Notes for born_to_be_root 42 project
- The signature of the virtual machine in a file called signature.txt
- Install latest Debian stable (or Rocky) in VirtualBox
! All past notes will be for Debian
- Partition with lvm, encrypt all partitions including swap except /boot
- Set up AppArmor to start at boot (in rocky it's SELinux)
- ssh service running on port 4242, disable root on ssh
- ufw firewall only opens port 4242
- hostname
- configure sudo
- <= 3 wrong sudo attempts
- display a custom message when wrong sudo password
- archive each sudo command in /var/log/sudo/
- tty mode must be enabled
- sudo paths must be restricted (eg. /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin)
- users :
(in groupsuser42
) - Passwords :
- >= 10 chars, >= 1 uppercase letter, >= 1 lowercase letter, >= 1 number, <= 3 consecutive identical characters
- must not include name of the user
- >= 7 characters different from old password
- expires every 30 days, warning message 7 days before
- can be modified at a minimum every 48h
- every 10 minutes display some infos on screen (pdf page 8)
- check requirements with :
head -n 2 /etc/os-release
apparmorss -tunlp
sockets state (open port)/usr/sbin/ufw status
- TODO bonuses
- create a virtual disk
- install distro
- take fresh install snapshot for backups
- open ssh port with NAT
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
- ⭧ official doc
- show status
- show logs
sudo journalctl -fx
- ⭧ security flaws
- Mandatory Access Control based on file path (SELinux is based on inodes)
- ⭧ digitalocean tuto
- install
sudo apt install ufw
- deny incoming connection
sudo ufw default deny incoming
- allow outgoing connections
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
- allow port
sudo ufw allow PORTNUMBER
- start ufw
sudo ufw enable
(now and at boot) - show all rules
sudo ufw status verbose
- ⭧ debian wiki
- service status
systemctl status ssh
- show ssh port
ss -tnlp | grep -i ssh
- config files in
or the same files in*/ssh[d]_config.d/*.conf
(not erased by updates)- in sshd_config file
- set
Port 4242
- set
PermitRootLogin no
to disable connecting as root
- set
- in sshd_config file
- connect via ssh
ssh USERNAME@localhost -p 4242
(22 before configuration)- configure nat port in virtualbox (host and guest ports)
- show hostname
- modifiy hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname LOGIN42
- show user infos
- ⭧ arch wiki
- ⭧ tecmint tuto
- list user
cat /etc/passwd
(ougetent passwd
) - remove user, user's home and mail spool
userdel -r USERNAME
- show default config
useradd -D
- create user (high level debian compliant command version)
adduser USERNAME
- with the low level command
useradd USERNAME
&passwd USERNAME
- with the low level command
- ⭧ ostechnix tuto
- ⭧ ostechnix tuto
- PAM (Pluggable Authentification Module) passwords config file is located at
man 8 cracklib
- install pwquality module to set password complexity
sudo apt install libpam-pwquality
- make a backup before changes
sudo cp /etc/pam.d/common-password /etc/pam.d/common-password.bak
- add rules at the end of the line containing
- uppercase
- lowercase
- digit
- max consecutive characters
- don't include user login
- require minimum characters changes from old password
- apply same rules for root
- set password expiration period for new users :
sudo nvim /etc/login.defs # add this lines to the file PASS_MAX_DAYS 30 PASS_MIN_DAYS 2 PASS_WARN_AGE 7
- set password expiration period for existing users (must type each users login):
- max password time
sudo chage -M 30 USERNAME
- min password time
sudo chage -m 2 USERNAME
- warning before expiration
sudo chage -W 7 USERNAME
- max password time
- show passwords policy
chage -l USERNAME
- change password
- ⭧ redhat blog
- show groups which user belongs to
groups [username]
- create group
sudo groupadd [groupname]
- delete group
sudo groupdel [groupname]
- append this group to the user groups belong to
sudo usermod -aG [groupname] [username]
- ⭧ tecmint tuto
sudo apt install sudo
sudo usermod -aG sudo [username]
! configure /etc/sudoers with
sudo visudo
to avoid errors - config file in /etc/sudoers
Defaults requiretty
protects running sudo from non interactive shells (eg. scripts, cron...)Defaults passwd_tries=3
only allow 3 consecutive password attemptsDefaults badpass_message="[string]"
custom message for password error (Defaults insults
for random insult message)Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo/sudo.log
change default logfile locationDefaults iolog_dir=/var/log/sudo/sudo-io
change default io logfile locationDefaults log_input
&Defaults log_output
keep all inputs and outputs (even passwords !)
cd /usr/local/sbin
- copy from local machine to vm :
in host machine
scp -P 4242 juportie@localhost:~/
in VM as rootmv /home/juportie/ /usr/local/bin/
- bash script
- ⭧ bash cheatsheet
- ⭧ command as function argument
- ⭧ awk cheatsheet
- ⭧ linuxhandbook tuto
- show crontab infos/status
crontab -l
- edit the table
crontab -e
- ⭧ lighttpd install tuto
- configure mariadb
sudo mariadb_secure_installation
- open mariadb shell
sudo mariadb -u root -p
- ⭧ wordpress install tuto