This is a first step towards an image registration package written in Julia. The current goal is to build a platform to experiment with registration and explore algorithms. Basic registration is possible though and pull-requests adding features or fixing bugs are explicitly welcome. :)
Some of the code is inspired by the FAIR software package by Jan Modersitzki.
To get started, compute a first registration based on the example code in
- Image Registration in 2D
- Disance Measures: SSD, NGF
- Regularizer: Diffusive, Curvature
- Optimization: Gauss-Newton/Armijo
- some unit and integration tests
DeformableRegistration is organized in modules:
.Distance: Sum of Squared Differences (SSD), masked SSD, Normalized Gradient Fields (NGF)
.Regularizer: Functions to regularize the deformation field. So far, curvature and a diffusive regularization have been implemented (both matrix-based).
.Optimization: Gauss-Newton optimization with Armijo line search.
.ImageProcessing: Different functions to create and load images and handle their properties.
.Interpolation: Linear interpolation, a specialized implementation and a generic based on the Interpolations package.
.Transformation: Convenience functions to create and transform cell-centered grids.