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GraphQL API Server Base

A GraphQL server base to get started with building GraphQL API's.


git clone

cd graphql-api-base




In development, Docker is used to give you an easy local development environment with MongoDB (for API data) and Redis (for the job queue). Nodemon provides a live reloading Node server that will refresh on any changes to the contents of the src/ directory.

To start the Mongo, Redis, and GraphQL API servers:

yarn start

The following services should now be available:

GraphQL Playground UI - http://localhost:4000

GraphQL API - http://localhost:4000/graphql

Subscriptions websocket - ws://localhost:4000/subscriptions

MongoDB - mongodb://localhost:27017

Redis - redis://localhost:6739

Production Builds

To create/run a production build:

# create the build
yarn run build

# optionally prune dev dependencies
yarn --production

# start the production server
# (MONGO_URL/REDIS_URL required)
yarn run serve

Or better yet, let Docker build a lean production image for you...


# build an image
docker-compose build

# run the app, MongoDB, and Redis
docker-compose up -d

# API available at http://localhost:4000
# Mongo available at mongodb://localhost:27017
# Redis available at redis://localhost:6739

Kubernetes Deployment

This app comes with a Helm chart for easy deployment of the API, MongoDB, and Redis on a Kubernetes cluster. To do a full production deployment:

# deploy a MongoDB replica set
helm install --name graphql-api-mongo --namespace myapp stable/mongodb-replicaset

# deploy the API and Redis
helm install --name graphql-api --namespace myapp -f ./chart/custom-values.yaml ./chart


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