genericAnonymizer is a data anonymization tool working with Spark allowing you to anonymize a dataset with any schema and any types.
Benefits of genericAnonymizer is to anonymize deeply nested dataset, keep your column distribution and possibility of avoiding columns names or types.
genericAnonymizer is mapping your dataset by rows and return anonymized values.
Our app is using different anonymization method for specific type encountered.
- String values : SHA256 Hash
- Numeric values : Random decimal number between 1 and 4
- TODO : Date values
Spark shell with spark 3.4.2
Build jar file on your own and use it in with your spark engine
Example of anonymization with iris.json sample
{"sepalLength": 5.1, "sepalWidth": 3.5, "petalLength": 1.4, "petalWidth": 0.2, "species": "setosa"},
{"sepalLength": 4.9, "sepalWidth": 3.0, "petalLength": 1.4, "petalWidth": 0.2, "species": "setosa"},
{"sepalLength": 4.7, "sepalWidth": 3.2, "petalLength": 1.3, "petalWidth": 0.2, "species": "setosa"},
Ratios has been modifiated, and species values has been anonymized
- Json
- Csv
Referential is written to keep numeric factor and metadata of anonymization
{"conf":"preSqlStatements","value":"WrappedArray(SET sha256_one = sha256('one'))"}
Most of the properties that control internal settings have reasonable default values. Some of the most common options to set are:
PropertyName | Default | Meaning | SinceVersion |
sourceFormat | json | File format of your source dataset | 0.1 |
sourceBasePath | (none) | Path of your spark basePath option | 0.1 |
sourceDelimiter | , | Delimiter between columns (mainly for CSV) | 0.1 |
sourcePath | ./sample/input/iris.json | Path of your source dataset | 0.1 |
sourcePartitionFilter | (none) | TODO | 0.1 |
targetDelimiter | , | Delimiter between columns (mainly for CSV) of target dataset | 0.1 |
targetFormat | (none) | File format of your target dataset | 0.1 |
targetBasePath | (none) | Path of your spark basePath option of target dataset | 0.1 |
targetReferentialPath | /sample/output/referential | Path of referential | 0.1 |
targetMaxRows | 0 (None) | Number of first rows you read from source (0 = all rows) | 0.1 |
encoding | (none) | Encoding value for spark option | 0.1 |
compression | gzip | Compression value for spark option | 0.1 |
partitionBy | (none) | Columns to parition your dataset | 0.1 |
partitionNum | 1 | Value for spark target repartitioning | 0.1 |
withInnerRepartition | false | TODO | 0.1 |
preSqlStatements | SET sha256_one = sha256('one') | SQL statements to execute before anonymization | 0.1 |
innerRepartitionExpr | (none) | TODO | 0.1 |
saveMode | overwrite | File format for target saving | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.byteKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.shortKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.integerKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.longKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.fLoatKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.doubleKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |
Anonymizer.decimalKeyFactor | 1 | Random number key factor for anonymizer | 0.1 |