This is a SnakeMake workflow to apply the protocol described in Pertea et al. 2016. With some modifications.
The idea is to produce Differential Expression analysis given a bunch of FASTQ files,
Follow the contents of the .travis.yml
Install (ana|mini)conda
git clone smsk_tuxedo2 cd smsk_tuxedo2 snakemake --use-conda --create-envs-only
Execute the test pipeline:
snakemake --use-conda -j
Modify the following files:
with your reference genome and annotation,samples.tsv
with the paths and info of your samplessrc/config.yaml
Run the pipeline with your data:
snakemake --use-conda -j
The hierarchy of the folder is the one described in Good enough practices in scientific computing:
├── bin/: external scripts/binaries
├── data/: test data.
├── doc/: documentation.
├── results:
| ├── raw: links to your raw data.
| ├── map: files from HISAT2 mapping: index and CRAM files.
| ├── quant: files from StringTie assembly and quantification
| └── de: files from Ballgown: differential expression tables, RData objects for closer inspection.
├── Snakefile: driver script of the project.
├── environment.yml: packages to execute the analysis.
└── src: snakefiles, installers, config.yaml, R scripts.
Index is build from scratch
Exons and splicing sites are computed from the reference GTF file
Paired reads are mapped with HISAT2. Results are compressed to CRAM on the fly.
Using the exact parameters from Pertea et al. 2016
CRAM -> SAM conversion on the fly
Performing DE with the R script provided in
Visualization should be done interactively.
Transcript-level expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT, StringTie and Ballgown. Pertea et al 2016
The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Li et al.
HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. Kim et al.
StringTie enables improved reconstruction of a transcriptome from RNA-seq reads. Pertea et al.
Flexible isoform-level differential expression analysis with Ballgown. Frazee et al.
SnakeMake - A scalable workflow engine. Köster et al.
smsk - a snakemake skeleton to jumpstart your projects. Langa.