import ""
var DefaultFormatters = map[string]Formatter{
"smart": FormatSmart,
"yaml": FormatYaml,
"json": FormatJson,
DefaultFormatters holds the formatters that can be specified with the --format flag.
var ErrNoPath = errors.New("path not set")
var ErrSilent = errors.New("cmd: error out silently")
ErrSilent can be returned from Run to signal that Main should exit with code 1 without producing error output.
var FormatJson = json.Marshal
FormatJson marshals value to a json-formatted []byte.
func CheckEmpty(args []string) error
CheckEmpty is a utility function that returns an error if args is not empty.
func FormatSmart(value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
FormatSmart marshals value into a []byte according to the following rules:
* string: untouched
* bool: converted to `True` or `False` (to match pyjuju)
* int or float: converted to sensible strings
* []string: joined by `\n`s into a single string
* anything else: delegate to FormatYaml
func FormatYaml(value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
FormatYaml marshals value to a yaml-formatted []byte, unless value is nil.
func IsErrSilent(err error) bool
IsErrSilent returns whether the error should be logged from cmd.Main.
func IsRcPassthroughError(err error) bool
IsRcPassthroughError returns whether the error is an RcPassthroughError.
func Main(c Command, ctx *Context, args []string) int
Main runs the given Command in the supplied Context with the given arguments, which should not include the command name. It returns a code suitable for passing to os.Exit.
func NewCommandLogWriter(name string, out, err io.Writer) loggo.Writer
NewCommandLogWriter creates a loggo writer for registration by the callers of a command. This way the logged output can also be displayed otherwise, e.g. on the screen.
func NewRcPassthroughError(code int) error
NewRcPassthroughError creates an error that will have the code used at the return code from the cmd.Main function rather than the default of 1 if there is an error.
func ParseAliasFile(aliasFilename string) map[string][]string
 ParseAliasFile will read the specified file and convert the content to a map of names to the command line arguments they relate to. The function will always return a valid map, even if it is empty.
func ZeroOrOneArgs(args []string) (string, error)
ZeroOrOneArgs checks to see that there are zero or one args, and returns the value of the arg if provided, or the empty string if not.
type AppendStringsValue []string
AppendStringsValue implements gnuflag.Value for a value that can be set multiple times, and it appends each value to the slice.
func NewAppendStringsValue(target *[]string) *AppendStringsValue
NewAppendStringsValue is used to create the type passed into the gnuflag.FlagSet Var function. f.Var(cmd.NewAppendStringsValue(&someMember), "name", "help")
func (v *AppendStringsValue) Set(s string) error
Implements gnuflag.Value Set.
func (v *AppendStringsValue) String() string
Implements gnuflag.Value String.
type Command interface {
// IsSuperCommand returns true if the command is a super command.
IsSuperCommand() bool
// Info returns information about the Command.
Info() *Info
// SetFlags adds command specific flags to the flag set.
SetFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet)
// Init initializes the Command before running.
Init(args []string) error
// Run will execute the Command as directed by the options and positional
// arguments passed to Init.
Run(ctx *Context) error
// AllowInterspersedFlags returns whether the command allows flag
// arguments to be interspersed with non-flag arguments.
AllowInterspersedFlags() bool
Command is implemented by types that interpret command-line arguments.
type CommandBase struct{}
CommandBase provides the default implementation for SetFlags, Init, and Help.
func (c *CommandBase) AllowInterspersedFlags() bool
AllowInterspersedFlags returns true by default. Some subcommands may want to override this.
func (c *CommandBase) Init(args []string) error
Init in the simplest case makes sure there are no args.
func (c *CommandBase) IsSuperCommand() bool
IsSuperCommand implements Command.IsSuperCommand
func (c *CommandBase) SetFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet)
SetFlags does nothing in the simplest case.
type Context struct {
Dir string
Env map[string]string
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Context represents the run context of a Command. Command implementations should interpret file names relative to Dir (see AbsPath below), and print output and errors to Stdout and Stderr respectively.
func DefaultContext() (*Context, error)
DefaultContext returns a Context suitable for use in non-hosted situations.
func (ctx *Context) AbsPath(path string) string
AbsPath returns an absolute representation of path, with relative paths interpreted as relative to ctx.Dir.
func (ctx *Context) GetStderr() io.Writer
GetStderr satisfies environs.BootstrapContext
func (ctx *Context) GetStdin() io.Reader
GetStdin satisfies environs.BootstrapContext
func (ctx *Context) GetStdout() io.Writer
GetStdout satisfies environs.BootstrapContext
func (ctx *Context) Getenv(key string) string
Getenv looks up an environment variable in the context. It mirrors os.Getenv. An empty string is returned if the key is not set.
func (ctx *Context) Infof(format string, params ...interface{})
Infof will write the formatted string to Stderr if quiet is false, but if quiet is true the message is logged.
func (ctx *Context) InterruptNotify(c chan<- os.Signal)
InterruptNotify satisfies environs.BootstrapContext
func (ctx *Context) Setenv(key, value string) error
Setenv sets an environment variable in the context. It mirrors os.Setenv.
func (ctx *Context) StopInterruptNotify(c chan<- os.Signal)
StopInterruptNotify satisfies environs.BootstrapContext
func (ctx *Context) Verbosef(format string, params ...interface{})
Verbosef will write the formatted string to Stderr if the verbose is true, and to the logger if not.
type DeprecationCheck interface {
// Deprecated aliases emit a warning when executed. If the command is
// deprecated, the second return value recommends what to use instead.
Deprecated() (bool, string)
// Obsolete aliases are not actually registered. The purpose of this
// is to allow code to indicate ahead of time some way to determine
// that the command should stop working.
Obsolete() bool
DeprecationCheck is used to provide callbacks to determine if a command is deprecated or obsolete.
type FileVar struct {
// Path is the path to the file.
Path string
// StdinMarkers are the Path values that should be interpreted as
// stdin. If it is empty then stdin is not supported.
StdinMarkers []string
FileVar represents a path to a file.
func (f FileVar) IsStdin() bool
IsStdin determines whether or not the path represents stdin.
func (f *FileVar) Open(ctx *Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Open opens the file.
func (f *FileVar) Read(ctx *Context) ([]byte, error)
Read returns the contents of the file.
func (f *FileVar) Set(v string) error
Set stores the chosen path name in f.Path.
func (f *FileVar) SetStdin(markers ...string)
SetStdin sets StdinMarkers to the provided strings. If none are provided then the default of "-" is used.
func (f *FileVar) String() string
String returns the path to the file.
type Formatter func(value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Formatter converts an arbitrary object into a []byte.
type Info struct {
// Name is the Command's name.
Name string
// Args describes the command's expected positional arguments.
Args string
// Purpose is a short explanation of the Command's purpose.
Purpose string
// Doc is the long documentation for the Command.
Doc string
// Aliases are other names for the Command.
Aliases []string
Info holds some of the usage documentation of a Command.
func (i *Info) Help(f *gnuflag.FlagSet) []byte
Help renders i's content, along with documentation for any flags defined in f. It calls f.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard).
type Log struct {
// If DefaultConfig is set, it will be used for the
// default logging configuration.
DefaultConfig string
Path string
Verbose bool
Quiet bool
Debug bool
ShowLog bool
Config string
Factory WriterFactory
Log supplies the necessary functionality for Commands that wish to set up logging.
func (l *Log) AddFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet)
AddFlags adds appropriate flags to f.
func (l *Log) GetLogWriter(target io.Writer) loggo.Writer
GetLogWriter returns a logging writer for the specified target.
func (log *Log) Start(ctx *Context) error
Start starts logging using the given Context.
type MissingCallback func(ctx *Context, subcommand string, args []string) error
MissingCallback defines a function that will be used by the SuperCommand if the requested subcommand isn't found.
type Output struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Output is responsible for interpreting output-related command line flags and writing a value to a file or to stdout as directed.
func (c *Output) AddFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet, defaultFormatter string, formatters map[string]Formatter)
AddFlags injects the --format and --output command line flags into f.
func (c *Output) Name() string
func (c *Output) Write(ctx *Context, value interface{}) (err error)
Write formats and outputs the value as directed by the --format and --output command line flags.
type RcPassthroughError struct {
Code int
RcPassthroughError indicates that a Juju plugin command exited with a non-zero exit code. This error is used to exit with the return code.
func (e *RcPassthroughError) Error() string
Error implements error.
type StringsValue []string
StringsValue implements gnuflag.Value for a comma separated list of strings. This allows flags to be created where the target is []string, and the caller is after comma separated values.
func NewStringsValue(defaultValue []string, target *[]string) *StringsValue
NewStringsValue is used to create the type passed into the gnuflag.FlagSet Var function. f.Var(cmd.NewStringsValue(defaultValue, &someMember), "name", "help")
func (v *StringsValue) Set(s string) error
Implements gnuflag.Value Set.
func (v *StringsValue) String() string
Implements gnuflag.Value String.
type SuperCommand struct {
Name string
Purpose string
Doc string
Log *Log
Aliases []string
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SuperCommand is a Command that selects a subcommand and assumes its properties; any command line arguments that were not used in selecting the subcommand are passed down to it, and to Run a SuperCommand is to run its selected subcommand.
func NewSuperCommand(params SuperCommandParams) *SuperCommand
NewSuperCommand creates and initializes a new SuperCommand
, and returns
the fully initialized structure.
func (c *SuperCommand) AddHelpTopic(name, short, long string, aliases ...string)
AddHelpTopic adds a new help topic with the description being the short param, and the full text being the long param. The description is shown in 'help topics', and the full text is shown when the command 'help ' is called.
func (c *SuperCommand) AddHelpTopicCallback(name, short string, longCallback func() string)
AddHelpTopicCallback adds a new help topic with the description being the short param, and the full text being defined by the callback function.
func (c *SuperCommand) AllowInterspersedFlags() bool
For a SuperCommand, we want to parse the args with allowIntersperse=false. This will mean that the args may contain other options that haven't been defined yet, and that only options that relate to the SuperCommand itself can come prior to the subcommand name.
func (c *SuperCommand) Info() *Info
Info returns a description of the currently selected subcommand, or of the SuperCommand itself if no subcommand has been specified.
func (c *SuperCommand) Init(args []string) error
Init initializes the command for running.
func (c *SuperCommand) IsSuperCommand() bool
IsSuperCommand implements Command.IsSuperCommand
func (c *SuperCommand) Register(subcmd Command)
Register makes a subcommand available for use on the command line. The command will be available via its own name, and via any supplied aliases.
func (c *SuperCommand) RegisterAlias(name, forName string, check DeprecationCheck)
RegisterAlias makes an existing subcommand available under another name.
If check
is supplied, and the result of the Obsolete
call is true,
then the alias is not registered.
func (c *SuperCommand) RegisterDeprecated(subcmd Command, check DeprecationCheck)
RegisterDeprecated makes a subcommand available for use on the command line if it is not obsolete. It inserts the command with the specified DeprecationCheck so that a warning is displayed if the command is deprecated.
func (c *SuperCommand) RegisterSuperAlias(name, super, forName string, check DeprecationCheck)
RegisterSuperAlias makes a subcommand of a registered supercommand
available under another name. This is useful when the command structure is
being refactored. If check
is supplied, and the result of the Obsolete
call is true, then the alias is not registered.
func (c *SuperCommand) Run(ctx *Context) error
Run executes the subcommand that was selected in Init.
func (c *SuperCommand) SetCommonFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet)
SetCommonFlags creates a new "commonflags" flagset, whose flags are shared with the argument f; this enables us to add non-global flags to f, which do not carry into subcommands.
func (c *SuperCommand) SetFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet)
SetFlags adds the options that apply to all commands, particularly those due to logging.
type SuperCommandParams struct {
// UsagePrefix should be set when the SuperCommand is
// actually a subcommand of some other SuperCommand;
// if NotifyRun is called, it name will be prefixed accordingly,
// unless UsagePrefix is identical to Name.
UsagePrefix string
// Notify, if not nil, is called when the SuperCommand
// is about to run a sub-command.
NotifyRun func(cmdName string)
Name string
Purpose string
Doc string
Log *Log
MissingCallback MissingCallback
Aliases []string
Version string
// UserAliasesFilename refers to the location of a file that contains
// name = cmd [args...]
// values, that is used to change default behaviour of commands in order
// to add flags, or provide short cuts to longer commands.
UserAliasesFilename string
SuperCommandParams provides a way to have default parameter to the
type UnrecognizedCommand struct {
Name string
func (e *UnrecognizedCommand) Error() string
type WriterFactory interface {
NewWriter(target io.Writer) loggo.Writer
WriterFactory defines the single method to create a new logging writer for a specified output target.
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