- Start working on the game
- define story
- firefly. smuggling/jobs. fun.
- post apocaliptic story? Ai. melancholy.
- goal of the game
- survive in space before your energy runs out or you die
- offline
- as your energy drops your ship system's will go offline
- systems
- shield
- radar
- vision
- shoot
- thrust
- solar slowly recharges your energy
- [*] earth dies
- [*] generate sun system and put the ship beside it
- [*] place ship beside the earth!
- [*] have earth planet always have a fixed angle (easy)
- [*] do animation turning from paradise to red planet
- find a new home for manking before X time
- [*] create counter
- [*] find a paradise class planet
- [*] fix other planet types, specially paradise class planet
- [*] create single paradise planet, which happens to be owned by aliens
- [*] create victory condition and make sure it works
- [*] create single paradise planet randomly
- show messages and provide some breadcrumbs to find that planet
- transmission from some aliens?
- refactor planet to reduce Kb
- refactor drawing primitives
- review other heavy source code files
- [*] remove factions, remove intro
- [*] narrate game with more stuff
- [*] messages should appear immediately if there are not messages being shown
- fix regressions
- asteroid collision
- alien follow
- end of galaxy, go to the other side
- there's something wrong with the stars in the background. particularly when going towards negative numbers. they disappear when they shouldnt
- sector creation
- asteroids
- aliens, the further the more aliens in systems
- add some more randomness in sector creation
- game mechanics
- encounters
- energy is not recovered over time. If you lose it you die. and mankind dies with you.
- if you remain at two low energy for two
- ship status offline/online should work separately from narration and have its own queue
- narration during game
- when things happen
- when doing things for the first time
- asteroids
- claiming planets
- [*] when counter gets down
- when energy runs out
- arbitrary thoughts from hal
- when visiting new systems...
- [*] earth dies
delay start of first screen till patterns are loaded in memory
good to haves
- resize canvas on screen change
- do inside planets travel faster?
- pixel font
- Size. Get under 13 K mother fucker
- refactor offscreen canvas remove
- refactor collision engine
- refactor particle generator
- UI bars in shell, use one single component
- Regressions
- BUG. Fix regression with alien ships following the ship
- BUG. Collisions with asteroids
- Playability and Basic gameplay
- [*] Fix player bullet shooting. It looks weird. I think it has to do with the speed of the ship.
- [*] detect enemies in radar
- [*] Message queue to display in game messages
- Add radar with more information of interest (not only radar but arrows as well). Otherwise is going to be impossible to find star systems.
- [*] Adjust numbers. Make ship stronger so you don't die so fast.
- [*] Make systems go offline with less energy (not at a uniform rate)
- [*] Add more information about where the player ship is
- Make bullets follow targets
- Planets
- stations, defences, production
- Change types for enums instead of strings
- Map generation
- Add first version of all planets
- [*] create a map of a starting number of sectors (Test having everything in memory first)
- get to the end of the map you appear on the other side
- static map generation
- add more static asteroids in the different sectors
- add elder fleets of different sizes
- add other factions
- planets
- NPC ships
- change the position of the sun so it is not always dead center of a sector
- dynamic events
- add dynamic asteroids that approach the ship
- add elder patrols that attack the ship
- add other factions attacking the ship
- other factions/elders taking control of planets, etc
- reuse objects using object pool
- save state in an object
- Victory conditions
- reclaim earth
- Red: Conquest x plantes
- Blue: Reclaim x planets from elders
- Green: Establish commerce in x planets
- Enemies
- motherships.
- make mother ship move steady in a direction
- make mother ship spawn new drones up to a limit every so often until it is destroyed
- collision between enemies and asteroids!
- handle collisions, idea of life/damage for non ship objects, etc
- would be interesting to have the same for asteroids as well
- other factions
- similar behavior to players ship
- shoot bullets with color of your own faction (including particles)
- red, blue, green for the factions
- purple for the evil elder race
- motherships.
- define game story and goals
- complete faction selection process
- would be cool to add some information and background about the factions
- blue
- victory condition freedom
- green
- victory condition collecting
- red
- victory condition conquest
- blue
- 3 victory conditions
- way to store game data
- would be cool to add some information and background about the factions
- complete faction selection process
- support for multiple weapons
- planets orbiting around sun
- add gradient using the sun in the center as source of illumination
- make planets smarter
- defend themselves before they can be claimed
- build defence systems over time
- investigate generative music
- make a way to deliver game story
- Game engine improvements
- scenes.
- Separate background and foreground objects. There's no need to check
- extract checking whether an object is viewable to the render method within the scene. We no longer need to do it per sprite? As I've been doing it
- scenes.
- Refactor
- collision engine
- particle generator
- Techniques to reduce space
- wrap kontra library -> this didn't work
- write the loading assets component from scratch. I'll only need the images, so I don't really need 1K only for loading 3 images
- [*] update ts not to transpile stuff to ES5
- use spritesheet with all sprites
- Optimize build
- test closure compiler
- this is going to be a pain in the ass
- consider loading kontra just by copying file as is to the dist folder and including it as is in the index.html template
- setup compressor to just compress everything in dist/
- Test setting up to take advantage of TYPESCRIPT, because right now I'm removing types after transpiling and then sending it to closure
- test removing all the parts of kontra that I don't need
- wrap drawing primitives and behavior primitives in classes/functions/etc
- test closure compiler
- TypeScript
- use generics for kontra types
- Gameplay
- allow user to zoom in or zoom out (using scale hopefully works XD)
- ship faction modifier
- revisit. make a system with points to make it more equitative. (Instead of just setting random values xD)
- shoot
- support for other weapons:
- bomb (explodes)
- mine (leave it behind)
- slower rate of shooting but stronger missile
- support for other weapons:
- move
- show speed indicator?
- parsecs? (very huge speed units)
- make sure that it make sense (the numbers)
- tinker with the max speed
- show speed indicator?
- map
- iteratively generate map boundaries!!!! CORE to gameplay
- generate some part of the galaxy as the game starts and then iteratively generate more as the player moves (planets, suns, etc)
- large objects should have a fixed position and the plater should be able to come back to them
- asteroids generation
- improve clusters to be x-close, or y-close, that will look cooler :D (I think, they will look more like a cluster)
- add new clusters every so often (outside of the current camera view)
- far and near asteriods with differnet shades of ligt
- ship life/collisions
- when you collide with something or lose life, move the canvas with css like you're shaking. Add some reddish color in the actual screen.
- collision decreases speed
- improve collision algorithm to take types into account instead of requiring sorting
- shoot
- add a sprite with a number that shows how much you got
- in addition, it would be cool to show it beside the bar, as it increases
- improvement in asteroids breaking
- instead of destroying asteroid, makes asteroids smaller
- energy moves towards the ship, when the ship is near
- add a sprite with a number that shows how much you got
- energy and life cells
- make energy, life be attracted by the ship
- make the little energy ball do circular transitions
- shield
- improve art and flickering animation
- flicker when it goes off/on (perhaps we can flicker with low energy)
- when enabled more around a little bit. Perhaps the origin can describe a circle itself
- improve art and flickering animation
- planets
- create some patterns for planets (bigger pattern? better algorithm?)
- earth like planet
- resources
- improve: give resources only until you've filled up
- if you have energy remaining, provide only energy
- also planets have a limited number of resources that regenerate over time
- interesting if some types of planets have more of some resource
- food could be a third resource
- improve: give resources only until you've filled up
- planets need to be claimed by the faction before they can be used to
gather resources! (cool xD)
- [*] over time a defense orbiting station is built on the planet
- some planets have moons
- cool ideas
- get jobs
- fullfill quests
- sell resources (pillaging/asteroid mining/etc) in exchange for money/equipment/goods
- create some patterns for planets (bigger pattern? better algorithm?)
- suns
- proximity to sun hurts you
- proximity to sun boost normal rate of energy acquisition
- have two rings outer, inner (green/red) or something
- it'd be cool if we could arrange planets around a sun
- and make them orbit the sun slowly, that would be cool :D
- radar
- [*] show interesting stuff (like a minimap)
- separate scene background from foreground sprites!!
- deactivate when energy is not sufficient
- activate when energy sufficient
- add ships/sun/enemies, etc
- vision
- diminish range of vision (player sees less space, rest becomes darker)
- enable/disable systems based on energy left
- [*] shield 4/5
- radar (needs to be implemented yet) 3/5
- make simple implementation
- vision 2/5
- shoot 1/5
- thrust
- life support?
- game messages
- implement so that not two overlapping texts appear at the same time (offline/online). Add some sort of message queueing system
- have a queue with 3 slots that can be filled with text (f.i.
- ways to lose
- crushed by an asteroid
- been too near a sun
- black holes?
- beasts and enemies attack you
- too low energy? Life support disabled for a long period of time?
- smart enemies:
- other factions
- reapers
- galatic empire, etc
- AIs
- creatures
- aliensssss of some sort (the elders)
- make them with different polygon parts with different behaviors
- different AIs
- elders
- drone ships, hover around mother ship, follow a scouting pattern when you're within a range they follow you and attack you. Then go back to mother ship if you go too far.
- sentries. Slow turrets that are static and follow you as you get near.
- destroyer. bigger ship
- mother ship. huge ship
- other factions
- they have already claimed a planet, they attack your planets
- random patrols
- a way to deliver story. what story? :)
- game engine
- extract all variables so they're configurable from a single point
- this could be altered by a UI in realtime and allow me to tweak the game
- show active, inactive game objects, fps, etc when debug flag is enabled
- different difficulty levels
- higher cost for actions? smarter/beter enemies
- end escene
- show explosion of your ship then move to end screen with scores and such
- overdo the explosion
- then move to scores scene
- scoreboard
- saved in localstorage
- Initial screens
- title
- choose faction (see summary of story)
- select one of the three, then panel slides with story, ship info, goal
- factions have different looks and stats for the ship and different game goals
- blue/science/find orion
- green/commerce/gather x amount of energy
- red/dominion/control x amount of planets
- Ilumination
- it would be cool to do something with ilumination
- moving objects being illuminated by larger objects like suns/planets which either produce or reflect light. That would add some dynamism to the ships.
- Performance
- profile and review performance
- think of stuff you can do to improve performance and memory consumption
- make sure that scenes are garbaged collected
- make sure inactie scenes aren't updated/rendered
- More offline theme (use workbox)
- PWA with precaching of game assets
- Add application manifest so it can be installed
- Canvas
- resize canvas on windows change
- Performance
- make sure to hit 60 fps
- use game pool
- with particles
- with asteroids
- with planets
- update sectors/planets, etc to work with pools
- separate data from actual sprite
- use pools
- then generate map data, and use that with the pools
- use game pool
- make sure to hit 60 fps
- extract receiving impact animation into something reusable
- refactor collision engine to be more consistent across different types of objects
- refactor objects types to Enums
- pixel art for everything
- ship
- [*] particle systems for ship thrust
- [*] particle system for explosions/impacts
- [*] animate collisions
- [*] test creating a pixel on piksel
- [*] make pixel moooore pixelated :) Looks better I think :)
- show when the ship gets damage
- tint in red
- particles
- review particle system
- it would be could if i could experiment with an editor and
change the different parameters I have and see how the affect
the particles
- build this!
- asteroids
- [*] test creating a texture procedurally
- looks interesting but it doesn't work out so well with the circular shapes. I should try to create shapes that are less circular. Perhaps using paths of closing angles, with an arbitrary number of sides.
- [*] wrote algorithm to generate polygonal shapes
- continue improving algorithm so it matches the collision detection
- I can write an equation so find the right location in a circle given an angle. And get the right length. (Although this will result in less egdy shapes)
- rotate as well as translate
- [*] test creating a texture procedurally
- planets
- [*] test generating a texture procedurally as well
- I could approach it as using different patterns for different layers:
- seas
- then landmasses
- then clouds
- it'd be cool if the clouds would move
- idem
- enemy ships, etc
- Music
- ?
- Find a name for the game :D
- for some reason, a broken down asteroid doesn't collide with the ship, although it does collide with bullets. #wat
- Map generation
- [*] BUG: there appears to be an issue where stars aren't displayed
after the ship has been moving for a while. PROBABLY due to
the position reaching maxInteger. We can solve this by using
both position and sectors. (so we never go over the position maxInteger)
- fixed. I was removing the stars out of the arbitrary boundaries I defined
- create a map of a starting number of sectors (Test having everything in memory first)
- [*] planets and suns
- [*] start with a fixed sized based on max and min size of number and that's it . In v2 I can create a infinite universe xD.
- [*] doesn't look so bad
- [*] separate sectors by some distance of "empty" space
- [*] BUG: there appears to be an issue where stars aren't displayed
after the ship has been moving for a while. PROBABLY due to
the position reaching maxInteger. We can solve this by using
both position and sectors. (so we never go over the position maxInteger)
- Enemies
- [*] first version of enemy sentry that follows and shoots at you
- [*] update collision engine to be able to impact things with bullets
- complete alien faction
- [*] sentries
- [*] mother ship
- [*] drones
- [*] design pattern for this ships. Something greyish and purple
- [*] looks great! Try some green as well and use either of those patterns
- [*] create fleet formations (with mother ship, drones and sentries)
- [*] more or less complete
- [*] shoot bullets with color of your own faction (including particles)
- [*] red, blue, green for the factions
- [*] purple for the evil elder race
- [*] first version of enemy sentry that follows and shoots at you
- Map generation
- [*] divide map in sectors
- [*] generate sectors with a star and some planets
- [*] cover background with stars. Considered using game pool from kontra but in the end I created a custom sort of pool cuz I didn't want to handle it via ttl/get (just update the position of the farthest stars)
- [*] complete faction selection process
- [*] 3 different ships
- [*] create art for two more ships
- [*] ships have slightly different stats
- [*] faction ship modifiers
- blue
- [*] faster, more maneuverability, less hull/shields
- [*] positive modifier for paradise planets
- green
- [*] middle ground
- [*] positive modifier for green plantes
- red
- [*] slower, less maneuverable, more hull/shields
- [*] positive modifier for red planets
- [*] 3 different ships
- [*] proximity to a sun recharges energy faster?
- [*] complete basic offline mechanics
- [*] radar
- [*] disable stuff when no energy
- [*] radar 4/5
- [*] shield 3/5
- [*] weapons 2/5
- [*] vision 1/5 (reduce range of vision)
- [*] reorganize ships systems
- [*] there's a little bit of a mambo jambo and circular dependencies there
- [*] extract ShipsSystems object which enables/disables/makes sure you can perform a task
- [*] extract ShipWeapon to wrap shooting, etc
- [*]extract common functionality in ShipSystems mixin
- [*]energy:
- control recharge from ShipEnergy based on active systems instead of adding/recharging at different times with makes the energy bar yank back and forth without user interaction
- share systems between Ship and ShipEnergy instead of needing to subscribe explicitly
- max energy in config. Less dependencies on energy
- UNIFY enable/disable in a single function? Why call it on update and then on a subscription? Hmm can I remove the subscriptions and just call it on update?
- Optimize build
- [*] Kontra is included as an unminifed raw string :/ - included min.js as part of the game source code
- [*] styles loader takes 10K minified - removed and inlined styles
- [*] right not it seems I'm about ~8Kb only framework and stuff
- test closure compiler
- test removing all the parts of kontra that I don't need
- ship energy
- [*] ship energy indicator
- [*] suns slowly recharge energy
- when you get near to a sun you get more energy faster
- move
- [*] move affects energy
- [*] cant move if you dont have energy enough
- [*] move around a map of fixed size? (more or less)
- [*] don't render stuff that is not in the visible area
- (is canvas smart enough to do this or do I need to take it into account?)
- [*] add particles to moving (back and front)
- show speed indicator?
- [*] create some speed indicator
- parsecs? (very huge speed units)
- make sure that it make sense (the numbers)
- tinker with the max speed
- [*] enabling pressing back to diminish forward speed (less strong than forward but same amount of energy)
- [*] make canvas BIGGER! Take the whole screen! :)
- [*] save middle points in a config file and use them in the game
- map
- iteratively generate map boundaries!!!! CORE to gameplay
- generate some part of the galaxy as the game starts and then iteratively generate more as the player moves (planets, suns, etc)
- large objects should have a fixed position and the plater should be able to come back to them
- asteroids generation
- [*] come from random location at random speed
- [*] different size
- [*] create clusters of asteroids
- improve clusters to be x-close, or y-close, that will look cooler :D (I think, they will look more like a cluster)
- add new clusters every so often (outside of the current camera view)
- ship life/collisions
- [*] life and life indicator for the ship
- [*] collisions reduces life
- [*]BUUUUUG collisions seem not to be working 100%
- [*] they don't work for asteroids generated when one other asteroid is broken?
- [*] Fix, the issue was the collision algorithm which wasn't checking the collision between new asteroids and the ship (the ship was already considered collision free)
- [*] asteroid breaks on collision (or disintegrates depending on size)
- when you collide with something or lose life, move the canvas with css like you're shaking. Add some reddish color in the actual screen.
- collision decreases speed
- improve collision algorithm to take types into account instead of requiring sorting
- shoot
- [*] shooting spends energy
- [*] shooting at asteroids releases components -> energy, life
- [*] energy, life is absorved by the ship when the ship approaches
- [*] add a sprite with a number that shows how much you got
- [*] on top of the collision
- in addition, it would be cool to show it beside the bar
- [*] bullets should have particles behind
- improvement in asteroids breaking
- instead of destroying asteroid, makes asteroids smaller
- energy moves towards the ship, when the ship is near
- energy and life cells
- [*] energy and life cells
- make energy, life be attracted by the ship
- make the little energy ball do circular transitions
- shield
- [*] shield is available when you have max energy > 4/5
- [*] it recharges at the same speed as energy (so when it is on, energy doesn't recharge) (the baseline for energy)
- [*] if energy goes low or it is broken it disappears
- [*] BUG!!! fix fix!
- [*] there seems to be a bug with the shield not coming online!!
- improve art and flickering animation
- flicker when it goes off/on (perhaps we can flicker with low energy)
- when enabled more around a little bit. Perhaps the origin can describe a circle itself
- stars
- [*] testing sprites so far
- [*] two different layers with different speeds and intensity
- [*] moving as the camera moves
- stars as tilesets or sprites?
- sprites, very easy to create
- perhaps harder to distribute at an "even" way around the ship
- I think I have a working solution there
- tiles, can create a parallax effect much easier
- hmm I could make the camera movement affect more nearer background stuff as well, that should work
- sprites, very easy to create
- can I make stars with a tileset?
- planets
- [*] dotted circle and planet
- create some patterns for planets (bigger pattern? better algorithm?)
- [*] green planet
- [*] red planet
- [*] blue ice planet
- earth like planet
- resources
- [*] you get resources if you get near the dotted circle
- [*] more resources
- [*] you can recharge resources by orbiting near planets
- improve: give resources only until you've filled up
- if you have energy remaining, provide only energy
- also planets have a limited number of resources that regenerate over time
- interesting if some types of planets have more of some resource
- food could be a third resource
- [*] give planets names
- planets need to be claimed by the faction before they can be used to
gather resources! (cool xD)
- claim orbiting an unclaimed planet for some seconds
- claimed planets get a ring of your factions color
- over time a defense orbiting station is built on the planet
- some planets have moons
- cool ideas
- get jobs
- fullfill quests
- sell resources (pillaging/asteroid mining/etc) in exchange for money/equipment/goods
- boosts
- don't need to add boosts when ship is already healed/energy maxed
- suns
- proximity to sun hurts you
- proximity to sun boost normal rate of energy acquisition
- have two rings outer, inner (green/red) or something
- it'd be cool if we could arrange planets around a sun
- and make them orbit the sun slowly, that would be cool :D
- stars
- stars give you energy faster
- but if you get too near you die
- shield (implemented above)
- [*] slowly drains energy (same speed as sun in lowest charge)
- [*] protects ship hull
- radar
- show interesting stuff (like a minimap)
- vision
- diminish range of vision (player sees less space, rest becomes darker)
- enable/disable systems based on energy left
- [*] show message when this happens
- [*] shield
- radar
- vision
- shoot
- thrust
- life support?
- refinement:
- implement so that not two overlapping texts appear at the same time (offline/online). Add some sort of message queueing system
- ways to lose
- crushed by an asteroid
- been too near a sun
- black holes?
- beasts and enemies attack you
- too low energy? Life support disabled for a long period of time?
- smart enemies
- reapers
- galatic empire, etc
- AIs
- creatures
- a way to deliver story
- game engine
- extract all variables so they're configurable from a single point
- this could be altered by a UI in realtime and allow me to tweak the game
- different difficulty levels
- higher cost for actions
- end escene
- show explosion of your ship then move to end screen with scores and such
- overdo the explosion
- then move to scores scene
- scoreboard
- saved in localstorage
- Initial screens
- title
- choose faction (see summary of story)
- factions have different looks and stats for the ship
- pixel art for everything
- ship
- [*] particle systems for ship thrust
- [*] particle system for explosions/impacts
- [*] animate collisions
- [*] test creating a pixel on piksel
- [*] make pixel moooore pixelated :) Looks better I think :)
- show when the ship gets damage
- tink in red
- particles
- review particle system
- it would be could if i could experiment with an editor and
change the different parameters I have and see how the affect
the particles
- build this!
- asteroids
- [*] test creating a texture procedurally
- looks interesting but it doesn't work out so well with the circular shapes. I should try to create shapes that are less circular. Perhaps using paths of closing angles, with an arbitrary number of sides.
- [*] wrote algorithm to generate polygonal shapes
- continue improving algorithm so it matches the collision detection
- I can write an equation so find the right location in a circle given an angle. And get the right length. (Although this will result in less egdy shapes)
- rotate as well as translate
- [*] test creating a texture procedurally
- planets
- [*] test generating a texture procedurally as well
- I could approach it as using different patterns for different layers:
- seas
- then landmasses
- then clouds
- it'd be cool if the clouds would move
- idem
- enemy ships, etc
- Music
- ?
- Find a name for the game :D
- Fonts
- try using more pixelated font with generally browser supported fonts
- or figure something out with doesn't take so much space
- for some reason, a broken down asteroid doesn't collide with the ship, although it does collide with bullets. #wat