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Create OpenAPI PRs on release #15

Create OpenAPI PRs on release

Create OpenAPI PRs on release #15

name: Create OpenAPI PRs on release
# push:
# branches:
# - main
# - 'hotfix/PRcreate'
# paths:
# - 'resources/**'
name: Create PRs for OpenAPI
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: vsg_openapi_gateway
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_gateway
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_application
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_application
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_settings
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_settings
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_nexus
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_nexus
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_lead
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_lead
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_documents
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_documents
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_decision
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_decision
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG
- name: vsg_openapi_api_composer
uses: emiliopedrollo/[email protected]
# A token that can be used to authenticate within GitHub with content write access to your repo
token: ${{ secrets.PRsecret }}
# The title of the Pull Request
title: Merge main into support
head: main
# The Pull Request base branch
base: support
# The owner and repository
repository: jkhy/vsg_openapi_api_composer
# A comma or newline separated list of labels
reviewers: GYordanovVSG, ISakalievVSG