I am a Web Developer that uses Frontend technologies such as React or Vue to create modern, stable and user-friendly websites. On the Backend, I employ Node, Express, MongoDB or SQL Databases to provide clients with the ability to scale. Right now, I am focused on deepening my skills and learning about Web Accessibility, TypeScript, Design Systems(BEM, SMACSS) and diving into Serverless Technologies(AWS, Firebase) by creating and improving applications every day.
I studied Bass Guitar at the ArtEZ Conservatory in the Netherlands. Since 2015, I had the opportunity to gather many experiences as a professional musician - it basically feels like being on a road trip with your friends all year. I have, however, kept an eye on coding and web development for a long time. The possibility to convert every idea into an application excites me. The pandemic provided me with the time to immerse myself in development, and a couple of months later, I'm getting more passionate about it every day!
My preferred way of working is with the MERN stack. Individually listed, I have experience with: Git, JavaScript (pre ES5 to ESNext), HTML, CSS, SASS, TailwindCSS, ReactJS, Redux, VueJS, NodeJS, Express, mongoDB, SQL, RestApis, AWS