This repository contains the Torch implementation for ScaleNet: Guiding Object Proposal Generation in Supermarkets and Beyond at ICCV 2017. The code is built on DeepMask and SharpMask.
If you find ScaleNet useful in your research, please consider citing:
title = {ScaleNet: Guiding Object Proposal Generation in Supermarkets and Beyond},
author = {Siyuan Qiao and Wei Shen and Weichao Qiu and Chenxi Liu and Alan Yuille},
booktitle = {ICCV},
year = {2017}
- Install the following packages for Torch: COCO API, image, tds, cjson, nnx, optim, inn, cutorch, cunn, cudnn
- Clone this repository
SCALENET=/desired/absolute/path/to/scalenet/ # set absolute path as desired
git clone $SCALENET
- Prepare environment
mkdir -p data intermediate pretrained/scalenet pretrained/sharpmask
Download the pretrained ResNet-50 to $SCALENET/pretrained if you want to train ScaleNet or SharpMask. Move the downloaded MS COCO dataset to $SCALENET/data: $SCALENET/data/annotations, $SCALENET/data/train2014, $SCALENET/data/val2014.
th trainScaleNet.lua # For ScaleNet
th train.lua # For DeepMask and SharpMask. Please see their repo for the training details
The trained models will be found in $SCALENET/exps. Move the trained models for ScaleNet and SharpMask into the corresponding folders $SCALENET/pretrained/scalenet and $SCALENET/pretrained/sharpmask. Our pretrained models can be found here: ScaleNet and SharpMask. Next, we can evaluate the models on MS COCO.
th evalCocoBbox.lua