Customizations of the Puppet Vagrant box images to work on EC2 as well.
This repository is an attempt to add in AMI images that mirror those of to reduce any incongruinces between local development of Vagrant boxes and deployment to AWS.
The general flow I've found to work for VBox and AMI Customization:
- Start off using the template provided by for the specific installation you want to target.
- Convert the veewee RB file to the packer equivalent via the gem veewee-to-packer.
- Locate the default AMI for the image in question.
- Centos: Note: Go to the marketplace for the version of Centos you are targeting & find the AMI ID under the "Launch with EC2 Console" tab for your region. I have not gotten the "One Click" option will not provision the keys approrpriately.
- Add in an additional "builders" configuration block for type:"amazon-ebs" with the appropriate Region/Access/AMI/Default instance type information.
- Register any custom builder overrides that may be necessary.
- Centos: Add in an additional "override" to the Shell provisioner for AWS to ensure the removal of the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file is removed at the end of the provisioning of the box to allow for the Launch Instance to properly provision the SSH keys. (hashicorp/packer#185)
- Record your AMI image ID which should be geared up and ready to go for your Centos and should be almost identical to the images available off of (Note: You could also run the Virtualbox provisioner of as well if you have something custom you want bootstrapped in prior to any puppet work)