A stock market simulator, joining Stocker creates a portfolio for you that tracks the stocks you buy, watch, and calculates the profit you make from the $10,000 we give you to begin with.
- AngularJS
- Ruby on Rails
- Express
- Chart JS
- User should be able to create an account and log in
- User should be able to edit/delete their account
- User should be able to view their profile and see how much money they have
- User should be able to view/buy/sell stocks
- User can have many stocks, and stocks can have many users (many-to-many relationship)
- User can search for stocks using their symbol
- Sessions - doesn't persist after closing the window or refreshing
- After the first chart is created, trying to create a new one just overlays it and makes the chart a little buggy when hovering over each bar
- Design is not very responsive
- After buying a stock that's in your watched list, it doesn't get removed from the watched list (thus it doubles, it's in both bought and watched)