Easily mock and test chained api calls, powered by Proxy
Testing chained api calls within a function can be difficult. Also, mocking an external api you don't own can be tedious and brittle. Use mock-chain
to easily observe and compare arbitrary, chained api calls in your tests!
Using npm:
$ npm install --save-dev mock-chain
Then in your test file:
import { mock_api, mock_call } from 'mock-chain';
const api = mock_api();
api.foo(1, 2, 3).bar.baz('a', 'b', 'c');
// create a mock api and make a chained call on it
// only one chained call has been made on the api
// 1
// JSON object of the first chained call on the api
// {"foo":{"_args":[1,2,3],"bar":{"baz":{"_args":["a","b","c"]}}}}
const chained_call = mock_call(api => api.foo().bar('woof!').baz);
// make a JSON object of an ad-hoc chained call later to be used in test
// {"foo":{"_args":[],"bar":{"_args":["woof!"],"baz":{}}}}
Usage with jest (but should work with other testing frameworks too)
export default function make_user_a_sandwich (username) {
// make a fucking sandwich
const sandwich = 'a delicious sandwich';
// a mongodb example
// write to database so that the user has the newly made sandwich
const users = this.db.collection('users');
users.updateOne({ username }, { $set: { food: sandwich } });
// a socket.io example
// notify everyone in 'subway' room in 'friends' namespace that a new sandwich was served to user
.emit('food was served', {
food: sandwich
// notify everyone in 'subway' room in 'not_friends' namespace that a new sandwich was served,
// but don't notify to whom it was served
.emit('food was served', {
food: sandwich
import { mock_api, mock_call } from 'mock-chain';
import make_user_a_sandwich from './make_user_a_sandwich';
it('makes user a sandwich and writes to database', () => {
const db = mock_api(); // create a mock mongodb api
const io = mock_api(); // create a mock socket.io api
// pass mock api's to the function in whatever way that makes sense for your case
const make_user_a_sandwich_bound = make_user_a_sandwich.bind({ db, io });
// chained function call on db should have been made only once
// a chained call on db should have been made with the following correct arguments
// mock_call will output a JSON that simulates a one-off chained call
mock_call(db => db
.updateOne({ username: 'joon' }, { $set: { food: 'a delicious sandwich' } })
// this test will *fail*, since a yellow banana isn't a delecions sandwich
mock_call(db => db
.updateOne({ username: 'joon' }, { $set: { food: 'a yellow banana' } })
// chained function call on io should have been made twice
// this should be the correct first chained call on io
mock_call(io => io
.emit('food was served', { username: 'joon', food: 'a delicious sandwich'})
// this test will *fail*, since second chained call on io shouldn't contain username
mock_call(io => io
.emit('food was served', { username: 'joon', food: 'a delicious sandwich'})
: make a mock api proxymock_api().foo(..).bar.baz(..)(..).qux
: make chained function calls on the mock api proxymock_api()._calls
: get the list of JSON of the chained callsmock_call(fn)
: get JSON of a single ad-hoc chained call, wherefn
isapi => api.foo(..).bar.baz(..)(..).qux