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When using the radio.startWifiScan function with the LR1121 module, an exception occurs, returning "failed, code -706". #1290

Llgok opened this issue Oct 25, 2024 · 4 comments
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Llgok commented Oct 25, 2024

Control MCU in use:

ESP32S3 chip


When I tested the LR1121 module on the ESP32S3 platform using the official example "LR11x0_WiFi_Scan_Interrupt," I found that the LR1121 module could initialize normally. However, when reaching the function "radio.startWifiScan," it encountered an error, returning "failed, code -706." I tried modifying the onboard crystal type by setting "radio.XTAL = true," but this prevented the LR1121 from initializing. I also tried changing "radio.setTCXO(0)" or "radio.setTCXO(3.3)," but neither had any effect. Where could the issue be? Other examples, such as "LR11x0_GFSK_Modem" or "LR11x0_PingPong," work without issues.


  RadioLib LR11x0 WiFi scan Interrupt Example

  This example performs a passive scan of WiFi networks.
  The scan shows basic information about the networks,
  such as the frequency, country code and SSID.

  Other modules from LR11x0 family can also be used.

  This example assumes Seeed Studio Wio WM1110 is used.
  For other LR11x0 modules, some configuration such as
  RF switch control may have to be adjusted.

  Using blocking scan is not recommended, as depending
  on the scan settings, the program may be blocked
  for several seconds! Instead, interrupt scan is recommended.

  For default module settings, see the wiki page

  For full API reference, see the GitHub Pages

// include the library
#include <RadioLib.h>
#include "pin_config.h"

LR1121 radio = new Module(LR1121_CS, LR1121_INT, LR1121_RST, LR1121_BUSY, SPI);

// set RF switch configuration for Wio WM1110
// Wio WM1110 uses DIO5 and DIO6 for RF switching
// NOTE: other boards may be different!
static const uint32_t rfswitch_dio_pins[] = {

static const Module::RfSwitchMode_t rfswitch_table[] = {
    // mode                  DIO5  DIO6
    {LR11x0::MODE_STBY, {LOW, LOW}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_RX, {HIGH, LOW}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_TX, {HIGH, HIGH}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_TX_HP, {LOW, HIGH}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_TX_HF, {LOW, LOW}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_GNSS, {LOW, LOW}},
    {LR11x0::MODE_WIFI, {LOW, LOW}},

void setup()

    pinMode(RT9080_EN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(RT9080_EN, HIGH);

    SPI.begin(LR1121_SCLK, LR1121_MISO, LR1121_MOSI);

    // set RF switch control configuration
    // this has to be done prior to calling begin()
    radio.setRfSwitchTable(rfswitch_dio_pins, rfswitch_table);

    // initialize LR1121 with default settings
    Serial.print(F("[LR1121] Initializing ... "));
    int state = radio.begin();
    if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE)
        Serial.print(F("failed, code "));
        while (true)

    // set the function that will be called
    // when WiFi scan is complete

    // scan all WiFi signals with default scan configuration
    Serial.print(F("[LR1121] Starting passive WiFi scan ... "));
    state = radio.startWifiScan('n', RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ACQ_MODE_FULL_BEACON,
                                RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ALL_CHANNELS, 16, 10000);
    if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE)
        Serial.print(F("failed, code "));

// flag to indicate that a scan was completed
volatile bool scanFlag = false;

// this function is called when a scan is completed
// IMPORTANT: this function MUST be 'void' type
//            and MUST NOT have any arguments!
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
void setFlag(void)
    // scan is complete, set the flag
    scanFlag = true;

void loop()
    // check if the flag is set
    if (scanFlag)
        // reset flag
        scanFlag = false;

        // get the number of scan results
        uint8_t count = 0;
        Serial.print(F("[LR1121] Reading WiFi scan results ... "));
        int state = radio.getWifiScanResultsCount(&count);
        if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE)

            // print the table header
            Serial.print(F("[LR1121] Reading "));
            Serial.println(F(" scan results:"));
            Serial.println(F(" # | WiFi type\t| Frequency\t| MAC Address\t    | Country\t| RSSI [dBm]\t| SSID"));

            // read all results one by one
            // this result type contains the most information, including the SSID
            LR11x0WifiResultExtended_t result;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i < 10)
                    Serial.print(" ");
                Serial.print(" | ");
                state = radio.getWifiScanResult(&result, i);
                if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE)
                    Serial.print(F("Failed to read result, code "));

                // print the basic information
                Serial.print("\t| ");
                Serial.print(" MHz\t| ");

                // print MAC address
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    if (result.mac[j] < 0x10)
                    Serial.print(result.mac[j], HEX);
                    if (j < 5)
                Serial.print(" | ");

                // print the two-letter country code
                String country = result.countryCode;
                Serial.print("  \t| ");

                // print the RSSI
                Serial.print("\t| ");

                // print the network SSID
                Serial.println((char *)result.ssid);
            // some other error occurred
            Serial.print(F("failed, code "));

        // start scanning again
        Serial.print(F("[LR1121] Starting passive WiFi scan ... "));
        state = radio.startWifiScan('*');
        if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE)
            Serial.print(F("failed, code "));

Debug Message:

[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] Build:Mar 27 2021
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] SPIWP:0xee
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] mode:DIO, clock div:1
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] load:0x403c9700,len:0xbd8
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a80
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] entry 0x403c98d0
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.800] 
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.877] Ciallo
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.877] RLB_SPI: CMDW	
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.877] RLB_SPI: SI	3	0	1	3	2	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.877] RLB_SPI: SO	FF	FF	FF	FF	FF	FF	FF	FF	
[2024-10-25 17:35:09.877] [LR1121] Initializing ... 
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	1	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	7	22	3	1	1	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	1C	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	1C	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	D	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	7	0	20	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	E	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	17	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			0	0	0	A3	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			1	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	14	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			B	F8	F	FC	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	5	13	0	80	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI			0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.281] 
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	F	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			3F	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	E	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	F	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	4	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	F	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			9	4	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	F	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			9	4	3	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2B	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			12	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	10	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	8	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	10	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	8	0	0	1	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	6	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	10	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	8	0	0	1	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	10	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	11	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			6B	6E	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	B	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			19	DE	50	80	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	15	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	0	4	7	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	2	11	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			A	2	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] success!
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] [LR1121] Starting passive WiFi scan ... RLB_SPI: CMDW	1	1C	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDW	3	7	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI			
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	4	13	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: CMDR	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SI	0	0	0	0	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] RLB_SPI: SO	3	13	0	40	0	0	
[2024-10-25 17:35:10.562] failed, code -706
@Llgok Llgok closed this as completed Oct 25, 2024
@Llgok Llgok reopened this Oct 25, 2024
@Llgok Llgok closed this as completed Oct 25, 2024
@Llgok Llgok reopened this Oct 25, 2024
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jgromes commented Oct 25, 2024

As far as I can tell, LR1121 does not support WiFi or GNSS scanning. Unlike LR1110 or LR1120, its datasheet does not mention it.

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It doesn't - it's cut down to literally halve the price and is the target for the Modem-E stack which between the hardware reference design and the code gets you most of the way to certification - as in a lot less back & forth with compliance issues - apparently - we'll see!

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Llgok commented Oct 25, 2024

As far as I can tell, LR1121 does not support WiFi or GNSS scanning. Unlike LR1110 or LR1120, its datasheet does not mention it.

Thank you for your response. I reviewed the datasheet and confirmed that the Wi-Fi functionality is indeed not supported. Additionally, I have another question. I am the designer of the LR1121, and due to design constraints, I have insufficient MCU pins. Can I use an external pull-up resistor of 10K ohms combined with a 10µF filter capacitor for the reset pin of the LR1121 in my hardware design? Would this approach negatively impact any of its functions?

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jgromes commented Oct 25, 2024

Can I use an external pull-up resistor of 10K ohms combined with a 10µF filter capacitor for the reset pin of the LR1121 in my hardware design? Would this approach negatively impact any of its functions?

A good question to ask Semtech, unfortunately I can't help much there. For what it's worth, the LR11xx do have a reboot command, which we could use if RADIOLIB_NC is provided instead of a reset pin. Though personally I always prefer to use a dedicated reset pin.

@jgromes jgromes closed this as completed Oct 25, 2024
@jgromes jgromes added question Generic question about code or usage resolved Issue was resolved (e.g. bug fixed, or feature implemented) labels Oct 25, 2024
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