![pyro logo] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zingale/pyro2/master/www/pyro.png)
A simple python-based tutorial on computational methods for hydrodynamics
pyro is a computational hydrodynamics code that presents two-dimensional solvers for advection, compressible hydrodynamics, diffusion, incompressible hydrodynamics, and multigrid, all in a finite-volume framework. The code is mainly written in python and is designed with simplicity in mind. The algorithms are written to encourage experimentation and allow for self-learning of these code methods.
The latest version of pyro is always available at:
The project webpage, where you'll find documentation, plots, notes, etc. is here:
By default, we assume python 3.4 or later. Instructions to run with python 2.7 are given below, but it is recommended you switch to python 3.x
There are a few steps to take to get things running. You need to make sure you have
, andmatplotlib
installed. On a Fedora system, this can be accomplished by doing:dnf install python3-numpy python3-numpy-f2py python3-matplotlib python3-matplotlib-tk
(note, for older Fedora releases, replace
. For python 2.x, leave off the2
in the package names.) -
You also need to make sure gfortran is present on you system. On a Fedora system, it can be installed as:
dnf install gcc-gfortran
Not all matplotlib backends allow for the interactive plotting as pyro is run. One that does is the TkAgg backend. This can be made the default by creating a file
with the content:backend: TkAgg
You can check what backend is your current default in python via:
import matplotlib.pyplot print matplotlib.pyplot.get_backend()
If you want to run the unit tests, you need to have
installed. -
The remaining steps are:
Set the
environment variable to point to thepyro2/
directory. -
Define the environment variable
to point to thepyro2/
directory (only needed to regression testing) -
Build the Fortran source. In
Run a quick test of the advection solver:
./pyro.py advection smooth inputs.smooth
you should see a graphing window pop up with a smooth pulse advecting diagonally through the periodic domain.
The main data structures that describe the grid and the data the lives on the grid are described in a jupyter notebook:
Many of the methods here rely on multigrid. The multigrid solver is demonstrated in the juputer notebook:
pyro provides the following solvers (all in 2-d):
: a second-order unsplit linear advection solver. This uses characteristic tracing and corner coupling for the prediction of the interface states. This is the basic method to understand hydrodynamics. -
: a second-order unsplit solver for linear advection that uses Runge-Kutta integration instead of characteristic tracing. -
: a second-order unsplit solver for the Euler equations of compressible hydrodynamics. This uses characteristic tracing and corner coupling for the prediction of the interface states and a 2-shock or HLLC approximate Riemann solver. -
: a second-order unsplit solver for Euler equations that uses Runge-Kutta integration instead of characteristic tracing. -
: a second-order cell-centered approximate projection method for the incompressible equations of hydrodynamics. -
: a Crank-Nicolson time-discretized solver for the constant-coefficient diffusion equation. -
: a solver for the equations of low Mach number hydrodynamics for atmospheric flows. -
: (in development) a solver for the equations of low Mach number hydrodynamics for smallscale combustion. -
: a cell-centered multigrid solver for a constant-coefficient Helmholtz equation, as well as a variable-coefficient Poisson equation (which inherits from the constant-coefficient solver).
In addition to the main pyro program, there are many analysis tools that we describe here. Note: some problems write a report at the end of the simulation specifying the analysis routines that can be used with their data.
: this takes two simulation output files as input and compares zone-by-zone for exact agreement. This is used as part of the regression testing.usage:
./compare.py file1 file2
: this takes the solver name and an output file as input and plots the data using the solver's dovis method.usage:
./plot.py solvername file
: this is for the diffusion solver's Gaussian diffusion problem. It takes a sequence of output files as arguments, computes the angle-average, and the plots the resulting points over the analytic solution for comparison with the exact result.usage:
./gauss_diffusion_compare.py file*
: this is for the incompressible solver's converge problem. This takes a single output file as input and compares the velocity field to the analytic solution, reporting the L2 norm of the error.usage:
./incomp_converge_error.py file
: this takes a single output file and a variable name and plots the data for that variable.usage:
./plotvar.py file variable
: this takes an output file from the compressible Sedov problem, computes the angle-average profile of the solution and plots it together with the analytic data (read in fromcylindrical-sedov.out
./sedov_compare.py file
: this takes an output file from the advection solver's smooth problem and compares to the analytic solution, outputting the L2 norm of the error.usage:
./smooth_error.py file
: this takes an output file from the compressible Sod problem and plots a slice through the domain over the analytic solution (read in fromsod-exact.out
./sod_compare.py file
There is a set of notes that describe the background and details of the algorithms that pyro implements:
The source for these notes is also available on github:
The test.py
script will run several of the problems (as well as some
stand-alone multigrid tests) and compare the solution to stored
benchmarks (in each solver's tests/
It will also invoke the python nose
module to run the unit tests
for the different modules in pyro.
Tests are run nightly and reported here:
To run with python 2.7, you need to build the compiled code as:
PYTHON=python2 ./mk.sh
and then run explicitly giving the name of the python interpreter on the commandline as, for example:
python2 ./pyro.py compressible sedov inputs.sedov
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