Terraform Provider to manage jenkins jobs
You will need to install the binary as a terraform third party plugin. Terraform will then pick up the binary from the local filesystem when you run terraform init
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jgramoll/terraform-provider-jenkins/master/install.sh | bash
go to $jenkins_url/user/$username/configure
Add to .bash_profile
export JENKINS_ADDRESS=https://your.jenkins.server
export JENKINS_USERNAME=username
export JENKINS_TOKEN=jenkins_token_from_configure
go get github.com/jgramoll/terraform-provider-jenkins/importer
importer --job "Name of your Job" --output my_tf_dir
- Outputs terraform code to match the job
- Prints script that will import the resources to tf state
provider "jenkins" {
address = "${var.jenkins_address}"
resource "jenkins_job" "main" {
name = "Premerge checks"
plugin = "[email protected]"
disabled = false
action {
type = "DeclarativeJobAction"
plugin = "[email protected]"
action {
type = "DeclarativeJobPropertyTrackerAction"
plugin = "[email protected]"
definition {
type = "CpsScmFlowDefinition"
plugin = "[email protected]"
scm {
type = "GitSCM"
plugin = "[email protected]"
config_version = "2"
script_path = "Jenkinsfile.api"
lightweight = false
user_remote_config {
refspec = "$${GERRIT_REFSPEC}"
url = "ssh://git.server/git-repo.git"
credentials_id = "123-abc"
branch {
name = "FETCH_HEAD"
extension {
type = "CleanBeforeCheckout"
property {
type = "PipelineTriggersJobProperty"
trigger {
type = "GerritTrigger"
plugin = "[email protected]"
server_name = "__ANY__"
silent_mode = false
silent_start_mode = false
escape_quotes = true
name_and_email_parameter_mode = "PLAIN"
commit_message_parameter_mode = "BASE64"
change_subject_parameter_mode = "PLAIN"
comment_text_parameter_mode = "BASE64"
dynamic_trigger_configuration = false
skip_vote = {
on_successful = false
on_failed = false
on_unstable = false
on_not_built = false
trigger_on_event {
type = "PluginChangeMergedEvent"
trigger_on_event {
type = "PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent"
exclude_drafts = false
exclude_trivial_rebase = false
exclude_no_code_change = false
exclude_private_state = false
exclude_wip_state = false
trigger_on_event {
type = "PluginDraftPublishedEvent"
gerrit_project {
compare_type = "PLAIN"
pattern = "bridge-skills"
branch {
compare_type = "REG_EXP"
pattern = "^(?!refs/meta/config).*$"
file_path {
compare_type = "ANT"
pattern = "path/to/file"
property {
type = "DatadogJobProperty"
plugin="[email protected]"
emit_on_checkout = false
property {
type = "BuildDiscarderProperty"
strategy {
type = "LogRotator"
days_to_keep = "30"
num_to_keep = "-1"
artifact_days_to_keep = "-1"
artifact_num_to_keep = "-1"
property {
type = "JiraProjectProperty"
plugin="[email protected]"
property {
type = "ParametersDefinitionProperty"
parameter {
type = "StringParameterDefinition"
name = "env"
description = "which env to target"
default_value = "false"
trim = false
parameter {
type = "ChoiceParameterDefinition"
name = "env"
description = "which env to target"
choices = ["1", "3", "4"]
parameter {
type = "BooleanParameterDefinition"
name = "env"
description = "which env to target"
default_value = ture
property {
type = "DisableConcurrentBuildsJobProperty"
You should have a working Go environment setup. If not check out the Go getting started guide.
Go modules are used for dependency management. To install all dependencies run the following:
export GO111MODULE=on
go mod vendor
go clean
go build
rm ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64/terraform-provider-jenkins_v1.0.0
ln ./terraform-provider-jenkins ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64/terraform-provider-jenkins_v1.0.0