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Add gmean_mod to src/utils including support infra in physics_grid.F90
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jimmielin committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 7493a1d commit 4ce8427
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Showing 2 changed files with 308 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/physics/utils/physics_grid.F90
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Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ module physics_grid
public :: get_rlat_p ! latitude of a physics column in radians
public :: get_rlon_p ! longitude of a physics column in radians
public :: get_area_p ! area of a physics column in radians squared
public :: get_wght_p ! weight of a physics column in radians squared
public :: get_rlat_all_p ! latitudes of physics cols on task (radians)
public :: get_rlon_all_p ! longitudes of physics cols on task (radians)
public :: get_wght_all_p ! weights of physics cols on task
public :: get_dyn_col_p ! dynamics local blk number and blk offset(s)
public :: global_index_p ! global column index of a physics column
public :: local_index_p ! local column index of a physics column
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,6 +477,26 @@ end function get_area_p


real(r8) function get_wght_p(index)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! weight of a physics column in radians squared

! Dummy argument
integer, intent(in) :: index
! Local variables
character(len=128) :: errmsg
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_wght_p'

! Check that input is valid:
call check_phys_input(subname, index)

get_wght_p = phys_columns(index)%weight

end function get_wght_p


subroutine get_rlat_all_p(rlatdim, rlats)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,6 +557,36 @@ end subroutine get_rlon_all_p


subroutine get_wght_all_p(wghtdim, wghts)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! get_wght_all_p: Return all weights on task.
! Dummy Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: wghtdim ! declared size of output array
real(r8), intent(out) :: wghts(wghtdim) ! array of weights

! Local variables
integer :: index ! loop index
character(len=128) :: errmsg
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_wght_all_p: '


! Check that input is valid:
call check_phys_input(subname, wghtdim)

do index = 1, wghtdim
wghts(index) = phys_columns(index)%weight
end do

end subroutine get_wght_all_p


subroutine get_dyn_col_p(index, blk_num, blk_ind)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
Expand Down
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/gmean_mod.F90
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
module gmean_mod
! Purpose:
! Perform global mean calculations for energy conservation and other checks.
! Method:
! Reproducible (scalable):
! Convert to fixed point (integer representation) to enable
! reproducibility when using MPI collectives.
! If error checking is on (via setting reprosum_diffmax > 0 and
! reprosum_recompute = .true. in user_nl_cpl), shr_reprosum_calc will
! check the accuracy of its computation with a fast but
! non-reproducible algorithm. If any error is reported, report
! the difference and the expected sum and abort run (call endrun)
! gmean_mod in to_be_ccppized is different from the CAM version and
! has chunk support removed.
use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use physics_grid, only: pcols => columns_on_task
use perf_mod, only: t_startf, t_stopf
use cam_logfile, only: iulog

implicit none

public :: gmean ! compute global mean of 2D fields on physics decomposition

interface gmean
module procedure gmean_arr
module procedure gmean_scl
end interface gmean

private :: gmean_fixed_repro
private :: gmean_float_norepro

! Set do_gmean_tests to .true. to run a gmean challenge test
logical, private :: do_gmean_tests = .false.



subroutine gmean_arr (arr, arr_gmean, nflds)
use shr_strconvert_mod, only: toString
use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use shr_reprosum_mod, only: shr_reprosum_reldiffmax, shr_reprosum_recompute, shr_reprosum_tolExceeded
! Purpose:
! Compute the global mean of each field in "arr" in the physics grid
! Method is to call shr_reprosum_calc (called from gmean_fixed_repro)
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nflds ! number of fields
real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols, nflds)
real(r8), intent(out) :: arr_gmean(nflds) ! global means
! Local workspace
real(r8) :: rel_diff(2, nflds)
integer :: ifld ! field index
integer :: num_err
logical :: write_warning
call t_startf('gmean_arr')
call t_startf ('gmean_fixed_repro')
call gmean_fixed_repro(arr, arr_gmean, rel_diff, nflds)
call t_stopf ('gmean_fixed_repro')

! check that "fast" reproducible sum is accurate enough. If not, calculate
! using old method
write_warning = masterproc
num_err = 0
if (shr_reprosum_tolExceeded('gmean', nflds, write_warning, &
iulog, rel_diff)) then
if (shr_reprosum_recompute) then
do ifld = 1, nflds
if (rel_diff(1, ifld) > shr_reprosum_reldiffmax) then
call gmean_float_norepro(arr(:,ifld), arr_gmean(ifld), ifld)
num_err = num_err + 1
end if
end do
end if
end if
call t_stopf('gmean_arr')
if (num_err > 0) then
call endrun('gmean: '//toString(num_err)//' reprosum errors found')
end if

end subroutine gmean_arr


subroutine gmean_scl (arr, gmean)
! Purpose:
! Compute the global mean of a single field in "arr" in the physics grid
! Arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols)
! Input array, chunked
real(r8), intent(out):: gmean ! global means
! Local workspace
integer, parameter :: nflds = 1
real(r8) :: gmean_array(nflds)
real(r8) :: array(pcols, nflds)
integer :: ncols, lchnk

array(:ncols, 1) = arr(:ncols)
call gmean_arr(array, gmean_array, nflds)
gmean = gmean_array(1)

end subroutine gmean_scl


subroutine gmean_float_norepro(arr, repro_sum, index)
! Purpose:
! Compute the global mean of <arr> in the physics chunked
! decomposition using a fast but non-reproducible algorithm.
! Log that value along with the value computed by
! shr_reprosum_calc (<repro_sum>)

use physconst, only: pi
use spmd_utils, only: masterproc, masterprocid, mpicom
use mpi, only: mpi_real8, mpi_sum
use physics_grid, only: get_wght_p
! Arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols)
real(r8), intent(in) :: repro_sum ! Value computed by reprosum
integer, intent(in) :: index ! Index of field in original call
! Local workspace
integer :: icol
integer :: ierr
real(r8) :: wght
real(r8) :: check
real(r8) :: check_sum
real(r8), parameter :: pi4 = 4.0_r8 * pi

! Calculate and print out non-reproducible value
check = 0.0_r8
do icol = 1, pcols
wght = get_wght_p(icol)
check = check + arr(icol) * wght
end do
call MPI_reduce(check, check_sum, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, &
masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)

! normalization
check_sum = check_sum / pi4

if (masterproc) then
write(iulog, '(a,i0,2(a,e20.13e2))') 'gmean(', index, ') = ', &
check_sum, ', reprosum reported ', repro_sum
end if

end subroutine gmean_float_norepro

subroutine gmean_fixed_repro (arr, arr_gmean, rel_diff, nflds)
! Purpose:
! Compute the global mean of each field in "arr" in the physics grid
! with a reproducible yet scalable implementation
! based on a fixed-point algorithm.
use spmd_utils, only: mpicom
use physics_grid, only: get_wght_all_p
use physics_grid, only: ngcols_p => num_global_phys_cols
use physconst, only: pi
use shr_reprosum_mod, only: shr_reprosum_calc
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nflds ! number of fields
real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols,nflds)
! arr_gmean: output global sums
real(r8), intent(out) :: arr_gmean(nflds)
! rel_diff: relative and absolute differences from shr_reprosum_calc
real(r8), intent(out) :: rel_diff(2, nflds)
! Local workspace
integer :: icol, ifld ! column, field indices

real(r8) :: wght(pcols) ! integration weights
real(r8), allocatable :: xfld(:,:) ! weighted summands
allocate(xfld(pcols, nflds))

! pre-weight summands
call get_wght_all_p(pcols, wght)

do ifld = 1, nflds
do icol = 1, pcols
xfld(icol, ifld) = arr(icol, ifld) * wght(icol)
end do
end do

! call fixed-point algorithm
call shr_reprosum_calc ( &
arr = xfld, &
arr_gsum = arr_gmean, &
nsummands = pcols, & ! # of local summands
dsummands = pcols, & ! declared first dimension of arr.
nflds = nflds, &
commid = mpicom, &
rel_diff = rel_diff &

! final normalization
arr_gmean(:) = arr_gmean(:) / (4.0_r8 * pi)

end subroutine gmean_fixed_repro

end module gmean_mod

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