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Angular 2 StarWars Party

Workshop Resources

Completed Exercises

The numbers folders 01-10 can be renamed at any time to catch up. For example, rename 07 to src then restart your npm start to catch up to Exercise 7.

Exercise 00 - Setup

  • Clone or fork this repository
  • Make sure you have node.js installed
  • Run npm install -g webpack webpack-dev-server typings typescript to install global dependencies
  • Navigate to your project folder from the command line
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm start to fire up dev server
  • Open browser to http://localhost:3000

Set up the StarWars server

Exercise 01 - Hello World

  • Notice the <app> tag in index.html
  • Delete everything in app.ts
  • Write a @Component with a selector of 'app'
  • Create a basic template
  • Remember to export your class

Exercise 02 - Create a Component

  • Create a components directory
  • Add a file called home.ts
  • Create a @Component and export it
  • Import your component into app.ts
  • Include the component with directives:[Home]
  • Add the component to your template with <home>

Exercise 03 - Handling Clicks and Refs

Logging an event

  • Create a button in your Home component
  • Handle the click with a (click)="onClick($event)"
  • Log out the event

Logging an Input

  • Create an input
  • Reference the input with a #i
  • Pass the value with #i.value of the input to the onClick
  • Log out the value

Exercise 04 - Smart and Dumb Components


  • Add a people = [{name:"John"}]; to your Home component
  • Create a PersonList component
  • Add the PersonList to your Home component
  • Create an @Input called people (remember to import it)
  • Push people from Home into PersonList with [people]=people
  • Render the first person from the @Input with {{people[0].name}}


  • Move the input and the button to the PersonList
  • Create an @Output() called select
  • Call select.emit(value) in the button's onClick handler
  • Handle the select event inHome with (select)=onSelect($event)
  • Log out the input

Exercise 05 - Templates, Styles, and Built-in Directives


  • Add an [(ngModel)]="name" to the input
  • Add a <span>{{name}}</span>
  • Type in the input to see the name appear in the <span>


  • Add a <style></style> tag to the template
  • Add a .person { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } style
  • Add the class=person to your span
  • Roll over your <span> to see the hand cursor


  • Add a <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  • Add an *ngIf="name" to the <i>
  • Type in the input to see the <i> appear


  • Add (mouseover)="isOver = true" (mouseout)="isOver = false" to span
  • Change the class attribute to class="fa" on the <i> element
  • Add [ngClass]="{'fa-star':isOver, 'fa-star-o':!isOver}" to the <i>
  • Roll over the span to see the icon toggle

Exercise 06 - Repeating Elements with *ngFor


  • Add more people to the Home
  people = [
      name:"Luke Skywalker",
      image: "http://localhost:4000/luke_skywalker.jpg"
      name:"Darth Vader",
      image: "http://localhost:4000/darth_vader.jpg"
      name:"Leia Organa",
      image: "http://localhost:4000/leia_organa.jpg"

Loop through each person using *ngFor on a simple element

  • Create a p element in PersonList that binds to
  • Add *ngFor="let person of people" to the p tag

Loop through each person using *ngFor on a custom component

  • Create a Card component using the code below as a reference
  • Give the Card an @Input() of person
  • Add the Card to the PersonList
  • Add *ngFor="let person of people" to the card
  • Update the src to [src]="person.image"
  • Show the in the h5 with {{}}
import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'card',
  template: `<style>
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: center;
    display: flex;
    flex-basis: 100px;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-direction: column;
<div class="card">
    <img [src]="person.image">
    <div class="info">
      <a class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add to Party</a>
export class Card{
  @Input() person;

Exercise 07 - Move the Data to a Service

  • Create services directory
  • Create a StarWars.ts file
  • Use the @Inject() decorator on a StarWars class
  • Move the people from the Home to the service
  • Include the service in the Home providers:[]
  • Inject the service constructor(public starWars:StarWars){}
  • Use the service in the template [people]="starWars.people"

Exercise 08 - Loading Data with Http

  • Add providers: [HTTP_PROVIDERS], to your app.ts
  • Import import {Http} from '@angular/http'; in your service
  • Inject Http in your service constructor(private _http:Http){}
  • Delete the people array
  • In the constructor, assign the people to an http request
  • Use http.get() then map then response using res => res.json()
  • map the images: luke_skywalker.jpg to http://locahost:4000/luke_skywalker.jpg
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http} from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

const API = 'http://localhost:4000';

export class StarWars{
  constructor(private _http:Http){
    this.people = _http.get(`${API}/people`)
      .map(res => res.json() //get the response as json
        .map(person => 
          Object.assign(person, {image: `${API}/${person.image}`})

Use an | async pipe to load the data in the template

  [people]="starWars.people | async"

Exercise 09 - Searching Data with a Pipe


  • Clean up PersonList template so only input and cards remain
<input [(ngModel)]="name" type="text">

<div class="card-container">
    *ngFor="let person of people"

Creating a Pipe

  • Create a pipes directory
  • Create a search.ts file
  • Create a @Pipe() called Search
  • Create your own searching logic
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
  name: 'search'
export class Search{
  transform(data, key, term = ""){
    if(!data) return null;
    return data.filter(item => {
      return item[key]

Using the Pipe

Add the Search to your PersonList

  • Add the name ("search") of the Search pipe to the template
  • Use 'name' as the key to search on
  • Use the name from the [(ngModel)]="name" as the term
  let person of people | search:'name':name"

Exercise 10 - Adding Routes

  • Add a <base href="/"> to your index.html <head>
  • Create a simple Party component with a hello world template
  • Import all the required Router classes into app.ts
import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS, RouteConfig, RouterOutlet, RouterLink} from '@angular/router';
  • Include RouterOutlet and RouterLink in your directives:[]
  directives: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink],
  • Replace <home> the <router-outlet>
  • Decorate your App with your routes
  {path: '/home', name: 'Home', component: Home, useAsDefault: true},
  {path: '/party', name: 'Party', component: Party},
  {path: '/**', redirectTo: ['Home'] }
  • Create a nav with [routerLink]
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a [routerLink]="['Home']" class="nav-link">Home</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a [routerLink]="['Party']" class="nav-link">Party</a>
  • Stylize the active route with a .router-link-active style:
  color: #55595c;
  background-color: #fff;
  border-color: #ddd #ddd transparent;

Challenges (Solutions Not Included!)

The following are for people who enjoy a challenge and working ahead.


Create a second service with a route to manage who you "Add" to the Party.

Moderate Challenge

Add create, read, update, delete to the "Party" service so you can add, remove, edit people to the party. Also make sure you can't add the same Person to the party twice.

Difficult Challenge

Create a "PersonDetail" component and route so that when you click on the Person image, it navigates to a route displaying Person's detail including all the images of starships they've flown 😉

Difficult Challenge

Build an "Autocomplete" search box from the Star Wars api. Prior RxJS knowledge is recommended.

Super Duper Tough Challenge

Build a full Create, Read, Update, Delete app (the api supports it!) with the people from Star Wars including all of the features above! {% endraw %}

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