Slack plugin for Gradle
This plugin supports whole message structure of current slack. You can find full docs here:
The below is an example usage
slack {
webhookUrl ''
message {
text = "Project is built newly and deployed into *${deployMode.toUpperCase()}*"
channel = '#channel-name'
attachment {
authorName = gitUsername
color = 'good'
title = "Branch: ${gitBranchName}(${gitCommitHash})"
titleLink = ""
field {
title = 'Built'
value = 'Success'
shortValue = true
field {
title = 'Deployed'
value = 'Success'
shortValue = true
action {
name: 'game'
text: 'Chess'
type: "button"
value: "chess"
action {
name: 'game'
text: 'Thermonuclear War'
style: 'danger'
type: 'button'
value: 'war'
confirm {
title: 'Are you sure?'
text: 'Wouldn't you prefer a good game of chess?'
okText: 'Yes'
dismissText: 'No'