You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Joshua Schmidt edited this page Aug 29, 2018
2 revisions
Below is the structure of the main database for this application. Try deploying this application - a similar structure will be created when data is inputted, and it is viewable in the Firebase console.
├── access
│ ├── approval
│ | └── <email-of-approver>
│ | └── <response-id>
│ | └── form-id: <form-id>
│ ├── forms
│ | └── formsbyid
│ | └── <form-id>
│ | └── <user-id>
│ | ├── access: <access-credentials [view or edit]>
│ | ├── email: <user-email>
│ | └── role: <access-role [ownder or friend]>
│ | └── formsbyuser
│ | └── <user-id>
│ | └── <form-id>
│ | ├── access: <access-credentials [view or edit]>
│ | ├── email: <user-email>
│ | └── role: <access-role [ownder or friend]>
│ └── workflows
│ ├── workflowsbyid
│ | └── <workflow-id>
│ | └── <user-id>
│ | ├── access: <access-credentials [view or edit]>
│ | ├── email: <user-email>
│ | └── role: <access-role [ownder or friend]>
│ └── workflowsbyuser
│ └── <user-id>
│ └── <workflow-id>
│ ├── access: <access-credentials [view or edit]>
│ ├── email: <user-email>
│ └── role: <access-role [ownder or friend]>
├── forms
│ └── <form-id>
│ |── form: <form-data-for-rendering>
│ |── name: <form-name>
│ |── sharing: <form-sharing [private or public]>
│ |── time: <time-form-created>
│ └── workflow: <linked-workflow-id>
├── responses
│ └── <form-id>
│ └── <response-id>
│ |── comment: <reject-comment-string>
│ |── currentWorkflow: <emails-for-current-workflow>
│ |── data
│ | |── 0
│ | | |── name: <name-of-input-field>
│ | | └── value: <value-of-input-field-data>
│ | |── 1
│ | | |── name: <name-of-input-field>
│ | | └── value: <value-of-input-field-data>
| | └── ...
│ |── files
│ | |── fileids
│ | | |── 0: <file-id>
│ | | |── 1: <file-id>
| | | └── ...
│ | |── filenames
│ | | |── 0: <file-name>
│ | | |── 1: <file-name>
| | | └── ...
│ | └── fileids
│ | |── 0: <input=field-name>
│ | |── 1: <input=field-name>
| | └── ...
│ |── notificationstatus: <status-of-email-notification [sent or pending]>
│ |── status: <status-of-response [pending or approved or rejected]>
│ |── time: <time-of-response-submission>
│ |── userId: <userId-of-user-submission>
│ |── workflow: <workflow-id-of-connected-workflow>
│ └── workflowChain
│ |── 0
│ | |── name: workflow
│ | └── value: <comma-seperated list of emails in given workflow>
│ |── 1
│ | |── name: workflow
│ | └── value: <comma-seperated list of emails in given workflow>
│ └── ...
├── users
│ └── <user-id>
│ |── email: <user-email>
│ |── firstname: <user-first-name>
│ |── lastname: <user-last-name>
│ |── name: <user-full-name>
│ |── notificationsettings
│ | └── emailapprove: <workflow notification email send setting [true or false]>
│ |── responses
│ | └── <formid>
│ | └── <responseid>
│ | |── comment: <reject-comment-string>
│ | |── rejectedBy: <reject-user-email>
│ | |── status: <response-status [approved or rejected or pending]>
│ | └── time: <time-submitted [UTC time in seconds since 1970]>
│ └── username: <user-username>
└── workflows
└── <workflow-id>
|── name: <workflow-name>
|── sharing: <workflow-sharing [private or public]>
|── time: <time-workflow-created>
└── workflow
|── 0
| |── name: workflow
| └── value: <comma-seperated list of emails in given workflow>
|── 1
| |── name: workflow
| └── value: <comma-seperated list of emails in given workflow>
└── ...