From an Isilon cluster, run 'isi storagepool list' and parse the output. If any node pool exceeds the utilization threshold, send an email. The default threshold is 80%, but can be changed with the -T
- If nodepools do not exceed threshold, no email will be sent and script will exit cleanly.
- The recipients (To:) must be specified manually in the command arguments. This is the only requirement.
- This uses the cluster's internal SMTP configuration for mail servers. No need to configure SMTP servers in the script.
To test the script, run it with the --test
argument. This will set the threshold to 0% and the subject line to TEST <date>
to trigger an email to be sent. At least one recipient is still required.
python --to [email protected] --test
You can add the script to a crontab to have it run automatically on a schedule.
0 0 * * 7 root /usr/bin/python /ifs/data/scripts/ --to [email protected]
This would use the default 80% threshold and the default subject line. It would run once and exit.
To add multiple recipients, just add multiple --to
arguments. At least one is required.
python --to [email protected] --to [email protected] --to [email protected]