PiFace Real Time Clock utility for FreeBSD 11.0 on Raspberry Pi
Run 'make install' to compile and install rtcdate into /usr/local/bin. From the command line type 'rtcdate -h' for details of command line switches and options. A manual page will follow!
- Runs in usermode (no kernel drivers required)
- Query power down and power up times
- Write to and read from the 64 bytes of NVRAM on the PiFace Real Time Clock
- Easy initialization
- Query various parameters, registers, etc.
- Download to an empty folder on your Raspberry Pi
- Run 'make install'
- Make sure /usr/local/bin is on your executable path, and use 'rehash' if using /bin/csh
- Make sure your computer clock is correct
- Run 'rtcdate -o init' to initialize the PiFace Real Time Clock (there should be no errors)
- Run 'rtcdate' to check that the date set on the PiFace RTC
- Add 'rtcdate -s' to /etc/rc.local (create it first if it does not exist - see rc.local(8) for details)
- OPTIONAL IF YOU USE NTP - set up a cron task to run 'rtcdate -c' on a periodic basis to keep the clock accurate
Please report any errors or problems to [email protected].