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convective power time average and ref codensity
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jnywong-test committed Jun 23, 2021
1 parent 72b1235 commit d812f4d
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 1 deletion.
58 changes: 57 additions & 1 deletion paropy/
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Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
import math
import h5py

from scipy.integrate import trapz, cumtrapz
from paropy.coreproperties import icb_radius, cmb_radius
from paropy.data_utils import parodyload, list_Gt_files, list_St_files, surfaceload
from paropy.data_utils import load_dimensionless, parodyload, list_Gt_files, list_St_files, surfaceload

def sim_time(data):
'''Total simulation time (viscous) from diagnostic data'''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,3 +166,58 @@ def surface_phiavg_timeavg(run_ID, directory):
print('{}/surface_phiavg_timeavg saved'.format(directory))

return (theta, phi, Vt_out, Vp_out, Br_out, dtBr_out)

def convective_power_timeavg(run_ID, directory):
Gt_file = list_Gt_files(run_ID, directory) # Find all Gt_no in folder
n = len(Gt_file)

# Loop over time
Vr_avg, T_avg = [[] for _ in range(2)]
i = 0
for file in Gt_file:
print('Loading {} ({}/{})'.format(file, i+1, n))
filename = '{}/{}'.format(directory, file)
(_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, radius, theta, phi, Vr, _, _,
_, _, _, T) = parodyload(filename)
# Integrate over phi and theta
T_avg.append(trapz(trapz(T, phi, axis=0)*np.sin(theta), theta, axis=0))
i += 1
# Time average (should really divide by dt but n is good enough according to JA)
Vr_out = sum(Vr_avg)/n
T_out = sum(T_avg)/n

# Save
with h5py.File('{}/convective_power'.format(directory), 'a') as f:
f.create_dataset('radius', data=radius)
f.create_dataset('Vr', data=Vr_out)
f.create_dataset('T', data=T_out)

return radius, Vr_out, T_out

def ref_codensity(r,rf,fi):
Compute reference codensity
nr = r.size
shell_gap = cmb_radius-icb_radius
ro = cmb_radius/shell_gap
ri = icb_radius/shell_gap
idx_f = np.where(r<rf)
idx_o = np.where(r>=rf)

if fi<0:
So = -3/(ro**3-rf**3)
Sf = 3*(1-fi)/(rf**3-ri**3)
dCodr = So*(ro**3 - r[idx_o]**3)/(3*r[idx_o]**2)
dCfdr = -Sf*(r[idx_f]**3-ri**3)/(3*r[idx_f]**2) - fi/r[idx_f]**2

alpha = -(ro**3/rf+rf**2/2)/(ro**3 - rf**3) - \
(1-fi)*(rf**2/2 + ri**3/rf)/(rf**3-ri**3) + fi/rf
Co = (ro**3/r[idx_o] + r[idx_o]**2/2)/(ro**3 - rf**3) + alpha
Cf = - (1-fi)*(r[idx_f]**2/2 + ri**3/r[idx_f])/(rf**3 - ri**3) + fi/r[idx_f]
C = np.concatenate([Cf, Co])

return C

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