Starts and builds the container (if necessary)
docker-compose up -d --build cwb
Enter the docker machine with an interactive bash session
docker exec -it cqpweb_cwb_1 bash
This will setup the database and user
cat /tmp/cwb/mysql_setup | mysql
This will reset the databse (This removes all data!)
cat /tmp/cwb/mysql_clear | mysql
Create a directory for uploaded files
mkdir /cqp/upload
mkdir /corpora/data/
This will setup the database
cd /var/www/CQPweb/bin
php autosetup.php
Mappings to the host file system are given in docker-compose.yml
A database dump can be created for backup and migration purposes:
mysqldump cqpweb > /cqp/dbdump.sql
This command should be executed within the container. The dump is stored in the shared folderr cqp