. #3159
  • Ensure Lua errors are propagated when thrown in the access handler by plugins. 38580ff

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0.12.0 - 2018/01/16

This major release focuses on two new features we are very excited about: health checks and hash based load balancing!

We also took this as an opportunity to fix a few prominent issues, sometimes at the expense of breaking changes but overall improving the flexibility and usability of Kong! Do keep in mind that this is a major release, and as such, that we require of you to run the migrations step, via the kong migrations up command.

Please take a few minutes to thoroughly read the 0.12 Upgrade Path for more details regarding breaking changes and migrations before planning to upgrade your Kong cluster.

Deprecation notices

Starting with 0.12.0, we are announcing the deprecation of older versions of our supported databases:

  • Support for PostgreSQL 9.4 is deprecated. Users are advised to upgrade to 9.5+
  • Support for Cassandra 2.1 and below is deprecated. Users are advised to upgrade to 2.2+

Note that the above deprecated versions are still supported in this release, but will be dropped in subsequent ones.

Breaking changes

  • ⚠️ The required OpenResty version has been bumped to If you are installing Kong from one of our distribution packages, you are not affected by this change. #3097
  • ⚠️ As Kong now executes subsequent plugins when a request is being short-circuited (e.g. HTTP 401 responses from auth plugins), plugins that run in the header or body filter phases will be run upon such responses from the access phase. We consider this change a big improvement in the Kong run-loop as it allows for more flexibility for plugins. However, it is unlikely, but possible that some of these plugins (e.g. your custom plugins) now run in scenarios where they were not previously expected to run. #3079
Admin API
  • ⚠️ By default, the Admin API now only listens on the local interface. We consider this change to be an improvement in the default security policy of Kong. If you are already using Kong, and your Admin API still binds to all interfaces, consider updating it as well. You can do so by updating the admin_listen configuration value, like so: admin_listen = Thanks @pduldig-at-tw for the suggestion and the patch. #3016

    🔴 Note to Docker users: Beware of this change as you may have to ensure that your Admin API is reachable via the host's interface. You can use the -e KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN argument when provisioning your container(s) to update this value; for example, -e KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN=

  • ⚠️ To reduce confusion, the /upstreams/:upstream_name_or_id/targets/ has been updated to not show the full list of Targets anymore, but only the ones that are currently active in the load balancer. To retrieve the full history of Targets, you can now query /upstreams/:upstream_name_or_id/targets/all. The /upstreams/:upstream_name_or_id/targets/active endpoint has been removed. Thanks @hbagdi for tackling this backlog item! #3049

  • ⚠️ The orderlist property of Upstreams has been removed, along with any confusion it may have brought. The balancer is now able to fully function without it, yet with the same level of entropy in its load distribution. #2748

  • ⚠️ The $ kong compile command which was deprecated in 0.11.0 has been removed. #3069
  • ⚠️ In logging plugins, the request.request_uri field has been renamed to request.url. #2445 #3098


  • 🎆 Support for health checks! Kong can now short-circuit some of your upstream Targets (replicas) from its load balancer when it encounters too many TCP or HTTP errors. You can configure the number of failures, or the HTTP status codes that should be considered invalid, and Kong will monitor the failures and successes of proxied requests to each upstream Target. We call this feature passive health checks. Additionally, you can configure active health checks, which will make Kong perform periodic HTTP test requests to actively monitor the health of your upstream services, and pre-emptively short-circuit them. Upstream Targets can be manually taken up or down via two new Admin API endpoints: /healthy and /unhealthy. #3096
  • 🎆 Support for hash based load balancing! Kong now offers consistent hashing/sticky sessions load balancing capabilities via the new hash_* attributes of the Upstream entity. Hashes can be based off client IPs, request headers, or Consumers! #2875
  • 🎆 Logging plugins now log requests that were short-circuited by Kong! (e.g. HTTP 401 responses from auth plugins or HTTP 429 responses from rate limiting plugins, etc.) Kong now executes any subsequent plugins once a request has been short-circuited. Your plugin must be using the module for this behavior to be respected. #3079
  • Kong is now compatible with OpenResty up to version Be aware that the recommended (and default) version shipped with this release is still #3070
  • $ kong start now considers the commonly used /opt/openresty prefix when searching for the nginx executable. #3074
Admin API
  • Two new endpoints, /healthy and /unhealthy can be used to manually bring upstream Targets up or down, as part of the new health checks feature of the load balancer. #3096
  • logging plugins: A new field upstream_uri now logs the value of the upstream request's path. This is useful to help debugging plugins or setups that aim at rewriting a request's URL during proxying. Thanks @shiprabehera for the patch! #2445
  • tcp-log: Support for TLS handshake with the logs recipients for secure transmissions of logging data. #3091
  • jwt: Support for JWTs passed in cookies. Use the new config.cookie_names property to configure the behavior to your liking. Thanks @mvanholsteijn for the patch! #2974
  • oauth2
    • New config.auth_header_name property to customize the authorization header's name. Thanks @supraja93 #2928
    • New config.refresh_ttl property to customize the TTL of refresh tokens, previously hard-coded to 14 days. Thanks @bob983 for the patch! #2942
    • Avoid an error in the logs when trying to retrieve an access token from a request without a body. Thanks @WALL-E for the patch. #3063
  • ldap: New config.header_type property to customize the authorization method in the Authorization header. Thanks @francois-maillard for the patch! #2963


  • Fix a potential vulnerability in which an attacker could read the Kong configuration file with insufficient permissions for a short window of time while Kong is being started. #3057
  • Proper log message upon timeout in $ kong quit. #3061
Admin API
  • The /certificates endpoint now properly supports the snis parameter in PUT and PATCH requests. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution! #3040
  • Avoid sending the HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Content Type response when receiving a request with a valid Content-Type, but with an empty payload. #3077

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0.11.2 - 2017/11/29


  • key-auth: New endpoints to manipulate API keys. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution. #2955
    • /key-auths/ to paginate through all keys.
    • /key-auths/:credential_key_or_id/consumer to retrieve the Consumer associated with a key.
  • basic-auth: New endpoints to manipulate basic-auth credentials. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution. #2998
    • /basic-auths/ to paginate through all basic-auth credentials.
    • /basic-auths/:credential_username_or_id/consumer to retrieve the Consumer associated with a credential.
  • jwt: New endpoints to manipulate JWTs. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution. #3003
    • /jwts/ to paginate through all JWTs.
    • /jwts/:jwt_key_or_id/consumer to retrieve the Consumer associated with a JWT.
  • hmac-auth: New endpoints to manipulate hmac-auth credentials. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution. #3009
    • /hmac-auths/ to paginate through all hmac-auth credentials.
    • /hmac-auths/:hmac_username_or_id/consumer to retrieve the Consumer associated with a credential.
  • acl: New endpoints to manipulate ACLs. Thanks @hbagdi for the contribution. #3039
    • /acls/ to paginate through all ACLs.
    • /acls/:acl_id/consumer to retrieve the Consumer associated with an ACL.


  • Avoid logging some unharmful error messages related to clustering. #3002
  • Improve performance and memory footprint when parsing multipart request bodies. Kong/lua-multipart#13
  • Add a format check for the admin_listen_ssl property, ensuring it contains a valid port. #3031
Admin API
  • PUT requests with payloads containing non-existing primary keys for entities now return HTTP 404 Not Found, instead of HTTP 200 OK without a response body. #3007
  • On the / endpoint, ensure enabled_in_cluster shows up as an empty JSON Array ([]), instead of an empty JSON Object ({}). Thanks @hbagdi for the patch! #2982
  • hmac-auth: Better parsing of the Authorization header to avoid internal errors resulting in HTTP 500. Thanks @mvanholsteijn for the patch! #2996
  • Improve the performance of the rate-limiting and response-rate-limiting plugins when using the Redis policy. #2956
  • Improve the performance of the response-transformer plugin. #2977

0.11.1 - 2017/10/24


  • Drop the lua_code_cache configuration property. This setting has been considered harmful since 0.11.0 as it interferes with Kong's internals. #2854


  • DNS: SRV records pointing to an A record are now properly handled by the load balancer when preserve_host is disabled. Such records used to throw Lua errors on the proxy code path. Kong/lua-resty-dns-client#19
  • Fixed an edge-case where preserve_host would sometimes craft an upstream request with a Host header from a previous client request instead of the current one. #2832
  • Ensure APIs with regex URIs are evaluated in the order that they are created. #2924
  • Fixed a typo that caused the load balancing components to ignore the Upstream slots property. #2747
  • Fixed the verification of self-signed SSL certificates for PostgreSQL and Cassandra in the kong migrations command. Self-signed SSL certificates are now properly verified during migrations according to the lua_ssl_trusted_certificate configuration property. #2908
Admin API
  • The /upstream/{upstream}/targets/active endpoint used to return HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed when called with a trailing slash. Both notations (with and without the trailing slash) are now supported. #2884
  • bot-detection: Fixed an issue which would prevent the plugin from running and result in an HTTP 500 error if configured globally. #2906
  • ip-restriction: Fixed support for the CIDR block. This block is now supported and won't trigger an error when used in the whitelist or blacklist properties. #2918


  • aws-lambda: Added support to forward the client request's HTTP method, headers, URI, and body to the Lambda function. #2823
  • key-auth: New run_on_preflight configuration option to control authentication on preflight requests. #2857
  • jwt: New run_on_preflight configuration option to control authentication on preflight requests. #2857
Plugin development
  • Ensure migrations have valid, unique names to avoid conflicts between custom plugins. Thanks @ikogan for the patch! #2821


Migrations & Deployments
  • Improve migrations reliability for future major releases. #2869
  • Improve the performance of the acl and oauth2 plugins. #2736 #2806

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0.10.4 - 2017/10/24


  • DNS: SRV records pointing to an A record are now properly handled by the load balancer when preserve_host is disabled. Such records used to throw Lua errors on the proxy code path. Kong/lua-resty-dns-client#19
  • HTTP 400 errors thrown by Nginx are now correctly caught by Kong and return a native, Kong-friendly response. #2476
  • Fix an edge-case where an API with multiple uris and strip_uri = true would not always strip the client URI. #2562
  • Fix an issue where Kong would match an API with a shorter URI (from its uris value) as a prefix instead of a longer, matching prefix from another API. #2662
  • Fixed a typo that caused the load balancing components to ignore the Upstream slots property. #2747
  • Octothorpes (#) can now be escaped (\#) and included in the Kong configuration values such as your datastore passwords or usernames. #2411
Admin API
  • The data response field of the /upstreams/{upstream}/targets/active Admin API endpoint now returns a list ([]) instead of an object ({}) when no active targets are present. #2619
  • datadog: Avoid a runtime error if the plugin is configured as a global plugin but the downstream request did not match any configured API. Thanks @kjsteuer for the fix! #2702
  • ip-restriction: Fixed support for the CIDR block. This block is now supported and won't trigger an error when used in the whitelist or blacklist properties. #2918

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0.11.0 - 2017/08/16

The latest and greatest version of Kong features improvements all over the board for a better and easier integration with your infrastructure!

The highlights of this release are:

  • Support for regex URIs in routing, one of the oldest requested features from the community.
  • Support for HTTP/2 traffic from your clients.
  • Kong does not depend on Serf anymore, which makes deployment and networking requirements considerably simpler.
  • A better integration with orchestration tools thanks to the support for non FQDNs in Kong's DNS resolver.

As per usual, our major releases include datastore migrations which are considered breaking changes. Additionally, this release contains numerous breaking changes to the deployment process and proxying behavior that you should be familiar with.

We strongly advise that you read this changeset thoroughly, as well as the 0.11 Upgrade Path if you are planning to upgrade a Kong cluster.

Breaking changes

  • ⚠️ Numerous updates were made to the Nginx configuration template. If you are using a custom template, you must apply those modifications. See the 0.11 Upgrade Path for a complete list of changes to apply.
Migrations & Deployment
  • ⚠️ Migrations are not executed automatically by kong start anymore. Migrations are now a manual process, which must be executed via the kong migrations command. In practice, this means that you have to run kong migrations up [-c kong.conf] in one of your nodes before starting your Kong nodes. This command should be run from a single node/container to avoid several nodes running migrations concurrently and potentially corrupting your database. Once the migrations are up-to-date, it is considered safe to start multiple Kong nodes concurrently. #2421
  • ⚠️ 🎆 Serf is not a dependency anymore. Kong nodes now handle cache invalidation events via a built-in database polling mechanism. See the new "Datastore Cache" section of the configuration file which contains 3 new documented properties: db_update_frequency, db_update_propagation, and db_cache_ttl. If you are using Cassandra, you should pay a particular attention to the db_update_propagation setting, as you should not use the default value of 0. #2561
  • ⚠️ Kong now requires OpenResty OpenResty's LuaJIT can now be built with Lua 5.2 compatibility. #2489 #2790
  • ⚠️ Previously, the X-Forwarded-* and X-Real-IP headers were trusted from any client by default, and forwarded upstream. With the introduction of the new trusted_ips property (see the below "Added" section) and to enforce best security practices, Kong does not trust any client IP address by default anymore. This will make Kong not forward incoming X-Forwarded-* headers if not coming from configured, trusted IP addresses blocks. This setting also affects the API check_https field, which itself relies on trusted X-Forwarded-Proto headers only. #2236
  • ⚠️ The API Object property http_if_terminated is now set to false by default. For Kong to evaluate the client X-Forwarded-Proto header, you must now configure Kong to trust the client IP (see above change), and you must explicitly set this value to true. This affects you if you are doing SSL termination somewhere before your requests hit Kong, and if you have configured https_only on the API, or if you use a plugin that requires HTTPS traffic (e.g. OAuth2). #2588
  • ⚠️ The internal DNS resolver now honours the search and ndots configuration options of your resolv.conf file. Make sure that DNS resolution is still consistent in your environment, and consider eventually not using FQDNs anymore. #2425
Admin API
  • ⚠️ As a result of the Serf removal, Kong is now entirely stateless, and as such, the /cluster endpoint has disappeared. #2561
  • ⚠️ The Admin API /status endpoint does not return a count of the database entities anymore. Instead, it now returns a database.reachable boolean value, which reflects the state of the connection between Kong and the underlying database. Please note that this flag does not reflect the health of the database itself. #2567
Plugin development
  • ⚠️ The upstream URI is now determined via the Nginx $upstream_uri variable. Custom plugins using the ngx.req.set_uri() API will not be taken into consideration anymore. One must now set the ngx.var.upstream_uri variable from the Lua land. #2519
  • ⚠️ The hooks.lua module for custom plugins is dropped, along with the database_cache.lua module. Database entities caching and eviction has been greatly improved to simplify and automate most caching use-cases. See the Plugins Development Guide and the 0.11 Upgrade Path for more details. #2561
  • ⚠️ To ensure that the order of execution of plugins is still the same for vanilla Kong installations, we had to update the PRIORITY field of some of our bundled plugins. If your custom plugin must run after or before a specific bundled plugin, you might have to update your plugin's PRIORITY field as well. The complete list of plugins and their priorities is available on the Plugins Development Guide. #2489 #2813


  • The kong compile command has been deprecated. Instead, prefer using the new kong prepare command. #2706


  • Performance around DNS resolution has been greatly improved in some cases. #2625
  • Secret values are now generated with a kernel-level, Cryptographically Secure PRNG. #2536
  • The .kong_env file created by Kong in its running prefix is now written without world-read permissions. #2611
Plugin development
  • The marshall_event function on schemas is now ignored by Kong, and can be safely removed as the new cache invalidation mechanism natively handles safer events broadcasting. #2561


  • 🎆 Support for regex URIs! You can now define regexes in your APIs uris property. Those regexes can have capturing groups which can be extracted by Kong during a request, and accessed later in the plugins (useful for URI rewriting). See the Proxy Guide for documentation on how to use regex URIs. #2681
  • 🎆 Support for HTTP/2. A new http2 directive now enables HTTP/2 traffic on the proxy_listen_ssl address. #2541
  • 🎆 Support for the search and ndots configuration options of your resolv.conf file. #2425
  • Kong now forwards new headers to your upstream services: X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port, and X-Forwarded-Proto. #2236
  • Support for the PROXY protocol. If the new real_ip_header configuration property is set to real_ip_header = proxy_protocol, then Kong will append the proxy_protocol parameter to the Nginx listen directive of the Kong proxy port. #2236
  • Support for BDR compatibility in the PostgreSQL migrations. Thanks @AlexBloor for the patch! #2672
  • Support for DNS nameservers specified in IPv6 format. #2634
  • A few new DNS configuration properties allow you to tweak the Kong DNS resolver, and in particular, how it handles the resolution of different record types or the eviction of stale records. #2625
  • A new trusted_ips configuration property allows you to define a list of trusted IP address blocks that are known to send trusted X-Forwarded-* headers. Requests from trusted IPs will make Kong forward those headers upstream. Requests from non-trusted IP addresses will make Kong override the X-Forwarded-* headers with its own values. In addition, this property also sets the ngx_http_realip_module set_real_ip_from directive(s), which makes Kong trust the incoming X-Real-IP header as well, which is used for operations such as rate-limiting by IP address, and that Kong forwards upstream as well. #2236
  • You can now configure the ngx_http_realip_module from the Kong configuration. In addition to trusted_ips which sets the set_real_ip_from directives(s), two new properties, real_ip_header and real_ip_recursive allow you to configure the ngx_http_realip_module directives bearing the same name. #2236
  • Ability to hide Kong-specific response headers. Two new configuration fields: server_tokens and latency_tokens will respectively toggle whether the Server and X-Kong-*-Latency headers should be sent to downstream clients. #2259
  • New configuration property to tune handling request body data via the client_max_body_size and client_body_buffer_size directives (mirroring their Nginx counterparts). Note these settings are only defined for proxy requests; request body handling in the Admin API remains unchanged. #2602
  • New error_default_type configuration property. This setting is to specify a MIME type that will be used as the error response body format when Nginx encounters an error, but no Accept header was present in the request. The default value is text/plain for backwards compatibility. Thanks @therealgambo for the contribution! #2500
  • New nginx_user configuration property, which interfaces with the Nginx user directive. Thanks @depay for the contribution! #2180
  • New kong prepare command to prepare the Kong running prefix (creating log files, SSL certificates, etc...) and allow for Kong to be started via the nginx binary. This is useful for environments like containers, where the foreground process should be the Nginx master process. The kong compile command has been deprecated as a result of this addition. #2706
Admin API
  • Ability to retrieve plugins added to a Consumer via two new endpoints: /consumers/:username_or_id/plugins/ and /consumers/:username_or_id/plugins/:plugin_id. #2714
  • Support for JSON null in PATCH requests to unset a value on any entity. #2700
  • jwt: Support for RS512 signed tokens. Thanks @sarraz1 for the patch! #2666
  • rate-limiting/response-ratelimiting: Optionally hide informative response headers. #2087
  • aws-lambda: Define a custom response status when the upstream X-Amz-Function-Error header is "Unhandled". Thanks @erran for the contribution! #2587
  • aws-lambda: Add new AWS regions that were previously unsupported. #2769
  • hmac: New option to validate the client-provided SHA-256 of the request body. Thanks @vaibhavatul47 for the contribution! #2419
  • hmac: Added support for enforce_headers option and added HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, and HMAC-SHA512 support. #2644
  • statsd: New metrics and more flexible configuration. Support for prefixes, configurable stat type, and added metrics. #2400
  • datadog: New metrics and more flexible configuration. Support for prefixes, configurable stat type, and added metrics. #2394


  • Kong now ensures that your clients URIs are transparently proxied upstream. No percent-encoding/decoding or querystring stripping will occur anymore. #2519
  • Fix an issue where Kong would match an API with a shorter URI (from its uris value) as a prefix instead of a longer, matching prefix from another API. #2662
  • Fix an edge-case where an API with multiple uris and strip_uri = true would not always strip the client URI. #2562
  • HTTP 400 errors thrown by Nginx are now correctly caught by Kong and return a native, Kong-friendly response. #2476
  • Octothorpes (#) can now be escaped (\#) and included in the Kong configuration values such as your datastore passwords or usernames. #2411
Admin API
  • The data response field of the /upstreams/{upstream}/targets/active Admin API endpoint now returns a list ([]) instead of an object ({}) when no active targets are present. #2619
  • The unique constraint on OAuth2 client_secrets has been removed. #2447
  • The unique constraint on JWT Credentials secrets has been removed. #2548
  • oauth2: When requesting a token from /oauth2/token, one can now pass the client_id as a request body parameter, while client_id:client_secret is passed via the Authorization header. This allows for better integration with some OAuth2 flows proposed out there, such as from Cloudflare Apps. Thanks @cedum for the patch! #2577
  • datadog: Avoid a runtime error if the plugin is configured as a global plugin but the downstream request did not match any configured API. Thanks @kjsteuer for the fix! #2702
  • Logging plugins: the produced logs latencies.kong field used to omit the time Kong spent in its Load Balancing logic, which includes DNS resolution time. This latency is now included in latencies.kong. #2494

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0.10.3 - 2017/05/24


  • We noticed that some distribution packages were not building OpenResty against a JITable PCRE library. This happened on Ubuntu and RHEL environments where OpenResty was built against the system's PCRE installation. We now compile OpenResty against a JITable PCRE source for those platforms, which should result in significant performance improvements in regex matching. Mashape/kong-distributions #9
  • TLS connections are now handled with a modern list of accepted ciphers, as per the Mozilla recommended TLS ciphers list. See This behavior is configurable via the newly introduced configuration properties described in the below "Added" section.
  • Plugins:
    • rate-limiting: Performance improvements when using the cluster policy. The number of round trips to the database has been limited to the number of configured limits. #2488


  • New ssl_cipher_suite and ssl_ciphers configuration properties to configure the desired set of accepted ciphers, based on the Mozilla recommended TLS ciphers list. #2555
  • New proxy_ssl_certificate and proxy_ssl_certificate_key configuration properties. These properties configure the Nginx directives bearing the same name, to set client certificates to Kong when connecting to your upstream services. #2556
  • Proxy and Admin API access and error log paths are now configurable. Access logs can be entirely disabled if desired. #2552
  • Plugins:
    • Logging plugins: The produced logs include a new tries field which contains, which includes the upstream connection successes and failures of the load-balancer. #2429
    • key-auth: Credentials can now be sent in the request body. #2493
    • cors: Origins can now be defined as regular expressions. #2482


  • APIs matching: prioritize APIs with longer uris when said APIs also define hosts and/or methods as well. Thanks @leonzz for the patch. #2523
  • SSL connections to Cassandra can now properly verify the certificate in use (when cassandra_ssl_verify is enabled). #2531
  • The DNS resolver no longer sends a A or AAAA DNS queries for SRV records. This should improve performance by avoiding unnecessary lookups. #2563 & Mashape/lua-resty-dns-client #12
  • Plugins
    • All authentication plugins don't throw an error anymore when invalid credentials are given and the anonymous user isn't configured. #2508
    • rate-limiting: Effectively use the desired Redis database when the redis policy is in use and the config.redis_database property is set. #2481
    • cors: The regression introduced in 0.10.1 regarding not sending the * wildcard when conf.origin was not specified has been fixed. #2518
    • oauth2: properly check the client application ownership of a token before refreshing it. #2461

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0.10.2 - 2017/05/01


  • The Kong DNS resolver now honors the MAXNS setting (3) when parsing the nameservers specified in resolv.conf. #2290
  • Kong now matches incoming requests via the $request_uri property, instead of $uri, in order to better handle percent-encoded URIS. A more detailed explanation will be included in the below "Fixed" section. #2377
  • Upstream calls do not unconditionally include a trailing / anymore. See the below "Added" section for more details. #2315
  • Admin API:
    • The "active targets" endpoint now only return the most recent nonzero weight Targets, instead of all nonzero weight targets. This is to provide a better picture of the Targets currently in use by the Kong load balancer. #2310


  • 🎆 Plugins can implement a new rewrite handler to execute code in the Nginx rewrite phase. This phase is executed prior to matching a registered Kong API, and prior to any authentication plugin. As such, only global plugins (neither tied to an API or Consumer) will execute this phase. #2354
  • Ability for the client to chose whether the upstream request (Kong <-> upstream) should contain a trailing slash in its URI. Prior to this change, Kong 0.10 would unconditionally append a trailing slash to all upstream requests. The added functionality is described in #2211, and was implemented in #2315.
  • Ability to hide Kong-specific response headers. Two new configuration fields: server_tokens and latency_tokens will respectively toggle whether the Server and X-Kong-*-Latency headers should be sent to downstream clients. #2259
  • New cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout configuration property, to allow for Kong to wait for the schema consensus of your Cassandra cluster during migrations. #2326
  • Serf commands executed by a running Kong node are now logged in the Nginx error logs with a DEBUG level. #2410
  • Ensure the required shared dictionaries are defined in the Nginx configuration. This will prevent custom Nginx templates from potentially resulting in a breaking upgrade for users. #2466
  • Admin API:
    • Target Objects can now be deleted with their ID as well as their name. The endpoint becomes: /upstreams/:name_or_id/targets/:target_or_id. #2304
  • Plugins:
    • 🎆 New Request termination plugin. This plugin allows to temporarily disable an API and return a pre-configured response status and body to your client. Useful for use-cases such as maintenance mode for your upstream services. Thanks to @pauldaustin for the contribution. #2051
    • Logging plugins: The produced logs include two new fields: a consumer field, which contains the properties of the authenticated Consumer (id, custom_id, and username), if any, and a tries field, which includes the upstream connection successes and failures of the load- balancer. #2367 #2429
    • http-log: Now set an upstream HTTP basic access authentication header if the configured conf.http_endpoint parameter includes an authentication section. Thanks @amir for the contribution. #2432
    • file-log: New config.reopen property to close and reopen the log file on every request, in order to effectively rotate the logs. #2348
    • jwt: Returns 401 Unauthorized on invalid claims instead of the previous 403 Forbidden status. #2433
    • key-auth: Allow setting API key header names with an underscore. #2370
    • cors: When config.credentials = true, we do not send an ACAO header with value *. The ACAO header value will be that of the request's Origin: header. #2451


  • Upstream connections over TLS now set their Client Hello SNI field. The SNI value is taken from the upstream Host header value, and thus also depends on the preserve_host setting of your API. Thanks @konrade for the original patch. #2225
  • Correctly match APIs with percent-encoded URIs in their uris property. Generally, this change also avoids normalizing (and thus, potentially altering) the request URI when trying to match an API's uris value. Instead of relying on the Nginx $uri variable, we now use $request_uri. #2377
  • Handle a routing edge-case under some conditions with the uris matching rule of APIs that would falsely lead Kong into believing no API was matched for what would actually be a valid request. #2343
  • If no API was configured with a hosts matching rule, then the preserve_host flag would never be honored. #2344
  • The X-Forwarded-For header sent to your upstream services by Kong is not set from the Nginx $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for variable anymore. Instead, Kong uses the $realip_remote_addr variable to append the real IP address of a client, instead of $remote_addr, which can come from a previous proxy hop. #2236
  • CNAME records are now properly being cached by the DNS resolver. This results in a performance improvement over previous 0.10 versions. #2303
  • When using Cassandra, some migrations would not be performed on the same coordinator as the one originally chosen. The same migrations would also require a response from other replicas in a cluster, but were not waiting  for a schema consensus beforehand, causing indeterministic failures in the migrations, especially if the cluster's inter-nodes communication is slow. #2326
  • The cassandra_timeout configuration property is now correctly taken into consideration by Kong. #2326
  • Correctly trigger plugins configured on the anonymous Consumer for anonymous requests (from auth plugins with the new config.anonymous parameter). #2424
  • When multiple auth plugins were configured with the recent config.anonymous parameter for "OR" authentication, such plugins would override each other's results and response headers, causing false negatives. #2222
  • Ensure the cassandra_contact_points property does not contain any port information. Those should be specified in cassandra_port. Thanks @Vermeille for the contribution. #2263
  • Prevent an upstream or legitimate internal error in the load balancing code from throwing a Lua-land error as well. #2327
  • Allow backwards compatibility with custom Nginx configurations that still define the resolver ${{DNS_RESOLVER}} directive. Vales from the Kong dns_resolver property will be flattened to a string and appended to the directive. #2386
  • Plugins:
    • hmac: Better handling of invalid base64-encoded signatures. Previously Kong would return an HTTP 500 error. We now properly return HTTP 403 Forbidden. #2283
  • Admin API:
    • Detect conflicts between SNI Objects in the /snis and /certificates endpoint. #2285
    • The /certificates route used to not return the total and data JSON fields. We now send those fields back instead of a root list of certificate objects. #2463
    • Endpoints with path parameters like /xxx_or_id will now also yield the proper result if the xxx field is formatted as a UUID. Most notably, this fixes a problem for Consumers whose username is a UUID, that could not be found when requesting /consumers/{username_as_uuid}. #2420
    • The "active targets" endpoint does not require a trailing slash anymore. #2307
    • Upstream Objects can now be deleted properly when using Cassandra. #2404

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0.10.1 - 2017/03/27


  • ⚠️ Serf has been downgraded to version 0.7 in our distributions, although versions up to 0.8.1 are still supported. This fixes a problem when automatically detecting the first non-loopback private IP address, which was defaulted to in Kong 0.10.0. Greater versions of Serf can still be used, but the IP address needs to be manually specified in the cluster_advertise configuration property.

  • ⚠️ The CORS Plugin parameter config.origin is now #2203

    🔴 Post-release note (as of 2017/05/12): A faulty behavior has been observed with this change. Previously, the plugin would send the * wildcard when config.origin was not specified. With this change, the plugin does not send the * wildcard by default anymore. You will need to specify it manually when configuring the plugin, with*. This behavior is to be fixed in a future release.

    Update (2017/05/24): A fix to this regression has been released as part of 0.10.3. See the section of the Changelog related to this release for more details.

  • Admin API:

    • Disable support for TLS/1.0. #2212


  • Admin API:
    • Active targets can be pulled with GET /upstreams/{name}/targets/active. #2230
    • Provide a convenience endpoint to disable targets at: DELETE /upstreams/{name}/targets/{target}. Under the hood, this creates a new target with weight = 0 (the correct way of disabling targets, which used to cause confusion). #2256
  • Plugins:
    • cors: Support for configuring multiple Origin domains. #2203


  • Use an LRU cache for Lua-land entities caching to avoid exhausting the Lua VM memory in long-running instances. #2246
  • Avoid potential deadlocks upon callback errors in the caching module for database entities. #2197
  • Relax multipart MIME type parsing. A space is allowed in between values of the Content-Type header. #2215
  • Admin API:
    • Better handling of non-supported HTTP methods on endpoints of the Admin API. In some cases this used to throw an internal error. Calling any endpoint with a non-supported HTTP method now always returns 405 Method Not Allowed as expected. #2213
  • CLI:
    • Better error handling when missing Serf executable. #2218
    • Fix a bug in the kong migrations command that would prevent it to run correctly. #2238
    • Trim list values specified in the configuration file. #2206
    • Align the default configuration file's values to the actual, hard-coded default values to avoid confusion. #2254
  • Plugins:
    • hmac: Generate an HMAC secret value if none is provided. #2158
    • oauth2: Don't try to remove credential values from request bodies if the MIME type is multipart, since such attempts would result in an error. #2176
    • ldap: This plugin should not be applied to a single Consumer, however, this was not properly enforced. It is now impossible to apply this plugin to a single Consumer (as per all authentication plugin). #2237
    • aws-lambda: Support for us-west-2 region in schema. #2257

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0.10.0 - 2017/03/07

Kong 0.10 is one of most significant releases to this day. It ships with exciting new features that have been heavily requested for the last few months, such as load balancing, Cassandra 3.0 compatibility, Websockets support, internal DNS resolution (A and SRV records without Dnsmasq), and more flexible matching capabilities for APIs routing.

On top of those new features, this release received a particular attention to performance, and brings many improvements and refactors that should make it perform significantly better than any previous version.


  • ⚠️ API Objects (as configured via the Admin API) do not support the request_host and request_uri fields anymore. The 0.10 migrations should upgrade your current API Objects, but make sure to read the new 0.10 Proxy Guide to learn the new routing capabilities of Kong. On the good side, this means that Kong can now route incoming requests according to a combination of Host headers, URIs, and HTTP methods.
  • ⚠️ Final slashes in upstream_url are no longer allowed. #2115
  • ⚠️ The SSL plugin has been removed and dynamic SSL capabilities have been added to Kong core, and are configurable via new properties on the API entity. See the related PR for a detailed explanation of this change. #1970
  • ⚠️ Drop the Dnsmasq dependency. We now internally resolve both A and SRV DNS records. #1587
  • ⚠️ Dropping support for insecure TLS/1.0 and defaulting Upgrade responses to TLS/1.2. #2119
  • Bump the compatible OpenResty version to and Support for OpenResty requires the --without-luajit-lua52 compilation flag.
  • Separate Admin API and Proxy error logs. Admin API logs are now written to logs/admin_access.log. #1782
  • Auto-generates stronger SHA-256 with RSA encryption SSL certificates. #2117


  • 🎆 Support for Cassandra 3.x. #1709
  • 🎆 SRV records resolution. #1587
  • 🎆 Load balancing. When an A or SRV record resolves to multiple entries, Kong now rotates those upstream targets with a Round-Robin algorithm. This is a first step towards implementing more load balancing algorithms. Another way to specify multiple upstream targets is to use the newly introduced /upstreams and /targets entities of the Admin API. #1587 #1735
  • 🎆 Multiple hosts and paths per API. Kong can now route incoming requests to your services based on a combination of Host headers, URIs and HTTP methods. See the related PR for a detailed explanation of the new properties and capabilities of the new router. #1970
  • 🎆 Maintain upstream connection pools which should greatly improve performance, especially for HTTPS upstream connections. We now use HTTP/1.1 for upstream connections as well as an nginx upstream block with a configurablekeepalive directive, thanks to the new nginx_keepalive configuration property. #1587 #1827
  • 🎆 Websockets support. Kong can now upgrade client connections to use the ws protocol when Upgrade: websocket is present. #1827
  • Use an in-memory caching strategy for database entities in order to reduce CPU load during requests proxying. #1688
  • Provide negative-caching for missed database entities. This should improve performance in some cases. #1914
  • Support for serving the Admin API over SSL. This introduces new properties in the configuration file: admin_listen_ssl, admin_ssl, admin_ssl_cert and admin_ssl_cert_key. #1706
  • Support for upstream connection timeouts. APIs now have 3 new fields: upstream_connect_timeout, upstream_send_timeout, upstream_read_timeout to specify, in milliseconds, a timeout value for requests between Kong and your APIs. #2036
  • Support for clustering key rotation in the underlying Serf process:
    • new cluster_keyring_file property in the configuration file.
    • new kong cluster keys .. CLI commands that expose the underlying serf keys .. commands. #2069
  • Support for lua_socket_pool_size property in configuration file. #2109
  • Plugins:
    • 🎆 New AWS Lambda plugin. Thanks Tim Erickson for his collaboration on this new addition. #1777 #1190
    • Anonymous authentication for auth plugins. When such plugins receive the config.anonymous=<consumer_id> property, even non-authenticated requests will be proxied by Kong, with the traditional Consumer headers set to the designated anonymous consumer, but also with a X-Anonymous-Consumer header. Multiple auth plugins will work in a logical OR fashion. #1666 and #2035
    • request-transformer: Ability to change the HTTP method of the upstream request. #1635
    • jwt: Support for ES256 signatures. #1920
    • rate-limiting: Ability to select the Redis database to use via the new config.redis_database plugin property. #1941


  • Looking for Serf in known installation paths. #1997
  • Including port in upstream Host header. #2045
  • Clarify the purpose of the cluster_listen_rpc property in the configuration file. Thanks Jeremy Monin for the patch. #1860
  • Admin API:
    • Properly Return JSON responses (instead of HTML) on HTTP 409 Conflict when adding Plugins. #2014
  • CLI:
    • Avoid double-prefixing migration error messages with the database name (PostgreSQL/Cassandra).
  • Plugins:
    • Fix fault tolerance logic and error reporting in rate-limiting plugins.
    • CORS: Properly return Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false if Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. #2104
    • key-auth: enforce key_names to be proper header names according to Nginx. #2142

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0.9.9 - 2017/02/02


  • Correctly put Cassandra sockets into the Nginx connection pool for later reuse. This greatly improves the performance for rate-limiting and response-ratelimiting plugins. f8f5306
  • Correct length of a year in seconds for rate-limiting and response-ratelimiting plugins. A year was wrongly assumed to only be 360 days long. e4fdb2a
  • Prevent misinterpretation of the % character in proxied URLs encoding. Thanks Thomas Jouannic for the patch. #1998 #2040

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0.9.8 - 2017/01/19


  • Properly set the admin IP in the Serf script.


  • Provide negative-caching for missed database entities. This should improve performance in some cases. #1914


  • Plugins:
    • Fix fault tolerance logic and error reporting in rate-limiting plugins.

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0.9.7 - 2016/12/21


  • Fixed a performance issue in Cassandra by removing an old workaround that was forcing Cassandra to use LuaSocket instead of cosockets. #1916
  • Fixed an issue that was causing a recursive attempt to stop Kong's services when an error was occurring. #1877
  • Custom plugins are now properly loaded again. #1910
  • Plugins:
    • Galileo: properly encode empty arrays. #1909
    • OAuth 2: implements a missing Postgres migration for redirect_uri in every OAuth 2 credential. #1911
    • OAuth 2: safely parse the request body even when no data has been sent. #1915

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0.9.6 - 2016/11/29


  • Resolve support for PostgreSQL SSL connections. #1720
  • Ensure kong start honors the --conf flag is a config file already exists at one of the default locations (/etc/kong.conf, /etc/kong/kong.conf). #1681
  • Obfuscate sensitive properties from the / Admin API route which returns the current node's configuration. #1650

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0.9.5 - 2016/11/07


  • Dropping support for OpenResty in favor of #1797


  • Fixed an error (introduced in 0.9.4) in the auto-clustering event

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0.9.4 - 2016/11/02


  • Fixed the random string generator that was causing some problems, especially in Serf for clustering. #1754
  • Seed random number generator in CLI. #1641
  • Reducing log noise in the Admin API. #1781
  • Fixed the reports lock implementation that was generating a periodic error message. #1783

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0.9.3 - 2016/10/07


  • Added support for Serf 0.8. #1693


  • Properly invalidate global plugins. #1723

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0.9.2 - 2016/09/20


  • Correctly report migrations errors. This was caused by an error being thrown from the error handler, and superseding the actual error. [#1605] (Kong#1605)
  • Prevent Kong from silently failing to start. This would be caused by an erroneous error handler. [28f5d10] (
  • Only report a random number generator seeding error when it is not already seeded. #1613
  • Reduce intra-cluster noise by not propagating keepalive requests events. #1660
  • Admin API:
    • Obfuscates sensitive configuration settings from the / route. #1650
  • CLI:
    • Prevent a failed kong start to stop an already running Kong node. #1645
    • Remove unset configuration placeholders from the nginx configuration template. This would occur when no Internet connection would be available and would cause Kong to compile an erroneous nginx config. #1606
    • Properly count the number of executed migrations. #1649
  • Plugins:
    • OAuth2: remove the "Kong" mentions in missing provision_key error messages. #1633
    • OAuth2: allow to correctly delete applications when using Cassandra. #1659
    • galileo: provide a default bodySize value when log_bodies=true but the current request/response has no body. #1657

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0.9.1 - 2016/09/02


  • Plugins:
    • ACL: allow to retrieve/update/delete an ACL by group name. #1544
    • Basic Authentication: allow to retrieve/update/delete a credential by username. #1570
    • HMAC Authentication: allow to retrieve/update/delete a credential by username. #1570
    • JWT Authentication: allow to retrieve/update/delete a credential by key. #1570
    • Key Authentication: allow to retrieve/update/delete a credential by key. #1570
    • OAuth2 Authentication: allow to retrieve/update/delete a credential by client_id and tokens by access_token. #1570


  • Correctly parse configuration file settings containing comments. #1569
  • Prevent third-party Lua modules (and plugins) to override the seed for random number generation. This prevents the creation of conflicting UUIDs. #1558
  • Use pgmoon-mashape 2.0.0 which properly namespaces our fork, avoiding conflicts with other versions of pgmoon, such as the one installed by Lapis. #1582
  • Avoid exposing OpenResty's information on HTTP 4xx errors. #1567
  • ulimit with unlimited value is now properly handled. #1545
  • CLI:
    • Stop third-party services (Dnsmasq/Serf) when Kong could not start. #1588
    • Prefix database migration errors (such as Postgres' connection refused) with the database name (postgres/cassandra) to avoid confusions. #1583
  • Plugins:
    • galileo: Use Content-Length header to get request/response body size when log_bodies is disabled. #1584
  • Admin API:
    • Revert the /plugins/enabled endpoint's response to be a JSON array, and not an Object. #1529

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0.9.0 - 2016/08/18

The main focus of this release is Kong's new CLI. With a simpler configuration file, new settings, environment variables support, new commands as well as a new interpreter, the new CLI gives more power and flexibility to Kong users and allow for an easier integration in your deployment workflow, as well as better testing for developers and plugins authors. Additionally, some new plugins and performance improvements are included as well as the regular bug fixes.


  • ⚠️ PostgreSQL is the new default datastore for Kong. If you were using Cassandra and you are upgrading, you need to explicitly set cassandra as your database.
  • ⚠️ New CLI, with new commands and refined arguments. This new CLI uses the resty-cli interpreter (see lua-resty-cli) instead of LuaJIT. As a result, the resty executable must be available in your $PATH (resty-cli is shipped in the OpenResty bundle) as well as the bin/kong executable. Kong does not rely on Luarocks installing the bin/kong executable anymore. This change of behavior is taken care of if you are using one of the official Kong packages.
  • ⚠️ Kong uses a new configuration file, with an easier syntax than the previous YAML file.
  • New arguments for the CLI, such as verbose, debug and tracing flags. We also avoid requiring the configuration file as an argument to each command as per the previous CLI.
  • Customization of the Nginx configuration can now be taken care of using two different approaches: with a custom Nginx configuration template and using kong start --template <file>, or by using kong compile to generate the Kong Nginx sub-configuration, and include it in a custom Nginx instance.
  • Plugins:
    • Rate Limiting: the continue_on_error property is now called fault_tolerant.
    • Response Rate Limiting: the continue_on_error property is now called fault_tolerant.


  • 🎆 Support for overriding configuration settings with environment variables.
  • 🎆 Support for SSL connections between Kong and PostgreSQL. #1425
  • 🎆 Ability to apply plugins with more granularity: per-consumer, and global plugins are now possible. #1403
  • New kong check command: validates a Kong configuration file.
  • Better version check for third-party dependencies (OpenResty, Serf, Dnsmasq). #1307
  • Ability to configure the validation depth of database SSL certificates from the configuration file. #1420
  • request_host: internationalized url support; utf-8 domain names through punycode support and paths through %-encoding. #1300
  • Implements caching locks when fetching database configuration (APIs, Plugins...) to avoid dog pile effect on cold nodes. #1402
  • Plugins:
    • 🎆 New bot-detection plugin: protect your APIs by detecting and rejecting common bots and crawlers. #1413
    • correlation-id: new "tracker" generator, identifying requests per worker and connection. #1288
    • request/response-transformer: ability to add strings including colon characters. #1353
    • rate-limiting: support for new rate-limiting policies (cluster, local and redis), and for a new limit_by property to force rate-limiting by consumer, credential or ip.
    • response-rate-limiting: support for new rate-limiting policies (cluster, local and redis), and for a new limit_by property to force rate-limiting by consumer, credential or ip.
    • galileo: performance improvements of ALF serialization. ALFs are not discarded when exceeding 20MBs anymore. #1463
    • statsd: new upstream_stream latency metric. #1466
    • datadog: new upstream_stream latency metric and tagging support for each metric. #1473


  • We now use lua-resty-jit-uuid for UUID generation, which is a pure Lua implementation of RFC 4122. As a result, libuuid is not a dependency of Kong anymore.


  • Sensitive configuration settings are not printed to stdout anymore. #1256
  • Fixed bug that caused nodes to remove themselves from the database when they attempted to join the cluster. #1437
  • Plugins:
    • request-size-limiting: use proper constant for MB units while setting the size limit. #1416
    • OAuth2: security and config validation fixes. #1409 #1112
    • request/response-transformer: better validation of fields provided without a value. #1399
    • JWT: handle some edge-cases that could result in HTTP 500 errors. #1362


  • new test suite using resty-cli and removing the need to monkey-patch the ngx global.
  • custom assertions and new helper methods (wait_until()) to gracefully fail in case of timeout.
  • increase atomicity of the testing environment.
  • lighter testing instance, only running 1 worker and not using Dnsmasq by default.

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0.8.3 - 2016/06/01

This release includes some bugfixes:


  • Switched the log level of the "No nodes found in cluster" warning to INFO, that was printed when starting up the first Kong node in a new cluster.
  • Kong now requires OpenResty


  • New nodes are now properly registered into the nodes table when running on the same machine. #1281
  • Fixed a failed error parsing on Postgres. #1269
  • Plugins:
    • Response Transformer: Slashes are now encoded properly, and fixed a bug that hang the execution of the plugin. #1257 and #1263
    • JWT: If a value for algorithm is missing, it's now HS256 by default. This problem occurred when migrating from older versions of Kong.
    • OAuth 2.0: Fixed a Postgres problem that was preventing an application from being created, and fixed a check on the redirect_uri field. #1264 and #1267

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0.8.2 - 2016/05/25

This release includes bugfixes and minor updates:


  • Support for a simple slash in request_path. #1227
  • Plugins:
    • Response Rate Limiting: it now appends usage headers to the upstream requests in the form of X-Ratelimit-Remaining-{limit_name} and introduces a new config.block_on_first_violation property. #1235


  • Plugins:
    • Mashape Analytics: The plugin is now called "Galileo", and added support for Galileo v3. #1159


  • Postgres now relies on the search_path configured on the database and its default value $user, public. #1196
  • Kong now properly encodes an empty querystring parameter like ?param= when proxying the request. #1210
  • The configuration now checks that cluster.ttl_on_failure is at least 60 seconds. #1199
  • Plugins:
    • Loggly: Fixed an issue that was triggering 400 and 500 errors. #1184
    • JWT: The TYP value in the header is not optional and case-insensitive. #1192
    • Request Transformer: Fixed a bug when transforming request headers. #1202
    • OAuth 2.0: Multiple redirect URIs are now supported. #1112
    • IP Restriction: Fixed that prevented the plugin for working properly when added on an API. #1245
    • CORS: Fixed an issue when config.preflight_continue was enabled. #1240

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0.8.1 - 2016/04/27

This release includes some fixes and minor updates:


  • Adds X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Prefix to the upstream request headers. #1180
  • Plugins:
    • Datadog: Added two new metrics, unique_users and request_per_user, that log the consumer information. #1179


  • Fixed a DAO bug that affected full entity updates. #1163
  • Fixed a bug when setting the authentication provider in Cassandra.
  • Updated the Cassandra driver to v0.5.2.
  • Properly enforcing required fields in PUT requests. #1177
  • Fixed a bug that prevented to retrieve the hostname of the local machine on certain systems. #1178

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0.8.0 - 2016/04/18

This release includes support for PostgreSQL as Kong's primary datastore!

Breaking changes

  • Remove support for the long deprecated /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ and /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ routes (deprecated in 0.5.0). The new routes (available since 0.5.0 too) use the real name of the plugin: /consumers/:consumer/key-auth and /consumers/:consumer/basic-auth.


  • Support for PostgreSQL 9.4+ as Kong's primary datastore. #331 #1054
  • Configurable Cassandra reading/writing consistency. #1026
  • Admin API: including pending and running timers count in the response to /. #992
  • Plugins
    • New correlation-id plugin: assign unique identifiers to the requests processed by Kong. Courtesy of @opyate. #1094
    • LDAP: add support for LDAP authentication. #1133
    • StatsD: add support for StatsD logging. #1142
    • JWT: add support for RS256 signed tokens thanks to @kdstew! #1053
    • ACL: appends X-Consumer-Groups to the request, so the upstream service can check what groups the consumer belongs to. #1154
    • Galileo (mashape-analytics): increase batch sending timeout to 30s. #1091
  • Added ttl_on_failure option in the cluster configuration, to configure the TTL of failed nodes. #1125


  • Introduce a new port option when connecting to your Cassandra cluster instead of using the CQL default (9042). #1139
  • Plugins
    • Request/Response Transformer: add missing migrations for upgrades from <= 0.5.x. #1064
    • OAuth2
      • Error responses comply to RFC 6749. #1017
      • Handle multipart requests. #1067
      • Make access_tokens correctly expire. #1089


  • replace globals with singleton pattern thanks to @mars.
  • fixed resolution mismatches when using deep paths in the path resolver.

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0.7.0 - 2016/02/24

Breaking changes

Due to the NGINX security fixes (CVE-2016-0742, CVE-2016-0746, CVE-2016-0747), OpenResty was bumped to which is not backwards compatible, and thus requires changes to be made to the nginx property of Kong's configuration file. See the 0.7 upgrade path for instructions.

However by upgrading the underlying OpenResty version, source installations do not have to patch the NGINX core and use the old ssl-cert-by-lua branch of ngx_lua anymore. This will make source installations much easier.


  • Support for OpenResty 1.9.7.*. This includes NGINX security fixes (CVE-2016-0742, CVE-2016-0746, CVE-2016-0747). #906
  • Plugins
    • New Runscope plugin: Monitor your APIs from Kong with Runscope. Courtesy of @mansilladev. #924
    • Datadog: New response.size metric. #923
    • Rate-Limiting and Response Rate-Limiting
      • New config.async option to asynchronously increment counters to reduce latency at the cost of slightly reducing the accuracy. #912
      • New config.continue_on_error option to keep proxying requests in case the datastore is unreachable. rate-limiting operations will be disabled until the datastore is responsive again. #953
  • CLI
    • Perform a simple permission check on the NGINX working directory when starting, to prevent errors during execution. #939
  • Send 50x errors with the appropriate format. #927 #970


  • Plugins
    • OAuth2
      • Better handling of redirect_uri (prevent the use of fragments and correctly handle querystrings). Courtesy of @PGBI. #930
      • Add PUT support to the /auth2_tokens route. #897
      • Better error message when the access_token is missing. #1003
    • IP restriction: Fix an issue that could arise when restarting Kong. Now Kong does not need to be restarted for the ip-restriction configuration to take effect. #782 #960
    • ACL: Properly invalidating entities when assigning a new ACL group. #996
    • SSL: Replace shelled out openssl calls with native ngx.ssl conversion utilities, which preserve the certificate chain. #968
  • Avoid user warning on start when the user is not root. #964
  • Store Serf logs in NGINX working directory to prevent eventual permission issues. #975
  • Allow plugins configured on a Consumer without being configured on an API to run. #978 #980
  • Fixed an edge-case where Kong nodes would not be registered in the nodes table. #1008

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0.6.1 - 2016/02/03

This release contains tiny bug fixes that were especially annoying for complex Cassandra setups and power users of the Admin API!


  • A timeout property for the Cassandra configuration. In ms, this timeout is effective as a connection and a reading timeout. #937


  • Correctly set the Cassandra SSL certificate in the Nginx configuration while starting Kong. #921
  • Rename the user Cassandra property to username (Kong looks for username, hence user would fail). #922
  • Allow Cassandra authentication with arbitrary plain text auth providers (such as Instaclustr uses), fixing authentication with them. #937
  • Admin API
    • Fix the /plugins/:id route for PATCH method. #941
  • Plugins
    • HTTP logging: remove the additional \r\n at the end of the logging request body. #926
    • Galileo: catch occasional internal errors happening when a request was cancelled by the client and fix missing shm for the retry policy. #931

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0.6.0 - 2016/01/22

Breaking changes

We would recommended to consult the suggested 0.6 upgrade path for this release.

  • Serf is now a Kong dependency. It allows Kong nodes to communicate between each other opening the way to many features and improvements.
  • The configuration file changed. Some properties were renamed, others were moved, and some are new. We would recommend checking out the new default configuration file.
  • Drop the Lua 5.1 dependency which was only used by the CLI. The CLI now runs with LuaJIT, which is consistent with other Kong components (Luarocks and OpenResty) already relying on LuaJIT. Make sure the LuaJIT interpreter is included in your $PATH. #799


One of the biggest new features of this release is the cluster-awareness added to Kong in #729, which deserves its own section:

  • Each Kong node is now aware of belonging to a cluster through Serf. Nodes automatically join the specified cluster according to the configuration file's settings.
  • The datastore cache is not invalidated by expiration time anymore, but following an invalidation strategy between the nodes of a same cluster, leading to improved performance.
  • Admin API
    • Expose a /cache endpoint for retrieving elements stored in the in-memory cache of a node.
    • Expose a /cluster endpoint used to add/remove/list members of the cluster, and also used internally for data propagation.
  • CLI
    • New kong cluster command for cluster management.
    • New kong status command for cluster healthcheck.

Other additions include:

  • New Cassandra driver which makes Kong aware of the Cassandra cluster. Kong is now unaffected if one of your Cassandra nodes goes down as long as a replica is available on another node. Load balancing policies also improve the performance along with many other smaller improvements. #803
  • Admin API
    • A new total field in API responses, that counts the total number of entities in the datastore. #635
  • Configuration
    • Possibility to configure the keyspace replication strategy for Cassandra. It will be taken into account by the migrations when the configured keyspace does not already exist. #350
    • Dnsmasq is now optional. You can specify a custom DNS resolver address that Kong will use when resolving hostnames. This can be configured in kong.yml. #625
  • Plugins
    • New "syslog" plugin: send logs to local system log. #698
    • New "loggly" plugin: send logs to Loggly over UDP. #698
    • New "datadog" plugin: send logs to Datadog server. #758
    • OAuth2
      • Add support for X-Forwarded-Proto header. #650
      • Expose a new /oauth2_tokens endpoint with the possibility to retrieve, update or delete OAuth 2.0 access tokens. #729
    • JWT
      • Support for base64 encoded secrets. #838 #577
      • Support to configure the claim in which the key is given into the token (not iss only anymore). #838
    • Request transformer
      • Support for more transformation options: remove, replace, add, append motivated by #393. See #824
      • Support JSON body transformation. #569
    • Response transformer
      • Support for more transformation options: remove, replace, add, append motivated by #393. See #822


  • As mentioned in the breaking changes section, a new configuration file format and validation. All properties are now documented and commented out with their default values. This allows for a lighter configuration file and more clarity as to what properties relate to. It also catches configuration mistakes. #633
  • Replace the UUID generator library with a new implementation wrapping lib-uuid, fixing eventual conflicts happening in cases such as described in #659. See #695
  • Admin API
    • Increase the maximum body size to 10MB in order to handle configuration requests with heavy payloads. #700
    • Disable access logs for the /status endpoint.
    • The /status endpoint now includes database statistics, while the previous stats have been moved to a server response field. #635


  • Behaviors described in #603 related to the failure of Cassandra nodes thanks to the new driver. #803
  • Latency headers are now properly included in responses sent to the client. #708
  • strip_request_path does not add a trailing slash to the API's upstream_url anymore before proxying. #675
  • Do not URL decode querystring before proxying the request to the upstream service. #749
  • Handle cases when the request would be terminated prior to the Kong execution (that is, before ngx_lua reaches the access_by_lua context) in cases such as the use of a custom nginx module. #594
  • Admin API
    • The PUT method now correctly updates boolean fields (such as strip_request_path). #765
    • The PUT method now correctly resets a plugin configuration. #720
    • PATCH correctly set previously unset fields. #861
    • In the responses, the next link is not being displayed anymore if there are no more entities to be returned. #635
    • Prevent the update of created_at fields. #820
    • Better request_path validation for APIs. "/" is not considered a valid path anymore. #881
  • Plugins
    • Galileo: ensure the mimeType value is always a string in ALFs. #584
    • JWT: allow to update JWT credentials using the PATCH method. It previously used to reply with 405 Method not allowed because the PATCH method was not implemented. #667
    • Rate limiting: fix a warning when many periods are configured. #681
    • Basic Authentication: do not re-hash the password field when updating a credential. #726
    • File log: better permissions for on file creation for file-log plugin. #877
    • OAuth2
      • Implement correct responses when the OAuth2 challenges are refused. #737
      • Handle querystring on /authorize and /token URLs. #687
      • Handle punctuation in scopes on /authorize and /token endpoints. #658


  • Event bus for local and cluster-wide events propagation. Plans for this event bus is to be widely used among Kong in the future.
  • The Kong Public Lua API (Lua helpers integrated in Kong such as DAO and Admin API helpers) is now documented with ldoc.
  • Work has been done to restore the reliability of the CI platforms.
  • Migrations can now execute DML queries (instead of DDL queries only). Handy for migrations implying plugin configuration changes, plugins renamings etc... #770

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0.5.4 - 2015/12/03


  • Mashape Analytics plugin (renamed Galileo):
    • Improve stability under heavy load. #757
    • base64 encode ALF request/response bodies, enabling proper support for Galileo bodies inspection capabilities. #747
    • Do not include JSON bodies in ALF postData.params field. #766

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0.5.3 - 2015/11/16


  • Avoids additional URL encoding when proxying to an upstream service. #691
  • Potential timing comparison bug in HMAC plugin. #704


  • The Galileo plugin now supports arbitrary host, port and path values. #721

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0.5.2 - 2015/10/21

A few fixes requested by the community!


  • Kong properly search the nginx in your $PATH variable.
  • Plugins:
    • OAuth2: can detect that the originating protocol for a request was HTTPS through the X-Forwarded-Proto header and work behind another reverse proxy (load balancer). #650
    • HMAC signature: support for X-Date header to sign the request for usage in browsers (since the Date header is protected). #641

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0.5.1 - 2015/10/13

Fixing a few glitches we let out with 0.5.0!


  • Basic Authentication and HMAC Authentication plugins now also send the X-Credential-Username to the upstream server.
  • Admin API now accept JSON when receiving a CORS request. #580
  • Add a WWW-Authenticate header for HTTP 401 responses for basic-auth and key-auth. #588


  • Protect Kong from POODLE SSL attacks by omitting SSLv3 (CVE-2014-3566). #563
  • Remove support for key-auth key in body. #566


  • Plugins
    • HMAC
      • The migration for this plugin is now correctly being run. #611
      • Wrong username doesn't return HTTP 500 anymore, but 403. #602
    • JWT: iss not being found doesn't return HTTP 500 anymore, but 403. #578
    • OAuth2: client credentials flow does not include a refresh token anymore. #562
  • Fix an occasional error when updating a plugin without a config. #571

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0.5.0 - 2015/09/25

With new plugins, many improvements and bug fixes, this release comes with breaking changes that will require your attention.

Breaking changes

Several breaking changes are introduced. You will have to slightly change your configuration file and a migration script will take care of updating your database cluster. Please follow the instructions in for an update without downtime.

  • Many plugins were renamed due to new naming conventions for consistency. #480
  • In the configuration file, the Cassandra hosts property was renamed to contact_points. #513
  • Properties belonging to APIs entities have been renamed for clarity. #513
    • public_dns -> request_host
    • path -> request_path
    • strip_path -> strip_request_path
    • target_url -> upstream_url
  • plugins_configurations have been renamed to plugins, and their value property has been renamed to config to avoid confusions. #513
  • The database schema has been updated to handle the separation of plugins outside of the core repository.
  • The Key authentication and Basic authentication plugins routes have changed:
Old route                             New route
/consumers/:consumer/keyauth       -> /consumers/:consumer/key-auth
/consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id   -> /consumers/:consumer/key-auth/:id
/consumers/:consumer/basicauth     -> /consumers/:consumer/basic-auth
/consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id -> /consumers/:consumer/basic-auth/:id

The old routes are still maintained but will be removed in upcoming versions. Consider them deprecated.

  • Admin API
    • The route to retrieve enabled plugins is now under /plugins/enabled.
    • The route to retrieve a plugin's configuration schema is now under /plugins/schema/{plugin name}.


  • Plugins
    • New Response Rate Limiting plugin: Give a usage quota to your users based on a parameter in your response. #247
    • New ACL (Access Control) plugin: Configure authorizations for your Consumers. #225
    • New JWT (JSON Web Token) plugin: Verify and authenticate JWTs. #519
    • New HMAC signature plugin: Verify and authenticate HMAC signed HTTP requests. #549
    • Plugins migrations. Each plugin can now have its own migration scripts if it needs to store data in your cluster. This is a step forward to improve Kong's pluggable architecture. #443
    • Basic Authentication: the password field is now sha1 encrypted. #33
    • Basic Authentication: now supports credentials in the Proxy-Authorization header. #460


  • Basic Authentication and Key Authentication now require authentication parameters even when the Expect: 100-continue header is being sent. #408
  • Key Auth plugin does not support passing the key in the request payload anymore. #566
  • APIs' names cannot contain characters from the RFC 3986 reserved list. #589


  • Resolver
    • Making a request with a querystring will now correctly match an API's path. #496
  • Admin API
    • Data associated to a given API/Consumer will correctly be deleted if related Consumer/API is deleted. #107 #438 #504
    • The /api/{api_name_or_id}/plugins/{plugin_name_or_id} changed to /api/{api_name_or_id}/plugins/{plugin_id} to avoid requesting the wrong plugin if two are configured for one API. #482
    • APIs created without a name but with a request_path will now have a name which defaults to the set request_path. #547
  • Plugins
    • Mashape Analytics: More robust buffer and better error logging. #471
    • Mashape Analytics: Several ALF (API Log Format) serialization fixes. #515
    • Oauth2: A response is now returned on http://kong:8001/consumers/{consumer}/oauth2/{oauth2_id}. #469
    • Oauth2: Saving authenticated_userid on Password Grant. #476
    • Oauth2: Proper handling of the /oauth2/authorize and /oauth2/token endpoints in the OAuth 2.0 Plugin when an API with a path is being consumed using the public_dns instead. #503
    • OAuth2: Properly returning X-Authenticated-UserId in the client_credentials and password flows. #535
    • Response-Transformer: Properly handling JSON responses that have a charset specified in their Content-Type header.

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0.4.2 - 2015/08/10


  • Cassandra authentication and SSL encryption. #405
  • preserve_host flag on APIs to preserve the Host header when a request is proxied. #444
  • Added the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant to the OAuth 2.0 Plugin. #448
  • Auto-generation of default SSL certificate. #453


  • Remove cassandra.port property in configuration. Ports are specified by having cassandra.hosts addresses using the host:port notation (RFC 3986). #457
  • Default SSL certificate is now auto-generated and stored in the nginx_working_dir.
  • OAuth 2.0 plugin now properly forces HTTPS.


  • Better handling of multi-nodes Cassandra clusters. #450
  • mashape-analytics plugin: handling of numerical values in querystrings. #449
  • Path resolver strip_path option wrongfully matching the path property multiple times in the request URI. #442
  • File Log Plugin bug that prevented the file creation in some environments. #461
  • Clean output of the Kong CLI. #235

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0.4.1 - 2015/07/23


  • Issues with the Mashape Analytics plugin. #425
  • Handle hyphens when executing path routing with strip_path option enabled. #431
  • Adding the Client Credentials OAuth 2.0 flow. #430
  • A bug that prevented "dnsmasq" from being started on some systems, including Debian. f7da790
  • File Log plugin: optimizations by avoiding the buffered I/O layer. 20bb478

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0.4.0 - 2015/07/15


  • Implement wildcard subdomains for APIs' public_dns. #381 #297
  • Plugins
    • New OAuth 2.0 plugin. #341 #169
    • New Mashape Analytics plugin. #360 #272
    • New IP whitelisting/blacklisting plugin. #379
    • Ratelimiting: support for multiple limits. #382 #205
    • HTTP logging: support for HTTPS endpoint. #342
    • Logging plugins: new properties for logs timing. #351
    • Key authentication: now auto-generates a key if none is specified. #48
  • Resolver
    • path property now accepts arbitrary depth. #310
  • Admin API
    • Enable CORS by default. #371
    • Expose a new endpoint to get a plugin configuration's schema. #376 #309
    • Expose a new endpoint to retrieve a node's status. 417c137
  • CLI
    • $ kong migrations reset now asks for confirmation. #365


  • Plugins
    • Basic authentication not being executed if added to an API with default configuration. 6d732cd
    • SSL plugin configuration parsing. #353
    • SSL plugin doesn't accept a consumer_id anymore, as this wouldn't make sense. #372 #322
    • Authentication plugins now return 401 when missing credentials. #375 #354
  • Admin API
    • Non supported HTTP methods now return 405 instead of 500. 38f1b7f
    • Prevent PATCH requests from overriding a plugin's configuration if partially updated. 9a7388d
  • Handle occasionally missing schema_migrations table. #365 #250


  • DAO:
    • Complete refactor. No more need for hard-coded queries. #346
  • Schemas:
    • New self_check test for schema definitions. 5bfa7ca

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0.3.2 - 2015/06/08


  • Uppercase Cassandra keyspace bug that prevented Kong to work with
  • Multipart requests not properly parsed in the admin API. #344

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0.3.1 - 2015/06/07


  • Schema migrations are now automatic, which was missing from previous releases. #303

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0.3.0 - 2015/06/04


  • Support for SSL.
  • Plugins
    • New HTTP logging plugin. #226 #251
    • New SSL plugin.
    • New request size limiting plugin. #292
    • Default logging format improvements. #226 #262
    • File logging now logs to a custom file. #202
    • Keyauth plugin now defaults key_names to "apikey".
  • Admin API
    • RESTful routing. Much nicer Admin API routing. Ex: /apis/{name_or_id}/plugins. #98 #257
    • Support PUT method for endpoints such as /apis/, /apis/plugins/, /consumers/
    • Support for application/json and x-www-form-urlencoded Content Types for all PUT, POST and PATCH endpoints by passing a Content-Type header. #236
  • Resolver
    • Support resolving APIs by Path as well as by Header. #192 #282
    • Support for X-Host-Override as an alternative to Host for browsers. #203 #246
  • Auth plugins now send user informations to your upstream services. #228
  • Invalid target_url value are now being caught when creating an API. #149


  • Uppercase Cassandra keyspace causing migration failure. #249
  • Guarantee that ratelimiting won't allow requests in case the atomicity of the counter update is not guaranteed. #289


  • Schemas:
    • New property type: array. #277
    • Entities schemas now live in their own files and are starting to be unit tested.
    • Subfields are handled better: (notify required subfields and auto-vivify is subfield has default values).
  • Way faster unit tests. Not resetting the DB anymore between tests.
  • Improved coverage computation (exclude vendor/).
  • Travis now lints kong/.
  • Way faster Travis setup.
  • Added a new HTTP client for in-nginx usage, using the cosocket API.
  • Various refactorings.
  • Fix #196.
  • Disabled ipv6 in resolver.

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0.2.1 - 2015/05/12

This is a maintenance release including several bug fixes and usability improvements.


  • Support for local DNS resolution. #194
  • Support for Debian 8 and Ubuntu 15.04.
  • DAO
    • Cassandra version bumped to 2.1.5
    • Support for Cassandra downtime. If Cassandra goes down and is brought back up, Kong will not need to restart anymore, statements will be re-prepared on-the-fly. This is part of an ongoing effort from jbochi/lua-resty-cassandra#47, #146 and #187. Queries effectuated during the downtime will still be lost. #11
    • Leverage reused sockets. If the DAO reuses a socket, it will not re-set their keyspace. This should give a small but appreciable performance improvement. #170
    • Cascade delete plugins configurations when deleting a Consumer or an API associated with it. #107
    • Allow Cassandra hosts listening on different ports than the default. #185
  • CLI
    • Added a notice log when Kong tries to connect to Cassandra to avoid user confusion. #168
    • The CLI now tests if the ports are already being used before starting and warns.
  • Admin API
    • name is now an optional property for APIs. If none is being specified, the name will be the API public_dns. #181
  • Configuration
    • The memory cache size is now configurable. #208


  • Resolver
    • More explicit "API not found" message from the resolver if the Host was not found in the system. "API not found with Host: %s".
    • If multiple hosts headers are being sent, Kong will test them all to see if one of the API is in the system. #186
  • Admin API: responses now have a new line after the body. #164
  • DAO: keepalive property is now properly passed when Kong calls set_keepalive on Cassandra sockets.
  • Multipart dependency throwing error at startup. #213


  • Separate Migrations from the DAO factory.
  • Update dev config + Makefile rules (run becomes start).
  • Introducing an ngx stub for unit tests and CLI.
  • Switch many PCRE regexes to using patterns.

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0.2.0-2 - 2015/04/27

First public release of Kong. This version brings a lot of internal improvements as well as more usability and a few additional plugins.


  • Plugins
    • CORS plugin.
    • Request transformation plugin.
    • NGINX plus monitoring plugin.
  • Configuration
    • New properties: proxy_port and api_admin_port. #142
  • CLI
    • Better info, help and error messages. #118 #124
    • New commands: kong reload, kong quit. #114 Alias of version: kong --version #119
    • kong restart simply starts Kong if not previously running + better pid file handling. #131
  • Package distributions: .rpm, .deb and .pkg for easy installs on most common platforms.


  • Admin API: trailing slash is not necessary anymore for core resources such as /apis or /consumers.
  • Leaner default configuration. #156


  • All scripts moved to the CLI as "hidden" commands (kong db, kong config).
  • More tests as always, and they are structured better. The coverage went down mainly because of plugins which will later move to their own repos. We are all eagerly waiting for that!
  • src/ was renamed to kong/ for ease of development
  • All system dependencies versions for package building and travis-ci are now listed in
  • DAO doesn't need to :prepare() prior to run queries. Queries can be prepared at runtime. #146

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0.1.1beta-2 - 2015/03/30


  • Wrong behavior of auto-migration in kong start.

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0.1.0beta-3 - 2015/03/25

First public beta. Includes caching and better usability.


  • Required Openresty is now
  • Freshly built CLI, rewritten in Lua
  • kong start using a new DB keyspace will automatically migrate the schema. #68
  • Anonymous error reporting on Proxy and API. #64
  • Configuration
    • Simplified configuration file (unified in kong.yml).
    • In configuration, plugins_installed was renamed to plugins_available. #59
    • Order of plugins_available doesn't matter anymore. #17
    • Better handling of plugins: Kong now detects which plugins are configured and if they are installed on the current machine.
    • bin/kong now defaults on /etc/kong.yml for config and /var/logs/kong for output. #71
  • Proxy: APIs/Consumers caching with expiration for faster authentication.
  • Admin API: Plugins now use plain form parameters for configuration. #70
  • Keep track of already executed migrations. rollback now behaves as expected. #8


  • Server header now sends Kong. #57
  • migrations not being executed in order on Linux. This issue wasn't noticed until unit testing the migrations because for now we only have 1 migration file.
  • Admin API: Errors responses are now sent as JSON. #58


  • We now have code linting and coverage.
  • Faker and Migrations instances don't live in the DAO Factory anymore, they are only used in scripts and tests.
  • scripts/config.lua allows environment based configurations. make dev generates a kong.DEVELOPMENT.yml and kong_TEST.yml. Different keyspaces and ports.
  • spec_helpers.lua allows tests to not rely on the Makefile anymore. Integration tests can run 100% from busted.
  • Switch integration testing from [] to [].
  • core plugin was renamed to resolver.

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0.0.1alpha-1 - 2015/02/25

First version running with Cassandra.


  • Basic proxying.
  • Built-in authentication plugin (api key, HTTP basic).
  • Built-in ratelimiting plugin.
  • Built-in TCP logging plugin.
  • Configuration API (for consumers, apis, plugins).
  • CLI bin/kong script.
  • Database migrations (using db.lua).

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