this proyect is only with learning purposes
1 CSVProcess: process csv without library
2 KafkaStreaming: easiest way to retreive messages from kafka
3 KafkaOffsetStreaming: simple way to retrieve messages and metadata
4 KafkaRedisOffsetStraming: Load and store offset in redis and start reading from these
5 KafkaCassandraOffsetStraming: Load and store offset in cassandra and start reading from these.
1 SocketStreaming: get messages from socket
2 KafkaStreaming: easiest way to retreive messages from kafka
3 KafkaOffsetStreaming: simple way to retrieve messages and metadata
4 KafkaRedisOffsetStraming: Load and store offset in redis and start reading from these
5 KafkaCassandraOffsetStraming: Load and store offset in cassandra and start reading from these.
5.1 simple table
5.2 counter table
1 WithJson: queries from json