- PDF Link: kubernetes-yaml-templates.pdf, Category: Cloud
- Blog URL: https://cheatsheet.dennyzhang.com/kubernetes-yaml-templates
- Related posts: Kubectl CheatSheet, Kubernetes Yaml, #denny-cheatsheets
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Yaml | Summary |
pod/pod-dummy.yaml | Start a dummy pod with a dead sleep loop |
pod/pod-nginx.yaml | Start a pod of sample app(nginx) |
pod/pod-initcontainer-sysctl.yaml | Use initContainer to run sysctl, when starting a Pod |
pod/pod-healthcheck-nginx.yaml | Start pod with tcp and http healthcheck |
pod/pod-secrets.yaml | Pod use secrets as either volumes or environment variables |
pod/pod-gitclone.yaml | Pod: use initContainer as sidecar to web host a git repo |
pod/pod-hostaliases.yaml | Pod: add alias to /etc/hosts |
pod/pod-serviceaccount.yaml | Start pod with serviceaccount, instead of default serviceaccount |
pod/pod-handlers.yaml | Pod’s events whenever it get started or stoppped |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
volume/volume-manual-pv.yaml | Create pv first, then pvc |
volume/volume-mount-localpath.yaml | Mount a local folder to pods |
volume/volume-emptydir.yaml | Create a empty folder, then mount to pods |
volume/volume-ebs.yaml | Mount EBS volume to pod running in amazon instance with the same AZ |
volume/volume-nfs.yaml | Create nfs pv |
volume/volume-gcePersistentDisk.yaml | Mount GCE disk to pod running in amazon instance with the same AZ |
volume/volume-digitalocean.yaml | Create DigitalOcean volume for your kubernetes cluster in DigitalOcean |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet, Link: volumes examples |
Yaml | Summary |
service/service-loadbalancer.yaml | Service: loadbalancer |
service/service-nodeport.yaml | Service: nodeport |
service/service-ingress.yaml | Service: ingress |
service/service-clusterip-nginx.yaml | Service: nginx with clusterip |
service/service-cassandra.yaml | Service: cassandra |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
config/pod-configmap.yaml | Create configmap from file, then use it as a pod volume |
config/pod-environment-var.yaml | Start a pod passing environment variables |
config/pod-env-metada.yaml | Expose metadata to pods |
config/configmap-plaintext.yaml | Define configmap with plain text |
Yaml | Summary |
rbac/serviceaccount-default.yaml | Serviceaccount: basic usage |
rbac/rbac-default.yaml | Serviceaccount: concret example |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
podsecurity/securitycontext-user.yaml | Configure userid, at both pod and container levels |
podsecurity/podsecurity-privileged.yaml | Create pod security with privileged access |
podsecurity/podsecurity-restricted.yaml | Create pod security with restricted access, then apply it later |
podsecurity/podsecurity-enforce.yaml | Enforce policy security by defining role and cluster role |
podsecurity/podsecurity-advanced.yaml | A more complicated definition of pod security policy |
podsecurity/podsecurity-example.yaml | A full example with everything included |
Links | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |

Yaml | Summary |
networksecurity/networksecurity-denyall-ingress.yaml | Allow all ingress |
networksecurity/networksecurity-allowall-ingress.yaml | Deny all ingress |
networksecurity/networksecurity-denyall.yaml | Deny all ingress and egress |
networksecurity/networksecurity-pod.yaml | Whitelist traffic control |
networksecurity/networksecurity-complicated.yaml | A comprehensive network policy example |
networksecurity/networksecurity-port.yaml | Allow TCP 443 from one namespace |
networksecurity/networksecurity-deny-othernamespaces.yaml | Deny all ingress traffic from other namespaces |
networksecurity/networksecurity-denyegress-exceptdns.yaml | Deny all egress traffic except DNS |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet, GitHub: kubernetes-network-policy-recipes |
Yaml | Summary |
quota/limitrange-pvc-size.yaml | LimitRange: PVC size |
quota/limitrange-pvc-cumulative-size.yaml | ResourceQuota: pvc count and storage size |
quota/limitrange-mem-size.yaml | LimitRange: Pod ram usage. Then apply it to namespace |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
deployment/deployment-nginx.yaml | Deploy nginx with 2 replicas |
deployment/deployment-mysql.yaml | Deploy mysql |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
statefulset/statefulset-nginx.yaml | Statefulset: nginx |
statefulset/statefulset-single-mysql | Statefulset: mysql |
statefulset/statefulset-replicated-cassandra.yaml | Statefulset: single cassandra |
statefulset/statefulset-replicated-mysql | Statefulset: cassandra with replicas |
Reference | Link: kubectl cheatsheet |
Yaml | Summary |
namespace/ns-dummy.yaml | Create a dummy namespace |
Yaml | Summary |
job/job-affinity.yaml | Deploy a job with node affinity |
Name | Summary |
GitHub: kubernetes-sigs/kustomize | Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations |
License: Code is licensed under MIT License.