Based on Openshift Console dynamic plugin, this plugin implement the console elements for Network Observability.
To build the plugin, run:
make build
To run tests and linter:
make test lint
These targets will build / lint / test both the backend and the frontend. They have selective equivalent to build/lint/test only the backend or the frontend (e.g. make build-frontend
There are also convenient targets to build+lint+test the backend or the frontend:
make frontend
make backend
Plugin can be served locally using the following command:
make serve
(It's the same as running ./
Make sure you are logged in your OpenShift cluster before with the CLI (oc login -u kubeadmin
You need also to have a local copy of console repository Build it once using:
Then, start the console bridge with this local plugin, with:
CONSOLE=/path/to/console make bridge
Then open http://localhost:9000/.
If you have troubles trying to run the console, refer to their doc:
You need to deploy Loki and port-forward on your host: oc port-forward service/loki 3100:3100
(You don't need Grafana)
Images are located on To use the latest image corresponding to branch main
, use
# build the default image (
make image
# build and push on your own account (
IMG_USER=myuser make image push
# build and push on a different registry make image push
Probably the easiest way to test without dev mode (e.g. to test a pull request) is to use the operator, build and push the image to your own registry account and update the FlowCollector
CR to update the plugin image.
E.g:${USER}/network-observability-console-plugin:pr-xx make image push
oc edit FlowCollector cluster
# Here replace image with the newly created one under .spec.consolePlugin.image
If you had previously used the console with the plugin installed, you may need to restart console pods to clear cache:
oc delete pods -n openshift-console -l app=console