(c) 2011-2021 Michael Gerhäuser, [email protected] Alfred Wassermann, [email protected]
JessieCode is a scripting language designed to provide a interface to JSXGraph. It is similar to JavaScript, but prevents access to the DOM. Hence, it can be used in community driven web sites which want to use JSXGraph to display interactive math graphics.
JSXGraph (https://jsxgraph.org) is required to use JessieCode.
Required npm tools:
- Jison
- uglify-js
- jshint, jslint (optional)
Use make
to compile the .bnf file into a javascript parser and to concatenate
the parser and interpreter into a single .js file, see Makefile
JessieCode is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
- GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version OR
- MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
JessieCode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and the MIT License along with JessieCode. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ and https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/.
Boolean, true or false (case insensitive, tRuE is a valid boolean constant).
Strings are defined using single quote marks. Quote marks inside a string have to be escaped with a backslash.
Number, corresponds to the JavaScript number datatype.
Objects, can be created only via object literal notation << >> and the predefined element functions (see below). To access properties and methods the operator is used. Example:
obj = <<
property: 'string',
prop: 42,
method: function (x) {
return x*x;
sixteen = obj.method(4);
- Functions are declared with the function operator
f = function (a, b, c) {
return a+b+c;
Only one line comments with // being the first non-whitespace characters are supported right now.
Operator | Description |
|| | OR |
&& | AND |
! | NOT |
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction or unary negation |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modulus |
^ | Exponentiation |
Operator | Description |
= | Assignment |
Operator | Description |
== | Equals |
<= | Lesser or equal |
>= | Greater or equal |
< | Lesser |
> | Greater |
!= | Not equal |
~= | Approximately equal, can be used to compare two float values. |
Operator | Description |
bool ? expr1 : expr2 | expr1 if bool is true, expr2 otherwise |
Operator | Description |
+ | String concatenation |
Operator | Description |
. | Access the object's properties and methods |
The control structures are exactly the same as in JavaScript.
if (<expression) {
} else if (<expression>) {
} else {
while (<expression>) {
do {
} while (<expression>);
for (<assignment>; <expression>; <assignment>) {
Name | Description |
$board | Reference to the currently accessed board. |
LN2 | Natural logarithm of 2 |
LN10 | Natural logarithm of 10 |
LOG2E | Base 2 logarithm of EULER |
LOG10E | Base 10 logarithm of EULER |
PI | Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter |
EULER | Euler's number e = 2.718281828459045 |
SQRT1_2 | Square root of 1/2 |
SQRT2 | Square root of 2 |
Supported are all functions from the JavaScript Math
object, like sin
, cos
, abs,
random, ... Additionally supported are numerical JSXGraph functions from
JXG.Math`, see https://jsxgraph.org/docs/symbols/JXG.Math.html.
Function | Description |
cos(x) | Cosine of x |
cosh(x) | Hyperbolic cosine of x |
pow(b, e) | e to the b |
log(x), ln(x) | Natural logarithm |
log(x, b) | Logarithm to base b |
log2(x), lb(x) | Logarithm to base 2 |
log10(x), ld(x) | Logarithm to base 10 |
tan(x) | Tangent of x |
cot(x) | Cotangent of x |
sqrt(x) | Square root of x |
cbrt(x) | Cube root of x |
nthroot(x) | n-th root of x |
ceil(x) | Get smallest integer n with n > x. |
asin(x) | arcsine |
abs(x) | Absolute value of x |
max(a, b, c, ...) | Maximum value of all given values. |
min(a, b, c, ...) | Minimum value of all given values. |
exp(x) | EULER to the x |
atan2(y, x) | Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments. |
random(max = 1) | Generate a random number between 0 and max. |
round(v) | Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer. |
floor(x) | Returns the biggest integer n with n < x. |
acos(x) | arccosine of x |
atan(x) | arctangent of x |
acot(x) | arccotangent of x |
sin(x) | sine of x |
sinh(x) | Hyperbolic sine of x |
factorial(n) | Calculates n! |
trunc(v, p = 0) | Truncate v after the p-th decimal. |
V(s) | Returns the value of the given element, e.g. sliders and angles. |
L(s) | Calculates the length of the given segment. |
X(P) Y(P) | Returns the x resp. y coordinate of the given point. |
dist(P, Q) | Compute the distance of two points. |
deg(A, B, C) | Calculate the angle of three points in degree. |
rad(A, B, C) | Calculate the angle of three points in rad. |
$(id) | Look up the element to the given element id. |
Method | Description |
update() | Update all dependencies and redraw the board. |
on(event, handler, context=board) | Register an event handler for the given event. |
off(event, handler=) | Deregister a given event handler or deregister all event handlers. |
setView(array, keepaspectratio=false) | Changes the viewport. An array with 4 numbers is expected, the four numbers represent the left, upper, right and lower bound of the viewport. If keepaspectratio is true, the viewport is adjusted to the same aspect ratio as the board container. |
setBoundingbox(array, keepaspectratio=false) | See setView. |
migratePoint(P, Q) | Exchange point P by point Q. |
colorblind(type) | Emulate color blindness. Possible types areprotanopia, tritanopia, anddeuteranopia. |
Every element known to the loaded JSXGraph version is available inside Jessie by its element type, e.g. points can be created by calling point()
A = point(1, 2);
The given parameters correspond to the parents array of the JXG.Board.create() method. Attributes are given after the function call itself in an object:
A = point(1, 2) << strokeColor: 'red', face: '[]', size: 7, fillColor: 'black' >>;
For a possibly incomplete list including documentation, see the JSXGraph docs; For a complete list see the Element reference section below.
A = point(1, 2);
A.strokeColor = '#123456';
point(1, 2) << id: 'foo', name: 'bar' >>;
$('foo').strokeColor = '#654321';
point(1, 2) << id: 'foo', name: 'bar' >>;
foo.strokeColor = '#f00f00';
This is possible only if foo is not used as a variable. This won't work:
foo = 1;
(function () {
point(1, 2) << id: 'foo' >>;
return foo.X();
point(1, 2) << id: 'foo', name: 'bar' >>;
bar.strokeColor = '#541541';
This is possible only if there is not a variable called bar in the current or any higher scope. See Id above for an example.
See https://jsxgraph.org/docs/
Attributes are set like object properties
A.size = 10;
A.face = '[]';
See the JSXGraph docs for available attributes. Texts and Points have two special attributes X and Y to set their coordinates.
Subelements like labels for points or the baseline in sliders or the dot indicating an angle element is a right angle can be accessed like properties
A.label.strokecolor = 'red';
The names used to access subelements correspond to their names used to set
their attributes inboard.create
Not all methods of an element class are accessible in JessieCode. Currently these methods are available:
- all elements
- setLabelText
- point
- move
- glide
- free
- X
- Y
- glider
- all from point
- setPosition
- text
- setText
- free
- move
- slider
- Value
- angle
- Value