Library cookbook which provides a resource for managing release artifacts.
This cookbook takes an opinionated approach to managing release artifacts on the system. It utilizes the libarchive cookbook to extract remote files to a release directory. After this is done it creates (or updates) a current symlink so that scripts can always reference the most recent version of the packaged software.
An example of the layout on the file system would go as follows:
/srv/twbs % ll
total 12K
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 2 jbellone jbellone 4.0K May 20 14:38 3.3.1/
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K May 20 14:38 3.3.2/
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 2 jbellone jbellone 4.0K May 20 14:38 3.3.4/
0 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 15 May 20 14:38 current -> /srv/twbs/3.3.4/
Here is a simple recipe for installing the Redis database. This will extract the files from the remote location to /srv/redis/3.0.1 and create a symbolic link from /srv/redis/current to /srv/redis/3.0.1.
include_recipe 'build-essential::default'
source_version = '3.0.1'
download_url = "{name}-%{version}.tar.gz"
group 'redis' do
system true
user 'redis' do
system true
gid 'redis'
libartifact_file 'redis-3.0.1' do
artifact_name 'redis'
artifact_version '3.0.1'
owner 'redis'
group 'redis'
remote_url download_url
notifies :restart, 'service[redis-server]', :delayed
service 'redis-server' do
supports :restart, :reload
action [:create, :start]
It is important to note that the both the user and group must exist. The resource does not make an attempt to create these. If you want to restart a service you can do so using Chef notifications.
Name | Description |
create | Downloads and extracts a released artifact. |
delete | Deletes a release artifact and unlinks the current symlink. |
Key | Type | Description |
artifact_name | String | Name of the release artifact. |
artifact_version | String | Version of the release artifact. |
install_path | String | Absolute path to the base location for extracting release artifact. |
binary_url | String, Array | Location(s) to download the release artifact. |
binary_checksum | String | SHA256 checksum of the release artifact. |
owner | String | Owner of the release artifact. |
group | String | Group of the release artifact. |
extract_options | Hash | Extraction options to pass into the libarchive cookbook. |