The UAA is the identity management service for Cloud Foundry. It's primary role is as an OAuth2 provider, issuing tokens for client applications to use when they act on behalf of Cloud Foundry users. It can also authenticate users with their Cloud Foundry credentials, and can act as an SSO service using those credentials (or others). It has endpoints for managing user accounts and for registering OAuth2 clients, as well as various other management functions.
- Tokens: A note on tokens, scopes and authorities
- Technical forum: vcap-dev google group
- Docs: docs/
- API Documentation: UAA-APIs.rst
- Specification: The Oauth 2 Authorization Framework
- LDAP: UAA LDAP Integration
If this works you are in business:
$ git clone git://
$ ./gradlew run
The apps all work together with the apps running on the same port
(8080) as /uaa
, /app
and /api
You can also build the app and push it to Cloud Foundry, e.g.
$ ./gradlew :cloudfoundry-identity-uaa:war
$ cf push myuaa -m 512M -p uaa/build/libs/cloudfoundry-identity-uaa-1.8.0.war --no-start
$ cf set-env myuaa SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE default
$ cf start myuaa
In the steps above, replace:
with a unique application name1.8.0
with the appropriate version label from your build
First run the UAA server as described above:
$ ./gradlew run
Then start another terminal and from the project base directory, ask the login endpoint to tell you about the system:
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/uaa/login
Then you can try logging in with the UAA ruby gem. Make sure you have ruby 1.9, then
$ gem install cf-uaac
$ uaac target http://localhost:8080/uaa
$ uaac token get marissa koala
(or leave out the username / password to be prompted).
This authenticates and obtains an access token from the server using
the OAuth2 implicit grant, similar to the approach intended for a
client like CF. The token is stored in ~/.uaac.yml
, so dig into
that file and pull out the access token for your cf
target (or use
on the login command line above to see it logged to your
Then you can login as a resource server and retrieve the token details:
$ uaac target http://localhost:8080/uaa
$ uaac token decode [token-value-from-above]
You should see your username and the client id of the original token grant on stdout, e.g.
exp: 1355348409
user_name: marissa
scope: openid password.write scim.userids tokens.write
email: [email protected]
aud: scim tokens openid cloud_controller password
jti: ea2fac72-3f51-4c8f-a7a6-5ffc117af542
user_id: ba14fea0-9d87-4f0c-b59e-32aaa8eb1434
client_id: cf
The same command line example should work against a UAA running on (except for the token decoding bit because you won't have the client secret). In this case, there is no need to run a local uaa server, so simply ask the external login endpoint to tell you about the system:
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"
You can then try logging in with the UAA ruby gem. Make sure you have ruby 1.9, then
$ gem install cf-uaac
$ uaac target
$ uaac token get [yourusername] [yourpassword]
(or leave out the username / password to be prompted).
This authenticates and obtains an access token from the server using the OAuth2 implicit grant, the same as used by a client like CF.
You can run the integration tests with
$ ./gradlew integrationTest
will run the integration tests against a uaa server running in a local
Apache Tomcat instance, so for example the service URL is set to http://localhost:8080/uaa
to pick up a
where URLs can be changed
and (if appropriate) set the context root for running the
server (see below for more detail on that).
To modify the runtime parameters you can provide a uaa.yml
, e.g.
$ cat > /tmp/uaa.yml
username: [email protected] # defaults to [email protected]
password: changeme
email: [email protected]
then from uaa/uaa
$ CLOUD_FOUNDRY_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp ./gradlew test
The webapp looks for a Yaml file in the following locations (later entries override earlier ones) when it starts up.
The default uaa unit tests (./gradlew test) use hsqldb.
To run the unit tests using postgresql:
$ echo "spring_profiles: default,postgresql" > src/main/resources/uaa.yml
$ ./gradlew test integrationTest
To run the unit tests using mysql:
$ echo "spring_profiles: default,mysql" > src/main/resources/uaa.yml
$ ./gradlew test integrationTest
The database configuration for the common and scim modules is defaulted in
the Spring XML configuration files. You can change them by configuring them in uaa.yml
There are actually several projects here, the main uaa
server application and some samples:
is a module containing a JAR with all the business logic. It is used in the webapps below. -
is the actual UAA server -
(sample) is an OAuth2 resource service which returns a mock list of deployed apps -
(sample) is a user application that uses both of the above -
SCIM user management module used by UAA
In CloudFoundry terms
provides an authentication service plus authorized delegation for back-end services and apps (by issuing OAuth2 access tokens). -
is a service that provides resources that other applications may wish to access on behalf of the resource owner (the end user). -
is a webapp that needs single sign on and access to theapi
service on behalf of users.
The authentication service is uaa
. It's a plain Spring MVC webapp.
Deploy as normal in Tomcat or your container of choice, or execute
./gradlew run
to run it directly from uaa
directory in the source
tree. When running with gradle it listens on port 8080 and the URL is
The UAA Server supports the APIs defined in the UAA-APIs document. To summarise:
The OAuth2 /authorize and /token endpoints
A /login_info endpoint to allow querying for required login prompts
A /check_token endpoint, to allow resource servers to obtain information about an access token submitted by an OAuth2 client.
SCIM user provisioning endpoint
OpenID connect endpoints to support authentication /userinfo and /check_id (todo). Implemented roughly enough to get it working (so /app authenticates here), but not to meet the spec.
Authentication can be performed by command line clients by submitting
credentials directly to the /authorize
endpoint (as described in
UAA-API doc). There is an ImplicitAccessTokenProvider
in Spring
Security OAuth that can do the heavy lifting if your client is Java.
By default uaa
will launch with a context root /uaa
. There is a
Maven profile local
to launch with context root /
, and another
called vcap
to launch at /
with a postgresql backend.
GET /login
A basic form login interface.
Approve OAuth2 token grant
GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=app&response_type=code...
Standard OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint.
Obtain access token
POST /oauth/token
Standard OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint.
There is a uaa.yml
in the application which provides defaults to the
placeholders in the Spring XML. Wherever you see
in the XML there is an opportunity to override
it either by providing a System property (-D
to JVM) with the same
name, or a custom uaa.yml
(as described above).
All passwords and client secrets in the config files are plain text, but they will be inserted into the UAA database encrypted with BCrypt.
The default is to use an in-memory RDBMS user store that is
pre-populated with a single test users: marissa
has password
To use Postgresql for user data, activate one of the Spring profiles
or postgresql
The active profiles can be configured in uaa.yml
spring_profiles: postgresql,default
To use PostgreSQL instead of HSQL:
$ echo "spring_profiles: default,postgresql" > src/main/resources/uaa.yml
$ ./gradlew run
Two sample applications are included with the UAA. The /api
and /app
Run it using ./gradlew run
from the uaa
root directory
All three apps, /uaa
, /api
and /app
get deployed
This is a user interface app (primarily aimed at browsers) that uses
OpenId Connect for authentication (i.e. SSO) and OAuth2 for access
grants. It authenticates with the Auth service, and then accesses
resources in the API service. Run it with ./gradlew run
from the
root directory.
The application can operate in multiple different profiles according
to the location (and presence) of the UAA server and the Login
application. By default it will look for a UAA on
, but you can change this by setting an
environment variable (or System property) called UAA_PROFILE
. In
the application source code (samples/app/src/main/resources
) you will find
multiple properties files pre-configured with different likely
locations for those servers. They are all in the form
and the naming convention
adopted is that the UAA_PROFILE
is local
for the localhost
deployment, vcap
for a
deployment, staging
for a staging
deployment (inside VMware VPN), etc. The profile names are double
barrelled (e.g. local-vcap
when the login server is in a different
location than the UAA server).
See all apps
GET /app/apps
browser is redirected through a series of authentication and access grant steps (which could be slimmed down to implicit steps not requiring user at some point), and then the list of apps is shown.
See the currently logged in user details, a bag of attributes grabbed from the open id provider
GET /app
Here are some ways for you to get involved in the community:
- Get involved with the Cloud Foundry community on the mailing lists. Please help out on the mailing list by responding to questions and joining the debate.
- Create github tickets for bugs and new features and comment and vote on the ones that you are interested in.
- Github is for social coding: if you want to write code, we encourage contributions through pull requests from forks of this repository. If you want to contribute code this way, please reference an existing issue if there is one as well covering the specific issue you are addressing. Always submit pull requests to the "develop" branch.
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