A work in progress roguelike game made with Pygame where the player has to fight enemies and find treasure at the lowest level of the dungeon to win.
Key | Action |
w | Walk up |
a | Walk left |
s | Walk down |
d | Walk right |
q | Walk diagonally up and left |
e | Walk diagonally up and right |
z | Walk diagonally down and left |
c | Walk diagonally down and right |
x | Stay still |
Left mouse click | Move to mouse cursor |
m | Toggle minimap |
t | Pickup item |
TAB | Toggle camera |
TAB + Movement keys | Move camera around |
TAB + ENTER | Move to camera location |
v | Auto explore |
p | Pause and open menu |
i | Toggle inventory screen |
i + Left mouse click | Use item / Equip / Unequip |
i + Right mouse click | Drop item |
SPACE | Toggle magic selection |
SPACE + Left mouse click | Choose spell to cast |
SPACE + Left mouse click + Left mouse click | Cast chosen spell |
1 (On upstairs) | Transition to previous level |
2 (On downstairs) | Transition to next level |
ESC | Close opened menu |
F2 | Manually save game |
F3 | Manually load game |
F12 | Toggle FOV limitations |
- Animated sprites
- Semi intelligent monster ai
- Random map generation
- Pathfinding
- Field of view
- Player and enemy stats and stat scaling
- Randomly generated monsters and items
- Traversing through floors
- Castable magic
- Inventory system
- Saving and loading
- Moddable player/enemy/item/magic stats
- Come up with name
- Different classes
- Win and lose condition
- Major refactoring of code