Version | Description |
>= 1.0.0 | First version of the module. |
>= 2.0.0 | Add support for fine-grained permissions on tables. Use version >=1.15.0 of the postgresql provider. New example full-rds-example to show interaction in a real case on AWS + pgaudit deployment + Logs indexation in elasticSearch. |
Terraform is a great tool to automate "everything" in modern IT. Based on my own experience, i will propose you an abstraction for the management "inside a database" : the management of users and their permissions in a postgresql database.
This module provides a way to manage securly and properly, the objects, inside a postgresql database. Based on best practices, describe in this blog :
As it's done in the cloud, the concept of "Least Privilege" should be used. The usecase full-rds-example
give an example of how to do that with this module.
Managing users means managing their passwords
. It could be tricky if you want do that in a secure way. Using random_password
in terraform is not a good idea because the password is stored in clear text into the terraform remote state. Even there is other ways to do that, this module offers a system based on running a post-processing playbook
in which the password is generated. This playbook execute a script that you need to write. You could find several implementations in the examples directory.
You can find official documentation here :
This module provides a way to deploy postgresql Extension inside your postgresql engine. It's not specific to pgaudit
, but can be used with other extensions, like pg_stat_statements
or aws_s3
Moreover, for a database deployed on the public cloud AWS, with the AWS Managed Service RDS, this module also provides a way to deploy an audit system allowing to trace all the requests made, by whom, at what time and from which IP address, ready to be streamed by a SOC tool
like ElasticSearch
or Splunk
. This feature is implemented by :
- the installation of
extension in your postgresql engine. - the deployment of a
function that will stream the log produced by the rds instance. - the lambda streams logs to a destination. The usecase
illustrates that by sending log streams into anelasticsearch domain
The module is divided into 2 sub-modules and several examples that illustrates different aspects covered by this module.
- create-database : The creation of the database with the roles and the permissions associated with (named
inside postgresql). - create-users : The creation of users and their permissions. For security perspectives, user inherits permissions from role. For user, used by a
, its password should have an expiration date. For non-human users (used inside an application), arotation mechanism
should increase your security. Using `AWS SecretsManager' could help you to achieve this requirement.
Example | UseCase |
simple-database | Demonstration How to create Database, Roles, and Grants objects. |
create-users-on-existent-database | From an existent database, you can create several users. This usecase uses a trivial postprocessing playbook for example. DO NOT USE THIS PLAYBOOK IN PRODUCTION, IT's NOT SAFE. |
all-in-one | Demonstration How to create Database, Roles, Users in one phase. This usecase uses a postprocessing playbook that ,for each user, generate its password and store it in the parameterStore into an AWS Account. |
full-rds-example | In a context of the public cloud AWS, deployed into a RDS Instance, demonstrate an another postprocessing playbook that generate passwords into AWS SecretsManager, deploy the pgaudit extension for real-time audit system, a shell script to retrieve audit logs, create users inside database by applying the least privilege pattern. |
By this simple example, the diagram below illustrates relations between roles and users and what we neeed to do :
Actor | Remarks |
The user postgres or the super-user |
This user should not be used in daily tasks. Instead, create an admin role on which you delegate high level permissions. |
Application admin Role | This role will be the owner of the database and all objects inside the database. It can create database,tables inside database and roles. |
ReadOnly Role | The role with grants that allowing select on tables. |
Write Role | The role with grants that allowing select/insert/update/delete on tables. |
The user application reporting |
This user is used inside the reporting application. Readonly permissions are suffisent for reporting. |
The user application backend |
This user is used inside the backend application. Write permissions are needed for this application. |
Notes :
- Roles are independent from the database and schema. But we advice to create the 3 roles (admin,readonly,write) for each database and do not shared roles accross databases. That why, in examples provided in this module, we prefixe the name of the role by
, a trigram that can easily differentiate role in real usecases. If you need a user with permissions on differents databases, a user can inherits permissions from several roles. By example, role "write" for a database A, role "read" for a database B. - We create 3 roles (admin,write,readonly) but you can be more granular. By example, splitting the role write into several write roles, allowing the permissions insert/update/delete only on specific tables. the security pattern
Least privilege
can be applied at this level. Seefull-rds-example
to see how to do that with this module.
When a new database is created, PostgreSQL by default creates a schema named public
and grants access on this schema to a backend role named public. All new users and roles are by default granted this public role, and therefore can create objects in the public schema.
PostgreSQL uses a concept of a search path. The search path is a list of schema names that PostgreSQL checks when you don’t use a qualified name of the database object. For example, when you select from a table named mytable
, PostgreSQL looks for this table in the schemas listed in the search path. It chooses the first match it finds. By default, the search path contains the following schemas:
postgres=# show search_path;
"$user", public
(1 row)
The first name $user
resolves to the name of the currently logged in user. By default, no schema with the same name as the user name exists. So the public schema becomes the default schema whenever an unqualified object name is used. Because of this, when a user tries to create a new table without specifying the schema name, the table gets created in the public schema. As mentioned earlier, by default, all users have access to create objects in the public schema, and therefore the table is created successfully.
This becomes a problem if you are trying to create a read-only user. Even if you restrict all privileges, the permissions inherited via the public role allow the user to create objects in the public schema.
To fix this, the default create permission on the public schema from the public role is revoked by default. It's managed by the variable revoke_create_public that is true
by default in the module create-database
Working with a custom schema is available but keep in mind that :
- you need to set the field search_path in each of the role. If you do not do that, you need to prefix each of your object with the name of the schema.
If you create tables, apply this module by creating roles and permissions, with by example, the "write" permissions (insert/update/delete) on the tables, it works : the user that inherits write permissions can insert/update/delete lines in tables.
After the apply, if you create a new table, and try to insert lines into this table, you will have an error Permission Denied
. It's not a bug. Because, the permissions put in the previous step are not retro-active. You need to re-execute the terraform apply to propagate permisisons (the write permissions) on the new table.
This sub-module is in charge to create :
postgresql database
: The module can create for you, your database. But if the database already exists, you can just avoid this step. -
postgresql role
: following best practices, we will createroles
in a first step. Those roles will handle grants (=permissions). -
postgresql grant
: the list of grants that will be associated to the role.
This module uses a terraform object structure : Check the simple-database usecase to have a complete example.
you could find all Inputs & outputs of this submodule here : docs
This sub-module is in charge to create :
postgresql role
: a user is a role that inherits permissions from roles and have the option'login' = true
. A user can have an expiration date. It's a good practice to control password for human users by an expiration date. -
password management
inside a terraform module, it could be complex to manage properly passwords inside a generic module. You can refer to this excellent post to manage securly your passwords : -
To provide a way to manage at posteriori the password of users created by the module, a system of
postprocessing playbook
is available to set the password securely. Why securely ? because it use aterraform null_resource
to perform the update of the password in the database and to store the password in a safe place of your choice.
check the create-users-on-existent-database, all-in-one or full-rds-example usecases to have complete examples.
you could find all Inputs & outputs of this submodule here : docs.
- This module uses the excellent postgresql provider developed and maintained by @cyrilgdn.
This module use the version 1.15.0 or higher of this provider. in each
located in each example, you could find :
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.0.4"
required_providers {
postgresql = {
source = "cyrilgdn/postgresql"
version = ">= 1.15.0"
During my tests, i encountered some problems during init phase :
│ Error: Failed to query available provider packages
│ Could not retrieve the list of available versions for provider cyrilgdn/postgresql:
| locked provider 1.11.2 does not
│ match configured version constraint >= 1.15.0; must use terraform init -upgrade to allow selection of new versions
after launching terraform init -upgrade
, the init phase ends successfully.
Keep in mind that you need to have :
- the network connectivity to your database (by example, if you launch your terraform scripts from a gitlab-ci runner, your runners must reach the database)
- the credentials of a user with the required permissions to connect on a postgresql instance, to create database etc ... Often, we use postgres user or superuser for the postgresql provider. According to best practices, this superuser is used to create "admin user" that will be used to create database oher objects. For the password of the user defined into the postgresql provider, to avoid passing in clear text the password, use the native postgresql mechanism by setting an environment variable PGPASSWORD.
You can find a docker-compose file to start locally a postgresql (version 13.4) database and set the password for postgres user. Use the command docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
I would like to warmly thank my colleague and friend Rene Okouya, Mr Spinnaker, who allowed me to rise to another level of expertise on terraform and who participated in writing the very first version of this module.