Author: Jacob Taylor Cassady ([email protected]) - Undergraduate Research Assistant
University of Louisville J.B. Speed School of Engineering
Next Generation Systems Robotics Lab
Python API for Denso RC8 with a RC8-native server written in PacScript. NGS is interested in removing Labview from the control loop and interfacing with the RC8 directly to ensure well defined instruction sets.
- Python 3.4 enum module backported for use in Python 2.7
- fake-useragent for emulating web browser
- requests for communicating with Ethernet IP
Turn on the RC8 Controller.
On the RC8 controller, under settings, set the robot's executable token to TP and the robot's control mode to 'Auto'.
Start the program named 'common.pcs'.
Turn the motor of the robot on.
Open a new commandline
Navigate to directory: denso_rc8_api/src/ngs_ros/
Delete the directories 'build' and 'devel'. (Only required the first time)
Run the following commands:
source /opt/ros/[YOUR_ROS_DISTRO]/setup.bash
source ./devel/setup.bash
This server parses and forwards commands to the RC8 PacScript Server.
Open a new commandline
Navigate to directory: denso_rc8_api/src/ngs_ros/
Run the following commands:
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun ngs_denso_rc8_api
Open a new commandline
Navigate to directory: denso_rc8_api/src/ngs_ros/
Run the following commands:
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun ngs_denso_rc8_api
Open a new commandline
Navigate to directory: denso_rc8_api/src/ngs_ros/
Run the following commands:
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun ngs_denso_rc8_api
Open a new commandline
Navigate to directory: denso_rc8_api/src/ngs_ros/
Run the following commands:
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun ngs_denso_rc8_api : Move Command
To move the robot to the designated coordinates.
Syntax: Move motion interpolation,target position
- Position Example
Move L, P( 600, 50, 400, 180, 0, 180, -1 )
- Joint Example
Move P, J(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80) : Draw Command
To move from the current position to a relative position.
Syntax: Move motion interpolation,target position
- Example
Draw L, V( 50, 10, 50 )