TuistUI is Style Plugin for cooler use of Tuist.
In order to tell Tuist you'd like to use TuistUI plugin in your project follow the instructions that are described in Tuist documentation.
Add the plugin to Config.swift
import ProjectDescription
let config = Config(
plugins: [
.git(url: "", tag: "vTAG")
The documentation for releases and main
are available here:
Then import the TuistUI
from thr location you want to use.
import TuistUI
struct BaseFeature: Module {
var body: some Module {
Project {
/// Target Code
.package {
/// Package Code
additional operations
let project = BaseFeature().module()
struct TuistApp: Module {
var body: some Module {
Workspace {
.scheme {
/// Scheme Code
additional operations
let workspace = TuistApp().module()
can manage redundant parts of a project or workspace.
struct AppEnvironment: ModuleObject {
static let organizationName: String = ""
static let destinations: Destinations = .iOS
static let deploymentTargets: DeploymentTargets = .iOS("15.0")
How to use within a module.
struct BaseProject: Module {
@Constant var env = AppEnvironment()
var body: Module {
Project {
// Target
Management configurations effectively using the XCConfig
struct AppConfiguration: XCConfig {
enum XCConfigTarget: String, XCConfigTargetType {
case baseProject
var path: Path {
switch self {
case .baseProject:
return .relativeToRoot("XCConfig/baseProject")
var body: some XCConfigOf<Self> {
Configure ({
switch $0 {
case .baseProject:
return [
// Write Configuration Method
And use .debug(into:name:) method, .release(into:name:) method.
var body: some XCConfigOf<Self> {
Configure ({
switch $0 {
case .A:
return [
.debug(into: $0, name: .dev)
.release(into: $0, name: .prod)
How to use within a module.
struct BaseProject: Module {
let config = AppConfiguration()
var body: Module {
Project {
// Target
configurations: config.configure(into: .baseProject)
It is designed to accelerate project creation and workspace creation with templates.
$ tuist scaffold $(templateName) --path $(path) --name $(name)
Template Name
- project
- workspace
Project File and Workplace File are gathered in one place to facilitate quick modifications.
Using Project Template
├── Projects
│ └── App
│ └── Project.swift //<- Project.swift file Generate
├── Tuist
│ ├── ProjectDescriptionHelpers
│ └── Projects
│ └── DemoProject.swift //<- DemoProject.swift file Generate
│ ├── Dependencies.swift
│ ├── Config.swift
│ └── Package.swift
Using Workspace Template
├── Projects
│ └── App
│ └── Workspace.swift //<- Workspace.swift file Generate
├── Tuist
│ ├── ProjectDescriptionHelpers
│ └── Workspace
│ └── DemoApp.swift //<- DemoApp.swift file Generate
│ ├── Dependencies.swift
│ ├── Config.swift
│ └── Package.swift
To modify the contents of a project and workspace, you only need to modify the ProjectDescription File, WorkspaceDescription File, which are clustered in the ProjectDescription Helper folder.
tuistui is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.