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Performance Impact caused by G1 Region Size with Open Archive Heap objects

Jiangli Zhou edited this page May 21, 2021 · 1 revision


Performance regression was observed with warmup process that does class loading and initialization with CDS enabled. Investigation found the effect was correlated to the runtime Java heap region size and was caused by increased GC overhead (particularly young-gen GC). The overhead was worse and more pronounced with enlarged region sizes. The issue was caused by the lack of populated G1BlockOffsetTablePart for ‘open’ archive regions.


A standalone test/benchmark implemented a tight loop for loading and initializing a list of classes (about ~100,000 classes) by invoking Class.forName(). The test could be executed in single thread mode (loading and initializing all classes sequentially within one thread) and multi-threaded mode (loading and initializing classes concurrently using a specified number of threads).

Performance Comparisons

All measurements were performed on a local Linux machine.

Execution Time

Each result was the average of the test execution time from 10 runs reported by perf tool.

Heap region size: 16M (no -Xms -Xmx setting in command-line)

Enable CDS CDS off
32-threads. 11.900s 7.2396s
16-threads. 12.136s 7.3831s
8-threads 11.7148s 8.8131s
4-threads 12.517s 11.9189s
2-threads 11.7897s 14.779s
1-thread 10.6274s 12.2889s

-Xmx5625M -Xms5625M

Enable CDS CDS off
32-threads 8.0970s 6.9260s
16-threads 8.9857s 7.3448s
8-threads 8.9707s 8.4970s
4-threads 9.3818s 11.9134s
2-threads 8.9602s 14.6877s
1-threads 7.9756s 12.3731s

-Xmx800M -Xms800M

Enable CDS CDS off
32-threads 6.0635s 7.2391s
16-threads 6.4316s 7.5044s
8-threads 6.4890s 8.7262s
4-threads 7.2306s 12.1763s
2-threads 7.5984s 14.928s
1-threads 6.8995s 12.1305s

The above performance results indicated that the Java heap size appeared to have a large impact on the performance of the warmup process when CDS archive was enabled. Using a smaller Java heap produced better results compared to using a larger Java heap with CDS archive enabled. When CDS archive was disabled, there appeared to be no significant performance impact from using different Java heap sizes for the warmup process.

CPU Cycles

With CDS Without CDS
-Xms5625M -Xmx5625M, 8-threads 412,078,054,544 203,027,047,699
-Xms5625M -Xmx5625M, 4-threads 365,228,947,898 174,465,171,482
-Xms600M -Xmx600M, 8-threads 211,443,168,149 307,696,590,372

With 5625M Java heap, there was a significant CPU overhead (2x) observed when CDS was enabled. Larger Java heap had higher CPU overhead.

Young Gen Collection Pauses and Overhead

When running the test with CDS enabled and in multi-threaded mode, there were noticeable pauses during the test execution. Analysis using perf record/report and -Xlog:gc* found the CPU overhead and noticeable pauses were caused by young gen collection activities.

With CDS enabled, only 2 young gen evacuations were observed during a test execution according to the gc log. However, each young gen GC had large pause:

[3.953s][info][gc,start     ] GC(0) Pause Young (Normal) (G1 Evacuation Pause)
[3.955s][info][gc,task      ] GC(0) Using 18 workers of 18 for evacuation
[6.311s][info][gc,phases    ] GC(0)   Pre Evacuate Collection Set: 0.0ms
[6.311s][info][gc,phases    ] GC(0)   Evacuate Collection Set: 2353.5ms 
[6.311s][info][gc,phases    ] GC(0)   Post Evacuate Collection Set: 1.8ms
[6.311s][info][gc,phases    ] GC(0)   Other: 2.0ms
[6.311s][info][gc,heap      ] GC(0) Eden regions: 32->0(28)
[6.311s][info][gc,heap      ] GC(0) Survivor regions: 0->4(4)
[6.311s][info][gc,heap      ] GC(0) Old regions: 0->6
[6.311s][info][gc,heap      ] GC(0) Archive regions: 3->3
[6.311s][info][gc,heap      ] GC(0) Humongous regions: 3->3
[6.311s][info][gc,metaspace ] GC(0) Metaspace: 13869K->13869K(1064960K)
[6.311s][info][gc           ] GC(0) Pause Young (Normal) (G1 Evacuation Pause) 1216M->495M(20480M) 2357.513ms
[6.311s][info][gc,cpu       ] GC(0) User=41.91s Sys=0.44s Real=2.36s

When CDS was disabled, there were 7 young gen evacuations observed during a test execution. More young gen GC activities were seen in this case because there were more Java object allocations due to the lack of pre-populated heap data. The evacuation pauses were much smaller in this case. Below was the largest observed:

[4.590s][info][gc,start      ] GC(12) Pause Young (Concurrent Start) (Metadata GC Threshold)
[4.590s][info][gc,task       ] GC(12) Using 18 workers of 18 for evacuation
[4.745s][info][gc,phases     ] GC(12)   Pre Evacuate Collection Set: 0.2ms
[4.745s][info][gc,phases     ] GC(12)   Evacuate Collection Set: 153.0ms
[4.745s][info][gc,phases     ] GC(12)   Post Evacuate Collection Set: 1.3ms
[4.745s][info][gc,phases     ] GC(12)   Other: 0.8ms
[4.745s][info][gc,heap       ] GC(12) Eden regions: 36->0(122)
[4.745s][info][gc,heap       ] GC(12) Survivor regions: 8->12(48)
[4.745s][info][gc,heap       ] GC(12) Old regions: 4->4
[4.745s][info][gc,heap       ] GC(12) Archive regions: 0->0
[4.745s][info][gc,heap       ] GC(12) Humongous regions: 3->3
[4.745s][info][gc,metaspace  ] GC(12) Metaspace: 501279K->501279K(1505280K)
[4.745s][info][gc            ] GC(12) Pause Young (Concurrent Start) (Metadata GC Threshold) 1606M->565M(20480M) 155.444ms
[4.745s][info][gc,cpu        ] GC(12) User=1.74s Sys=0.09s Real=0.16s
[4.745s][info][gc            ] GC(13) Concurrent Cycle
[4.745s][info][gc,marking    ] GC(13) Concurrent Clear Claimed Marks
[4.745s][info][gc,marking    ] GC(13) Concurrent Clear Claimed Marks 0.120ms
[4.745s][info][gc,marking    ] GC(13) Concurrent Scan Root Regions

Region Size Impact

Further investigation found the actual underlying cause of the overhead was due to larger G1 heap region size. The performance impact was higher with enlarged default G1 region size.

cycles:u time elapsed
5G Java heap, 2M region size 194,826,729,554 6.6889 +- 0.0675 seconds
5G Java heap, 8M region size 414,257,073,171 8.9408 +- 0.0588 seconds

Top JVM functions Reported by perf

Perf report produced from test run with archive enabled showed GC related work was among the top CPU consumers. When archive was disabled, GC was not reported as the top CPU consumers by perf. The difference between the two profiling reports indicated the overhead observed with enabling archive was related to GC. The perf call graph showed G1BlockOffsetTablePart::forward_to_block_containing_addr_slow->HeapRegion::block_is_obj was where the overhead came from.


G1BlockOffsetTable divides the covered space (Java heap) into “N”-word subregions (“N” is from 2^”LogN”). It uses an _offset_array to tell how far back it must go to find the start of a block that contains the first word of a subregion. Every G1 region (is a G1ContiguousSpace) owns a G1BlockOffsetTablePart (associates to part of the _offset_array), which covers space of the current region.

For a pre-populated open archive heap region, its G1BlockOffsetTablePart is never set up at runtime. G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_start(const void* addr) always does lookup from the start (bottom) of the region when called (for an open archive region) at runtime, regardless if the given 'addr' is near the bottom, top or in the middle of the region. The lookup becomes linear, instead of O(2^LogN). Therefore, large heap region size makes the situation worse and young-gen pauses longer.

Note that the overhead occurs to all young gen GCs throughout the execution, not just during startup.


Populate G1BlockOffsetTableParts and associated G1BlockOffsetTable::_offset_array entries for 'open' archive regions at runtime.