Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.
It allows mutiple accounts, but currently intended for self-host scenarios.
The bookmarks are stored in a sqlite3 database, for ease of deployment & maintenence.
The easist way for logged-in users to add bookmarks, is with the "bookmarklet", found on the Settings page.
Also, see the android app for adding bookmarks via an Android Share intent
log in — username: demo password: demo
Install the Stack executable here:
Build executables
stack build
Create the database
stack exec migration -- createdb --conn espial.sqlite3
Create a user
stack exec migration -- createuser --conn espial.sqlite3 --userName myusername --userPassword myuserpassword
Import a pinboard bookmark file for a user (optional)
stack exec migration -- importbookmarks --conn espial.sqlite3 --userName myusername --bookmarkFile sample-bookmarks.json
Import a firefox bookmark file for a user (optional)
stack exec migration -- importfirefoxbookmarks --conn espial.sqlite3 --userName myusername --bookmarkFile firefox-bookmarks.json
Start a production server:
stack exec espial
See config/settings.yml
for changing default run-time parameters & environment variables.
is embedded into the app executable when compiled, so after changingconfig/settings.yml
, runstack build
again to apply the new settings.config/settings.yml
values formatted like_env:ENV_VAR_NAME:default_value
can be overridden by the specified environment variable.- Example
- environment variable
- default app http port:
- environment variable
SSL: use reverse proxy
Install the
command line tool:stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc
Start a development server:
yesod devel
- See
see sample-bookmarks.json
, which contains a JSON array, each line containing a FileBookmark
[ {"href":"","description":"Forde's Tenth Rule, or, \"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and \u2764\ufe0f the State Machine\"","extended":"","time":"2018-02-26T22:57:20Z","shared":"yes","toread":"yes","tags":"raganwald"},
, {"href":"","description":"7.6. Flag reference \u2014 Glasgow Haskell Compiler 8.2.2 User's Guide","extended":"-fprint-expanded-synonyms","time":"2018-02-26T21:52:02Z","shared":"yes","toread":"no","tags":"ghc haskell"},