Champion Selection Optimization for League of Legends
To Run Code:
npm install
&&npm install -g gulp
- Install foreman.
gem install foreman
- Optimlol runs off of Heroku which uses foreman and with Procfiles so that's how we test most things locally.
- You're going to need a mongo instance so either run one locally or get a free sandbox from mongolab
3a. If you sign up for mongolab once logged in click 'Create New' under MongoDB Deployments and choose the sandbox option.
3b. Name your mongoDB 'riot_data'.
3c. Click on your new database and create a user. - Create
file inoptimlol
directory.MONGOLAB_URI='mongodb://username:password@url:port/riot_data' #this can be your local instance or mongolabs... RIOT_API_KEY='riot_api_key' PORT=8080 #local api port NODE_ENV='development'
- Run the optimlol_api.
foreman start -e .env
- In another command console, run gulp.
gulp debug-web
- Enjoy!
##Windows Dependency Do this first
#License GNU General Public License Version 3