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Nodes for KNIME via python extension (mainly MS related via pyopenms)


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Python Extension Tutorials

A collection of tutorials to develop Python extensions.



To get started with developing Python Node Extensions, you need to have conda installed (via Anaconda or Miniconda). Here is the quickest way:

  1. Go to
  2. Download the appropriate installer for your OS.
  3. For Windows and macOS: run the installer executable.
  4. For Linux: execute the script in terminal (see here for help)

Download this directory (basic). In the basic folder, you should see the following files:

├── tutorial_extension
│   │── icon.png
│   │── knime.yml
│   └──
├── config.yml
├── Example_with_Python_node.knwf

Tutorial 1: Writing your first Python node from scratch

This is a quickstart guide that will walk you through the essential steps of writing and running your first Python Node Extension. We will use tutorial_extension as the basis. The steps of the tutorial requiring modification of the Python code in have corresponding comments in the file, for convenience.

For an extensive overview of the full API, please refer to the Defining a KNIME Node in Python: Full API section, as well as our Read the Docs page.

  1. Install the KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.6.0 or higher, or a Nightly version (if Nightly before the release of 4.6.0, use the master update site. See here for help with Nightlies and update sites.)

  2. Go to File -> Install KNIME Extensions…, enter "Python" in the search field, and look for KNIME Python Node Development Extension (Labs). Alternatively you can manually navigate to the KNIME Labs Extensions category and find the extension there. Select it and proceed with installation.

  3. The tutorial_extension will be your new extension. Familiarise yourself with the files contained in that folder, in particular:

    • knime.yml, which contains important metadata about your extension.
    •, which contains Python definitions of the nodes of your extension.
    • config.yml, just outside of the folder, contains information that binds your extension and the corresponding conda/Python environment with KNIME Analytics Platform.
  4. Create a conda/Python environment containing the knime-python-base metapackage, together with the node development API knime-extension, and packaging. If you are using conda, you can create the environment by running the following command in your terminal (macOS/Linux) or Anaconda Prompt (Windows):

    conda create -n my_python_env python=3.9 packaging knime-python-base knime-extension -c knime -c conda-forge

    If you would like to install knime-python-base and packaging into an already existing environment, you can run the following command from within that environment:

    conda install knime-python-base knime-extension packaging -c knime -c conda-forge

    Note that you must append both the knime and conda-forge channels to the commands in order for them to work.

  5. Edit the config.yml file located just outside of the tutorial_extension (for this example, the file already exists with prefilled fields and values, but you would need to manually create it for future extensions that you develop). The contents should be as follows:

        src: path/to/folder/of/template
        conda_env_path: path/to/my_python_env
        debug_mode: true


    • <extension_id> should be replaced with the group_id and name values specified in knime.yml, combined with a dot.

    For our example extension, the value for group_id is org.knime, and the value for name is fluent_extension, therefore the <extension_id> placeholder should be replaced with org.knime.fluent_extension.

    • the src field should specify the path to the tutorial_extension folder.

    • similarly, the conda_env_path field should specify the path to the conda/Python environment created in Step 4. To get this path, run the conda env list command in your Terminal/Anaconda Prompt, and copy the path next to the appropriate environment (my_python_env in our case).

    • the debug_mode is an optional field, which, if set to true, will tell KNIME Analytics Platform to use the latest changes in the configure and execute methods of your Python node class whenever those methods are called.

  6. We need to let KNIME Analytics Platform know where the config.yml is in order to allow it to use our extension and its Python environment. To do this, you need to edit the knime.ini of your KNIME Analytics Platform installation, which is located at <path-to-your-KAP>/Contents/Eclipse/knime.ini.

    Append the following line to the end, and modify it to have the correct path to config.yml:

  7. Start your KNIME Analytics Platform.

  8. The "My Template Node" node should now be visible in the Node Repository.

  9. Import and open the Example_with_Python_node.knwf workflow, which contains our test node:

    1. Get familiar with the table.
    2. Study the code in and compare it with the node you see in KNIME Analytics Platform. In particular, understand where the node name and description, as well as its inputs and outputs, come from.
    3. Execute the node and make sure that it produces an output table.
  10. Build your first configuration dialog!

    In, uncomment the definitions of parameters (marked by the "Tutorial Step 10" comment). Restart your KNIME Analytics Platform,, then drag&drop the node again into the workflow and you should be able to double-click the node and see configurable parameters - congrats!

    Take a minute to see how the names, descriptions, and default values compare between their definitions in and the node dialog.

  11. Add your first port!

    To add a second input table to the node, follow these steps (marked by the "Tutorial Step 11" comment, you will need to restart):

    1. Uncomment the @knext.input_table decorator.
    2. Change the configure method's definition to reflect the changes in the schema.
    3. Change the execute method to reflect the addition of the second input table.
  12. Add some functionality to the node!

    With the following steps, we will append a new column to the first table and output the new table (the lines requiring to be changed are marked by the "Tutorial Step 12" comment):

    1. To inform downstream nodes of the changed schema, we need to change it in the return statement of the configure method; for this, we append metadata about a column to the output schema.
    2. Everything else is done in the execute method:
      • we transform both input tables to pandas dataframes and append a new column to the first dataframe
      • we transform that dataframe back to a KNIME table and return it
  13. Use your parameters!

    In the execute method, uncomment the lines marked by the "Tutorial Step 13" comment:

    Use a parameter to change some table content; we will add the value of the double_param parameter to every cell of a column.

  14. Start logging and setting warnings!

    In the execute method, uncomment the lines marked by the "Tutorial Step 14" comment: Use the LOGGER functionality to inform users, or for debugging. Use the execute_context.set_warning("A warning") to inform the user about unusual behaviour If you want the node to fail, you can use raise ValueError("This node failed just because")

  15. Congratulations, you have built your first functioning node entirely in Python!


Nodes for KNIME via python extension (mainly MS related via pyopenms)







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