Jiahong Fu, Hong Wang, Qi Xie, Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng, and Zongben Xu
[Paper] [Supplementary Material]
Implementation of 'KXNet: A Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Blind Super-Resolution' (ECCV2022)
This repo is build on the basis of [DAN] and [IKC]
- Add KXNet
- python3
- pytorch >= 1.6
- Python packages: pip3 install numpy opencv-python lmdb pyyaml
Pretrained models of KXNet are available as here. Download the models to ./checkpoints
For train We use DIV2K and Flickr2K as our training datasets. Download them and put the images in DIV2K_Flickr2K.
For evaluation, we use four datasets, i.e., Set5, Set14, Urban100, and BSD100. All test datesets can be downloaded from BaiduYun (Password: uag1).
Setting1: We used the Gaussian8 blur kernel set to generate the noise free test data. Run 'codes/scripts/generate_mod_isoblur_LR_sfold.py' to generate LRblur/HR datasets.
Setting2: We separately set the kernel width as
For single GPU:
cd codes/config/KXNet
python3 train.py -opt=options/setting1/train/train_setting2_x2.yml
For distributed training
cd codes/config/KXNet
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port=4321 train.py -opt=options/setting2/train/train_setting2_x2.yml --launcher pytorch
cd codes/config/KXNet
python3 test.py -opt=options/setting2/test/test_setting2_x2.yml