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SolarEdge UI

A little React Web UI to keep an eye on your SolarEdge usage. Backend API written in Go with the ability to cache specific requests.




The backend runs on port 8080 while the frontend runs on port 3000.


To get started, you'll need to get your site ID and your API Key.

Go to SolarEdge Monitoring and log in. Your site ID is your ID shown on the page.

To get your API key, click Admin > Site Access and scroll down to API Access.

Tick the 'I have agreed' and click Save. A new API Key should generate.


Running the backend is simple, just run SE_API_KEY=[YOUR API KEY HERE] SE_SITE=[YOUR SITE ID HERE] go run api/index.go


Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

npm test

npm run build


Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be passed in


SE_API_HOST is the hostname for your solaredge-api instance. Note that because fetching of data is done client-side, this host must be accessible to all end users. Example:

SE_API_HTTPS is a true/false value to determine whether HTTPS is used when hitting the API. Example: SE_API_HTTPS=true


For the backend: docker run -p 8080:8080 jordz0005/solaredge-api For the frontend: docker run -p 3000:3000 jordz0005/solaredge-web


An example compose file can be found at compose.yaml.

Similar to the above, your services do not need to be on the same network or be linked, as the API requests are done client side.