Converts an <input>
to a typeahead tagbox. Demos
data: [
{"id":6,"text":"Salt Lake City"},
<input type="text" name="tags" class="typeahead-tagbox">
Name | default | type | Comment |
caseSensitive | false |
Boolean | If the typeahead should check the text case sensitive or not |
data | [] |
Array | required - The data which should be searched |
dropdownItemTemplate | "{{text}}" |
String | The template for the dropdown item. Possible variables: {{text}} , {{id}} , and any additional key you add to the data objects |
idKey | "id" |
String | Key of the data objects, by which the data should be sorted. Can be the same es textKey , but make sure you have no duplicates then |
inputPlaceholder | "add..." |
String | String for the input placeholder |
minLength | 2 |
Integer | Number of chars to be typed befor the search starts |
selector | ".typeahead-tagbox" |
String | Selector for the to be transformed input element |
tagDeleteButtonContent | "x" |
String | Content of the delete button. May be an image tag or svg icon for example |
tagTemplate | "{{text}}" |
String | The template for the tags. Possible variables: {{text}} , {{id}} , and any additional key you add to the data objects |
textKey | "text" |
String | Key of the data objects, which should be displayed in the dropdown and tag |
Name | default | type | Comment |
dropdownClass | "typeahead-dropdown" |
String | The class for the dropdown element |
dropdownItemClass | "typeahead-dropdown-item" |
String | The class for the dropdown item element |
dropdownSelectedClass | "selected" |
String | Class to be added when a dropdown is selected by keyboard arows |
highlightClass | "typeahead-highlight" |
String | Class to be wrapped around the matching substring |
inputClass | "typeahead-input" |
String | Class for the actual input field |
tagClass | "typeahead-tag" |
String | Class for the tags |
tagRemovingClass | "removing" |
String | Class added to the tag befor removing it via keyboard backspace |
typeaheadClass | "typeahead" |
String | Class added to the wrapper of the typeahead |
Name | default | type | Comment |
onAddTag | undefined |
undefined / null / Function | Callback to be executed when a tag is added. Parameters: tag which was just added, taglist current list of tags, including the new one |
onClickDropdownOption | undefined |
undefined / null / Function | Callback to be extecuted when an dropdown option is clicked. Parameters: option which was just clicked. Executed before onAddTag . |
onOpenDropdown | undefined |
undefined / null / Function | Callback to be executed when the dropdown is opened to display search results. Parameters: value of the input, optionlist which is displayed in the dropdown |
onRemoveTag | undefined |
undefined / null / Function | Callback to be executed when a tag is removed. Parameters: tag which was removed, taglist without the just removed tag |
data: [
username: 'jackson',
age: 43,
id: '5c678gh32',
image: 'jackson-avatar.jpg'
username: 'ferdinand',
age: 23,
id: '5c6jh76a2',
image: 'ferdinand-avatar.jpg'
/* more data */
textKey: 'username'
dropdownItemTemplate: '<img src="uploads/{{image}}"><strong>{{text}}</strong>({{age}})'