This is a little Java simulator for the card game Uno, for investigating fat-tailedness of game-length and other distributions. It will become grist for an upcoming blog post at It's also an example of my use of Java: I use Java quite a bit on the job but (until now) didn't have any examples of that on Github.
- make all
- make tests
- java org/johnkerl/unorunner/UnoGameRunner 4
- java org/johnkerl/unorunner/UnoGameRunner 4 100
- make clean
- Distribution of hand sizes overall; then, conditioned on game length (or, more coarsely, number of reshuffles).
- Expected next-turn hand size conditioned on current hand size. Try to explain long-term game-length variability in terms of short-term hand-size pressures.
- Distribution of game lengths (in number of turns, and/or number of reshuffles).
- Distribution of draw sizes.
Game-details mode ( c2h
and other CSV tools are at ):
$ java org/johnkerl/unorunner/UnoGameRunner 4 | c2h
nturn nshuf c0 c1 c2 c3 ndraw ndeck ndis card
----- ----- -- -- -- -- ----- ----- ---- --------------
0 1 7 7 7 7 0 79 1 _
1 1 6 _ _ _ 0 79 2 wild/draw-four
2 1 _ 11 _ _ 4 75 2 _
3 1 _ 10 _ _ 0 75 3 red/3
4 1 _ _ 6 _ 0 75 4 red/9
5 1 _ _ _ 6 0 75 5 red/5
6 1 5 _ _ _ 0 75 6 red/6
7 1 _ 9 _ _ 0 75 7 green/6
8 1 _ _ 5 _ 0 75 8 blue/6
9 1 _ _ _ 5 0 75 9 yellow/6
10 1 4 _ _ _ 0 75 10 blue/6
11 1 _ 8 _ _ 0 75 11 blue/7
12 1 _ _ 5 _ 1 74 12 blue/2
13 1 _ _ _ 4 0 74 13 blue/8
14 1 3 _ _ _ 0 74 14 blue/2
15 1 _ 7 _ _ 0 74 15 green/2
16 1 _ _ 4 _ 0 74 16 green/9
17 1 _ _ _ 3 0 74 17 yellow/9
18 1 2 _ _ _ 0 74 18 yellow/3
19 1 _ 6 _ _ 0 74 19 yellow/2
20 1 _ _ 3 _ 0 74 20 yellow/0
21 1 _ _ _ 2 0 74 21 yellow/skip
22 1 _ 5 _ _ 0 74 22 green/skip
23 1 _ _ _ 1 0 74 23 green/skip
24 1 _ 4 _ _ 0 74 24 green/6
25 1 _ _ 2 _ 0 74 25 red/6
26 1 _ _ _ 0 0 74 26 red/4
Game-summary mode:
$ java org/johnkerl/unorunner/UnoGameRunner 4 10 | c2h
nturn nshuf
----- -----
29 1
61 1
52 1
34 1
179 2
75 1
588 8
31 1
73 1
81 1