Start a new project by scaffolding a PHP 8.2, Laravel 11 app. It combines the latest technologies and best practices.
You can scaffold the Laravel app via composer:
composer create-project jewei/laravel-skeleton
- Github Action workflow: run tests, static analysis and code formatting fix.
- Configured Eloquent Strictness.
- Pest: Architecture Testing.
- Test: Use LazilyRefreshDatabase instead of RefreshDatabase.
- HTTP Client: Prevents stray requests.
- Pint: Styling with Laravel preset.
- Rector: Laravel upgrade rules set.
- Middlewares: Collection of useful middlewares.
- Removed Sail - Docker is complicated.
- Update this file to reflect your new project.
- Install a Laravel starter kit of your choice.
- Find out more on Laravel's documentation about next step.
- If you're already familiar with Laravel, there's VILT stack and TALL stack to build reactive application.
Generally, you can start with Breeze for simple app:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install
Or you can choose Jetstream for full fledge app:
composer require laravel/jetstream
php artisan jetstream:install livewire --dark --teams