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Inspired by Distillery, built with Jekyll, leveraging the Oomph Scaffold — Grey Matter is a starter kit for responsive prototypes


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Grey Matter

Grey Matter is a start for stand-alone wireframe projects. Inspired by Distillery (and now heavily updated/modified), built and served with Jekyll, leveraging Oomph SASS Scaffold… Refills help get us up and running with minimal styles and standard best-practice markup.

Getting started

To get up and running:

Install dependencies

Navigate to this folder in your Terminal, then:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

+Note: you may need to run the installers using the $ sudo command depending on the permissions of your computer.

Run the Local server and SASS compiler

From the project root, run:

$ jekyll serve

The server is available at http://localhost:4040/grey-matter/ or

If the compiled file URLs need to have a different root path, change the baseurl value in _config and restart the server. The web url will change as well, i.e. http://localhost:4040/project. When you upload the sites content to a server, all URLs will be prefixed with /project.


Any folder prefixed with an underscore is used as a build folder only, it is not compiled and rendered. An assets or files folder (unprefixed) will be included in the build. Additional files that should be excluded from the build should be added to _config.yml.

Use _includes like you would use partials in PHP for repetitive elements like headers, footer, nav, etc…

Use _layouts to control larger templates. Jekyll ships with an example page and a post. Variables use a {% raw %}{% double brace %}{% endraw %} syntax, and refer to simple text declarations at the top of page files.

default.html is the base template and includes calls for a header and footer. page.html is a partial, which renders where the {% raw %}{{ content }}{% endraw %} call is made.

Page files live at the site root. All rendered HTML and assets go into the _site folder by default, from which they are served in your browser. Pages can also be nested in folders and will be rendered as such.

More in depth Jekyll instructions here from JekyllRB.

[Refills]({{ 'refills' | prepend: site.baseurl }}) components are included in this repo as Prototyping patterns.


A markdown syntax usage guide. Daring Fireball has a really cool online converter if you need troubleshooting help.


Inspired by Distillery, built with Jekyll, leveraging the Oomph Scaffold — Grey Matter is a starter kit for responsive prototypes







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