This module allows you to post a message to MagicMirror either by MagicMirror² API post or manual update (entering text onscreen).
You can update the mirror display in real time (Live), as it's running, without quitting or reloading MM.
The module has an API allowing for messages to be set remotely with a POST request. For example, you could use the API combined with Microsoft Power Automate to set a message on the screen whenever a message is sent to a specific teams channel.
The module has a reset function that can allow for the message to be cleared automatically at a specified time daily.
The module has a history option to allow the last sent message to survive browser reloads/systems restarts.
You can specify custom CSS by editing the MMM-CustomMessage.css file in this module's CSS folder
You will need a keyboard for text entry and a mouse to click the module into edit mode for manual updating.
git clone
into the~/MagicMirror/modules
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-CustomMessage",
position: "middle_center",
config: {
initialHeaderText: "Simple Config",
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-CustomMessage",
position: "middle_center",
config: {
initialHeaderText: {
"value":"Full config" // Initial header text value
initialText: {
"value": "This config contains all available settings" // Initial text value
fontSize: {
"value": "16" // Font size value. Raw value no units
headerFontSize: {
"value": "30" // Header font size value. Raw value no units
enableHistory: {
"value": "false" // Enable history. If set to true, the last message set via API will be saved to file.
// Currently does not save manually set messages
resetMessage: {
"enabled": "false", // Reset message enabled value
"time": "00:00" // time in 24 hour format when you want to have the message reset on a daily basis.
enableModuleCollapse: {
"enabled": "false" // Enable collapsing the hieght of the header
- Click the default text to enter edit mode.
- Delete the default text and create your items.
- "Enter" creates a new line.
- When you are done, click anywhere outside the text area of the module.
- When you want to edit again, click the text of the module to enter edit mode.
The API uses MagicMirror's ExpressApp backend. The default endpoint is http:\\<your MagicMirror url or ip and port> + \custom-message
For example: http:\\localhost:8080\custom-message
The endpoint accepts POST requests with a JSON body of the form:
{ "messageHeader": "Message Header Message", "message": "Message Text" }