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Joshua Schmidt edited this page Sep 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

Database Structure

Below is the structure of the main database for this application. Try deploying this application - a similar structure will be created when data is inputted, and it is viewable in the Firebase console.

├── contacts
│   └── <contact-id>|── <field-1>: <value-1>|── <field-2>: <value-2>
│       └── ...
|── locations
|   └── <location-id>
|       |── lastdownloaddate: <download-date>
|       |── name: <location-name>
|       └── numcontacts: <number-of-contacts>
└── users
    └── <user-id>
        |── email: <user-email>
        |── firstname: <user-first-name>
        |── lastname: <user-last-name>
        |── name: <user-full-name>
        |── notificationsettings
        |   └── emailapprove: <email to download csv data enabled or disabled [true or false]>
        └── signintype: <sign-in-type [email]>
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