An eclectic collection of single file, minimal dependency, PowerShell-based build recipes for creating libraries and executables on mingw/mingw-w64 Windows systems.
In contrast with other well known port-style systems, buildlets enable one to quickly build binary artifacts with minimal ceremony and minimal persistent configuration. Typically one downloads a buildlet, runs it, and gets a binary archive. What you do next is up to you.
Buildlets are very mercenary in their focus and actions. No interdependency management. No complex configuration nor massive directory trees of persistent local data. As such, the buildlet system will always be a tradeoff between minimalism and modular reusability.
- PowerShell 3.0+
- .NET Framework v3.5+
- Live internet connection
- MinGW or mingw-w64 based toolchain with MSYS2, Autotools, patch, and Perl superpowers.
- A
file withPATH
data to your 32-bit and 64-bit msys/mingw-based toolchains.
Assuming you have a capable mingw or mingw-w64 toolchain already installed, typical usage can be as simple as the following:
Open PowerShell
Download the
scriptcurl ==== curl --cacert C:\tools\cacert.pem -L -O powershell via cmd.exe ====================== @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('', 'bootstrap.ps1')"
Create a
file describing thePATH
requirements of your build toolchains{ "x86": { "path": [ "C:/DevKit-x32-6.2.0/bin", "C:/DevKit-x32-6.2.0/mingw/bin" ], "build": "i686-w64-mingw32" }, "x64": { "path": [ "C:/Apps/DevTools/msys/bin", "C:/Apps/DevTools/mingw/bin" ], "build": "x86_64-w64-mingw32" } }
to list available buildlets, automatically fetch any required build tool, and optionally, download an initial buildletPS foo> .\bootstrap.ps1 ls == Available Buildlets == build_bzip2 build_discount build_fossil build_libarchive build_libffi build_libiconv build_liblzma build_libsodium build_libyaml build_lua build_lzo2 build_minised build_openssl build_ragel build_sqlite build_tcltk build_unqlite build_zlib PS foo> .\bootstrap.ps1 build_lua ---> creating C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\temp\foo\tools ---> downloading tool: 7za.exe ---> downloading build_lua.ps1
Execute the buildlet after ensuring a
build root dir existsPS foo> .\build_lua.ps1 5.2.1 ---> fetching buildlet library ---> downloading ---> validating lua-5.2.1.tar.gz ---> extracting lua-5.2.1.tar.gz ---> activating toolchain ---> configuring lua-5.2.1 ---> building lua-5.2.1 ---> creating binary archive for lua-5.2.1 ---> cleaning up PS foo> .\build_lua.ps1 5.2.2 -x64 ---> downloading ---> validating lua-5.2.2.tar.gz ---> extracting lua-5.2.2.tar.gz ---> activating toolchain [64-bit] ---> configuring lua-5.2.2 [64-bit] ---> building lua-5.2.2 [64-bit] ---> creating binary archive for lua-5.2.2 [64-bit] ---> cleaning up
Find built artifacts in the
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