👉 I encourage you to look at the source of Fluxus. If you do, you'll realize this is simply a pattern more than a framework, so please study and you can roll your own Vuex-style SwiftUI store.
Fluxus is an implementation of the Flux pattern for SwiftUI that replaces MVC, MVVM, Viper, etc.
- Organize all your model data into a store and easily access in your views.
- Use mutations to modify your app's state.
- Use actions to perform asynchronous operations.
- Keep your models and views as simple as possible.
Xcode 11 beta on MacOS 10.14 or 10.15
In Xcode, choose File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter this repo's URL.
- State is the root source of truth for your app
- Mutations describe a synchronous change in state
- Committers apply mutations to the state
- Actions describe an asynchronous operation
- Dispatchers execute asynchronous actions and commit mutations when complete
Fluxus helps us deal with shared state management at the cost of more concepts and boilerplate. If you're not building a complex app, and jump right into Fluxus, it may feel verbose and unnecessary. If your app is simple, you probably don't need it. But once your app grows to a certain complexity, you'll start looking for ways to organize shared state, and Fluxus is here to help with that. To quote Dan Abramov, author of Redux:
Flux libraries are like glasses: you’ll know when you need them.
Using Fluxus doesn't mean you should put all your state in Fluxus. If a piece of state strictly belongs to a single View, it might be fine to just use local @State. Check out the landmarks example to see how local @State and Fluxus state can work together.
- The minimal example app includes all the below code in a ready to run sample.
- The landmarks example app is a reimplementation of the official landmarks tutorial app using fluxus.
- The todo example app is a very simple implementation of a todo list.
State is the root source of truth for the model data in your app. We create one state module, for a counter, and add it to the root state struct.
import Fluxus
struct CounterState: FluxState {
var count = 0
var myBoolValue = false
var countIsEven: Bool {
get {
return count % 2 == 0
func countIsDivisibleBy(_ by: Int) -> Bool {
return count % by == 0
struct RootState {
var counter = CounterState()
Mutations describe a change in state. Committers receive mutations and modify the state.
import Fluxus
enum CounterMutation: Mutation {
case Increment
case AddAmount(Int)
case SetMyBool(Bool)
struct CounterCommitter: Committer {
func commit(state: CounterState, mutation: CounterMutation) -> CounterState {
var state = state
switch mutation {
case .Increment:
state.count += 1
case .AddAmount(let amount):
state.count += amount
case .SetMyBool(let value):
state.myBoolValue = value
return state
Actions describe an asynchronous operation. Dispatchers receive actions, then commit mutations when the operation is complete.
import Foundation
import Fluxus
enum CounterAction: Action {
case IncrementRandom
case IncrementRandomWithRange(Int)
struct CounterDispatcher: Dispatcher {
var commit: (Mutation) -> Void
func dispatch(action: CounterAction) {
switch action {
case .IncrementRandom:
case .IncrementRandomWithRange(let range):
IncrementRandom(range: range)
func IncrementRandom(range: Int = 100) {
// Simulate API call that takes 150ms to complete
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(150), execute: {
let exampleResultFromAsyncOperation = Int.random(in: 1..<range)
The store holds the current state. It also provides commit and dispatch methods, which route mutations and actions to the correct modules.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import Fluxus
let rootStore = RootStore()
final class RootStore: BindableObject {
var didChange = PassthroughSubject<RootStore, Never>()
var state = RootState() {
didSet {
func commit(_ mutation: Mutation) {
switch mutation {
case is CounterMutation:
state.counter = CounterCommitter().commit(state: self.state.counter, mutation: mutation as! CounterMutation)
print("Unknown mutation type!")
func dispatch(_ action: Action) {
switch action {
case is CounterAction:
CounterDispatcher(commit: self.commit).dispatch(action: action as! CounterAction)
print("Unknown action type!")
We now provide the store to our views inside SceneDelegate.swift.
window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: ContentView().environmentObject(rootStore))
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView : View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: RootStore
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
// Read the count from the store, and use a getter function to decide color
Text("Count: \(store.state.counter.count)")
.color(store.state.counter.countIsDivisibleBy(3) ? .orange : .green)
Section {
// Commit a mutation without a param
Button(action: { self.store.commit(CounterMutation.Increment) }) {
// Commit a mutation with a param
Button(action: { self.store.commit(CounterMutation.AddAmount(5)) }) {
Text("Increment by amount (5)")
// Dispatch an action without a param
Button(action: { self.store.dispatch(CounterAction.IncrementRandom) }) {
Text("Increment random")
// Dispatch an action with a param
Button(action: { self.store.dispatch(CounterAction.IncrementRandomWithRange(20)) }) {
Text("Increment random with range (20)")
// Use with bindings
Toggle(isOn: myToggleBinding) {
Text("My boolean is: \(myToggleBinding.value ? "true" : "false")")
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("Fluxus Example"))
// Use computed properties to get/set state via a binding
var myToggleBinding = Binding<Bool> (
getValue: {
setValue: { value in
struct ContentView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
return ContentView().environmentObject(rootStore)
💡 You should now have an app that demonstrates the basics of the flux pattern with Fluxus & SwiftUI. If you're having trouble getting this running, download the example app, or file a Github issue and we'll try to help.
Check out the landmarks example app to see fluxus used in a more complex app environment.
Swift/SourceKit are using 100% CPU!
This is a bug in Xcode 11 beta, it usually means something is wrong with your @EnvironmentObject, make sure you are passing .environmentObject() to your view correctly.
If you are presenting a new view (e.g. a modal) you will have to pass .environmentObject(store) to it, just like your root view controller.
Please file an issue if you spot a bug or think of a better way to do something.
Follow me on twitter @jsusek for random thoughts on SwiftUI.
- https://github.com/Dimillian/SwiftUIDemo
- https://github.com/pocket7878/swift-ui-redux-like
- https://github.com/alexdrone/DispatchStore
- https://github.com/StevenLambion/SwiftDux
- https://github.com/ra1028/SwiftUI-Flux
- https://github.com/kitasuke/SwiftUI-Flux