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Automates serving secure websites with Docker, Nginx, and Let's Encrypt.

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Creating a static site with Docker and Let's Encrypt

This repo leverages Docker and two related projects:

The nginx-proxy project automates Nginx setup as a reverse proxy for websites. When the nginx-proxy container is started, it will automatically create an Nginx configuration file and reverse proxy for any container with an exposed port and create a reverse proxy for it.

The lets-encrypt-nginx-proxy-companion container will automatically configure a Let's Encrypt certificate to secure the sites served. Other than providing the site's domain and an email address, there is no configuration required.

This repo provides a few scripts and docker-compose.yml files. Deploying a secure website requires cloning the repo, providing your email address and a domain for each site to be served, and starting the containers. Everything else is automated. After they're up and running, copy your static assets to the web folder of each site.

The repo includes scripts to start, stop, and take down all the containers.

You can run a web application as well. See the instructions at the end of this README.


This repo requires a server properly configured with Git and Docker, with ports 80 and 443 open. It also requires a domain name with properly configured DNS.

Step 1. Clone the repo

Clone this repo into a webserver folder on your server and cd into it.

git clone webserver
cd webserver

Step 2. Customize with your domain and email

Each ./site/site* folder represents a website. Rename or copy the site folders for each site you want to serve. For example, if you're serving three sites, you might do this:

mv site/site1
cp -r site/site2
mv site/site2

Each site folder contains a sample.env file. Copy each of those to a real .env file. To prevent inadvertent publication of any secrets, the .gitignore file for this repo ignores .env.

In each .env file, customize the VIRTUAL_HOST variable with your domain and the EMAIL variable with your email.

The docker-compose.yml files need no modification. It’s unnecessary to expose port 443 on individual sites because nginx-proxy is exposing ports 80 and 443.

Step 3 Start the servers

Go to the root webserver folder and execute the following scripts. You might need to chmod +x *.sh before you do.

./ # starts nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-companion containers
./ # starts all website containers

That's it. Your websites are up and in a few seconds, each will have a Let's Encrypt certificate.

Test it

Go to Qualys's SSL Labs site and test your domain's security: A+

Copy static assets

Now that your sites are up and running, copy your static assets into the web folder of the appropriate site. The web folders are mounted as volumes, so changes within the web folder are served without restarting or rebuilding the site container.

Custom web applications

This scaffold can serve any web app, as long as it meets a few requirements.

  1. The site must be inside a subfolder of /.sites/.
  2. The site must have a docker-compose.yml file in its root folder.
  3. The docker-compose.yml file must expose a port (any port).
  4. The docker-compose.yml file must include network_mode: bridge.
  5. The environment block in docker-compose.yml must set three variables:
    • LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL The two *HOST variables should have the same value.


Automates serving secure websites with Docker, Nginx, and Let's Encrypt.







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